Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 2: Chapter 70

Book 2: Chapter 70

-----------------The evening one week before departure

In Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

"I am a little happy to be able to get together with the four of us from Group 26 again!. Thank you guys for all your hard work."

Rikka starts talking while holding a beer mug as if she's in charge.

The other three watch her with a smile on their faces.

This was a seafood pub in Yokohama.

The menu featured slightly expensive seafood dishes and better drinks, and you could easily sense the celebratory atmosphere of the day.

In the private room of that pub, the four members of Group 26, Katsunari Mizue, Gouta Kusatsu, Tachibana Rikka, and Amagi Tenji, were gathered. They had gone through the Chariot Entrance test together.

Rikka and Kusatsu, who were adults, held a golden beer in one hand while the two underage students clutched juice in the other. Incidentally, Mizue had grape juice, and Tenji had orange juice in their hands.

"And Mizue-kun! Once again, congratulations on officially joining the Chariot!"

"Congratulations! Mizue-kun!"


"Oh, uh, thanks.. uhh........"

Mizue looked down, feeling a little embarrassed.

The signs had been there since the dungeon, but apparently, Mizue wasn't used to being praised so straightforwardly.

The adult group involuntarily relaxes their cheeks at such an age-appropriate reaction.

"And Tenji! I heard that you have officially decided to study in Mallorca Escuela! That's a really great opportunity! Congratulations!"

"Congratulations! Amagi!"

"Oh, congratulations."

Next, Tenji was praised profusely.

Tenji smiled happily as he replied.

"Thank you!!!"

They exchanged contact information with each other after the test.

Mizue and Rikka were immediately connected with Tenji. Still, Kusatsu was kind of distant, as he was injured and not around very much. After that, Mizue asked Chariot for his contact information, and this "Celebration Party cum Thank You Party" was made possible.

They have been chatting back and forth about their respective career paths, and somehow they all know where everyone is going.

"Well then! I'd like to congratulate you both on your new beginnings and thank you for your hard work......! Cheers!"

""Good work!""

At Rikka's signal, everyone raised their glasses.

The adults immediately began to drink beer and exhaled loudly. The underages didn't know about the drinking party etiquette and were drinking the juice as usual.

So they began to try their hand at the delicious-looking seafood dishes.

Sashimi boatloads, deep-fried seafood, tempura, and many more.

Tenji's eyes sparkled as he looked at the delicious-looking meals in front of him.

[Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ~ Today, Fukuyama-san said it's his treat, so let's eat a lot of food!]

Humming a tune in his heart, Tenji quickly reached for the shrimp tempura with his chopsticks.

Unfortunately, Fukuyama was too busy and couldn't attend today's gathering. They had invited him, but he seemed to be in a very tight situation. He said, "Go eat a lot of food with this!" to Mizue as he gave him money.

Still, it seemed they were given quite a bit of money, and it was decided to hold this celebration at a slightly more expensive restaurant.

[I was surprised when I got the call. I thought Mizue-Kun was great, but I never thought he would make it into the Chariot. I'm kind of proud just because there's a successful applicant in our group.]

"Stop it, your praise will get you nowhere."

Until he was contacted, Kusatsu only knew about the "three successful applicants" he had seen on the news. He didn't know who had actually passed and who had been rejected.

So it was when Mizue contacted Kusatsu, and they created a chat in the name 'Group 26', he learned Mizue was one of the three people who got selected.

"It's humility. I'm happy for you Mizue."

"Well, I'll take it gratefully."

"Yes, yes! What are you going to do now, Kusatsu-san?"

Rikka cheerfully raised her hand to ask a question to help Mizue, who turned away shyly.

"Me? Well,...... I haven't decided for sure yet, but I'd like to do something related to dungeons. I think this test has strengthened my desire to do so. I think it was a really good learning experience for me."

"Come to think of it, you said you were doing research on dungeons at university."

"Yeah, I've been doing some algorithmic research on Black Cocoons."

"Black Cocoon?...... Huh? Does that mean you're a student at...... University of Tokyo? As I recall, the University of Tokyo is the only university in Japan that studies black cocoons, right?"

"Hmm? Oh, didn't I tell you?... That's right. I'm studying under Professor Wakagi Osanagi."

Their eyes widened in surprise when they heard about the situation of Kusatsu for the first time.

Professor Kenzo Wakagi Osanagi.

There is probably no one in the world who does not know this name. He is a famous researcher and a great man who has been certified by the Association, of which there are only twelve worldwide.

His characteristic research is a series of 'Papers on Black Cocoon Outbreak.'

Black cocoons are huge black cocoons that suddenly appear on the ground worldwide. They are also called monster eggs, from which vicious monsters emerge after a certain period of growth.

