Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 3: Chapter 83

Book 3: Chapter 83

Chapter 83.

--- Level 24.

The clock was just pointing to 7:00 PM. The sky was already lit by moonlight and had turned into an elegant night sky.

Inside this Mallorca dungeon, there was a special environment where the sun rises in the morning and sets at night, just like on the surface.

In a normal dungeon, the only way to determine whether it is morning, day or night outside is to look at the time on the clock. Here, however, you can tell by looking at the sky.

"It is a dungeon that is said to be like an 'otherworldly', a Mallorca-like dungeon."

"All right, now that we've achieved our goal, let's go home."

"Yeah, I'm starting to get hungry now."

Tenji had already defeated the wandering boss of the 24th level, a magic-using monkey-type monster called "Luient Magic" of the fourth grade, and obtained a pass to move on to the next level.

It was getting dark in the dungeon, and just a few minutes ago, Chigo's stomach grumbled, and she decided to call it a day for dungeon attack.

They turn on their feets to the fountain towards the transition gate.

The Goblins were always on the lookout for monsters approaching the area, and they were killing them from one side to the other. Of course, if any demon ore was found, they would collect it and give it to Tenji.

If an unruly monster appears, they will immediately run away and report back to Tenji or Chigo.

Over the past week, the Goblins had refined their coordination to a much higher level, and Tenjii was beginning to realize that he was steadily getting stronger.

"I think we're coming along rather well. If this is the case, we may be able to reach the 75th level within six to eight months, right?"

"We've had it rather easy so far. There are not too many strong monsters until you get past the 30th level, and not too many encounters with professional explorers..."

It is at the 30th and higher levels, which are their main battlegrounds, that the encounter with the professional explorers will occur...

From there everything will change.

There may be black explorers who make a living by fighting and possibly killing monsters, the competition for them. It is said that the selection of explorers in Mallorca is stricter than in other countries, but it cannot be said that there are no black explorers.

"Hey, what do you want to do for dinner tonight? Where do you want to go?"

"Are we going to eat out again?"

"Eh ~, because you have to eat all the food here! I don't know when I can come back again."

"Well, I'm fine with whatever you want, Chigo-chan."

"Yes! So, why don't we go to South Street on the second level today? The guy in the kitchen car told me about it this morning! He said there is a restaurant there that serves a delicious crab cream pasta. He said they use the best crab from the Mediterranean! And the main restaurant is rated two stars!"

"Heh! That sounds delicious."

When Tenji heard the name "crab cream pasta," drooling started to spill out of his mouth, even though he was supposed to oppose eating outside.

Tenji hurriedly wiped away his drool that had begun to drip and shook hands with Chigo passionately.

"Then let's go there! I'm too tired to cook after the attack anyway. I absolutely can't do it." Tenji said.

"Certainly, my body might be a little tired. But crab cream pasta never disappoints."

Tenji has been holed up in the dungeon since about 10:00 in the morning because of the practical exercise today.

That means they had been fighting inside for nearly nine hours. Of course, not only their bodies but also their minds must have been exhausted.

" Crab cream pasta Crab cream pasta "

Chigo starts skipping along, singing. Her steps were lighter.

Heartily, Tenji's steps were also a little lighter.

--- Professor's Office, Mallorca Escuela.

" back feels like it's been hurting lately."

"Shall I call the osteopath now? President Limey."

"No, it's okay. It's just an old woman's habit. Thank you, Ilonika."

Ilonika, Limey's secretary, placed some papers on her desk, concerned about her health.

The President, too, is looking through them quickly, thinking, "Good grief."

The office of the President was surprisingly decorated with elegant wooden furniture and decor, making it a comfortable place for President Limey, an elderly woman.

While looking over the documents in the office, President Limey slowly turned his attention to her secretary, Ilonika.

"By the way, how is Chigo-chan doing?"

"Miss. Chigo enjoys his work every day. Recently, she has gained such a strong following among the students that the audience can't even fit into the special classroom for her lectures."

"Yes, I knew, I was right after all."

"I was surprised when I first heard that you were inviting an unknown explorer to join, but how did you know such a great explorer?"

"I don't know. Was it when I saw the Japanese Explorer Olympia in my spare time? She had a talent that I won't be able to get out of my mind for a while. I was shocked to hear that she is now with Leon, but I am glad she's doing well."

Limey put on a kindhearted expression, as if she were watching over her grandchildren's activities.

Perhaps because such a President was rare, Ilonika, who has been a secretary for seven years, opened her eyes a little surprised.

"I see, so you really do have a liking for Chigo-san."

"Yes, I might have thought that one day, it would be nice if Ilonika and Chigo sat in this seat."

"Is that so? May I report one thing about Chigo-chan?"

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's not much of a report, but... it seems that she and Tenji Amagii, who came to study abroad with her, have already conquered the 24th level. It was recorded on the device."

"'Oh, my, she's faster than I thought she'd be."

A little amused, President Limey laughs weirdly.

"Ever since she came here, she has been locked up in the dungeon almost every day, outside of school hours.... I feel like she's working too hard. Should I stop her?"

"No, leave it as it is. Let Chigo and... the kid do as they please."

"Yes, ma'am."

After completing her report, Ilonika stepped back. She waits quietly by the wall until President Limey looks over the documents.

So when Limey finished looking over the materials, she switched her view to Ilonika.

"We're trying to make the exam a little more interesting this year."

"Interesting exam?"

Limey was now looking over the material for the practical examination to be held in three months' time.

In past years, the school rents out a level that is appropriate for the grade level and tests the students in survival mode to see how well they can fight on their own. It is a slightly unusual practical exam.

However, President Limey said she wanted to make the exam more interesting than that.

"Yes," she said." There's an interesting kid in the freshman class this year," she added.

"When you say 'interesting', Do you mean Tenji Amagi?"

"You guessed it right. Wouldn't it be fun to mix one irregularity into each grade level exam?"

"What do you mean by irregular?"

"For the first and second-year students, the test will include a second-grade boss monster, and for third-year students and above, there will be a first-grade monster in the field."

"Isn't that dangerous? They are still students, after all."

"Don't you think it would be fine if each student were assigned a supervisor to watch over them and the monsters? And I will also participate in the exam as much as possible. I don't want to kill students. I just want to see how they handle crises."

"That sounds like an interesting exam. I am looking forward to it too."

"Ah, and one more thing. For the test of the first-year A class, make sure to have a Black Cocoon. I heard we got some high-end frozen Black Cocoons from England about half a month ago. It would definitely be more interesting that way."

"A Black Cocoon... where will the cost come from? I don't think the Mallorcan Republic would agree to buy it. Where will the expenses come from?"

"I'll pay for that out of my personal assets."

"Then I'll take care of the rest."

"Please, Ilonika, can you make some arrangements? If the budget is insufficient, I will cover it."

"Well, I'll try my best."

"Well, I'm off to dinner. Do you want to come with me?"

"No, I have work later, so I'll pass."

"Yes, I was thinking of going to Ilonika's favorite place, Granze."

"I hope you will invite me back another time."

"I will." Sigh. "I'm tired today."

President Limey stretched her back as if she had finished something and stood up with a pained expression.

Then, she slowly left the office and headed for dinner.

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