This black cocoon is known to be an extremely troublesome natural disaster that can appear anywhere, regardless of the dungeon gate. The location of its appearance varies, and it has been said that it is impossible to identify the location, such as on the sea, in the mountains, or in the city center.

However, Professor Wakagi has succeeded in unraveling the algorithm.

Unfortunately, that information was not available to the public and is only known to the upper ranks of the Association and the country.

Kusatsu said he was doing research under such a famous professor.

No wonder the three of them were surprised.

"That's a surprise."

"Yeah, that is really impressive." Mizue added.

"I'm shocked that I'm the only ordinary one here. I thought you were my friend, Kusatsu-san."

Rikka puffed out her cheeks and started to sulk at the fact that she was surrounded by talented, awesome people.

However, Mizue quickly refutes this.

"No, I don't think they were any ordinary to begin with when they were there for that test. There's no way the Chariot would have chosen ordinary people. Am I wrong?"

"I know, but... I'm the only one who's a little short! There's Kusatsu-san, who's studying under the famous Professor Wakagi, Mizue-kun, who's decided to join the Chariot, and Tenji-kun, who's decided to study abroad at the famous Mallorca Escuela.."

"Oh, Tenji certainly isn't ordinary, and he's certainly on a different level than us."


"It's true, isn't it~. To be honest, I was more surprised when I heard Amagi-kun's career path. Mallorca Escuera huh... I want to see that other world with my own eyes, even if it's just once."

"...... guys, stop." Tenji says, a little embarrassed.

"I won't stop."

The three of them giggled teasingly.

Seeing this, Tenji reacts with a cowering shoulder.

"No, But then again, I'm not talking about a level of envy."

"That's right! Majorca Escuela is famous because you can't go there even if you wanted to! That's just it, unless you run out of luck for the rest of your life, it's absolutely impossible."

"I'm pretty sure you have to have a slot to go in there, right?"

Kusatsu didn't know much about Mallorca Escuela and opened his mouth to ask everyone a question.

Mizue answers that question.

"Yes, that's right. I'm sure there was one in Japan's Explorer High School as well, but didn't Tenji get to use that slot?"

"It's already been used."

"I see, someone has already been there. The only thing left is to receive a slot from someone who has a slot at...... personally. Like Tenji did this time."

"Is a slot like a...... right to enrollment right?"

Kusatsu asks the question again.

"Yes, that's right. Mallorca Dungeon has a limited number of people who can live there, so it's probably an unavoidable consideration."

"Is that number publicly known?"

"I believe...... there were 45 students per year, and it's a five year school for 16 to 20 year olds. Right? Tenji"

"Yeah, that's right. So I was accepted as a first-year student. In other countries, the new semester starts in the summer, so I'll be entering as a first-year student a little later. Well, it's only a formal study abroad program."

"Well, overseas, it's just about the start of the new school year right about now."

Everyone was talking about only one thing: Mallorca Escuela.

Rikka, who wasn't participating in the conversation, was mooching and chewing on her seafood like a squirrel, listening.

"Huh~, I've heard about it several times on the news, but it's still an amazing place. My understanding was that there was a city inside the dungeon, and monsters were walking outside the city."

"Well, that's about the extent of the public's perception, I suppose. But that's the reason why Tenji wants to go there, isn't it? The privilege for students to go in and out of the dungeon freely."

"Yeah, free access to all levels of the dungeon, that's what I've always wanted." Tenji replies.

"Well, in Japan, you have to apply to the association every time you enter, and as far as I'm concerned, as a student, I can't get experience of the dungeons."

"What? In Mallorca, students can freely come and go in and out of the dungeon?"

Kusatsu raised his bare voice.

In Japan, it is common knowledge that students are still supposed to be protected and learn as a time to deepen their studies. So when Tenji was lost in the dungeon, the Association was more concerned than necessary.

But in Mallorca, it's different.

That country is unique, and there is a custom to treat even students as full-fledged explorers.

It's also because not everyone can attend there, only the geniuses whose talents are recognized by the whole world.

For this reason, Mallorca Escuela also gives students the right to freely enter and leave the dungeons.

In fact, the academy is inside a dungeon, so there's no permission or anything.

"That's right, that's why there's a flood of people from all over the world who want to emigrate. But the walls and things in the dungeon are basically unbreakable. The original town inside can be expanded, but it can't be rebuilt from scratch. Therefore, there is a limit to the number of people who can live there."

"I see, that's fascinating. Even students can freely enter and leave the dungeon, and there's an otherworldly landscape, right? I'm just a little curious about that word. Tenji-kun, go take lots of pictures if you can."

"Yes, I'll take a picture when I'm free."

Tenji laughed and replied.

In this way, the gathering got more and more exciting, touching on various topics.

The party was coming to an end.

Mizue was sipping his grape juice, and Kusatsu was leaning back against the backrest, rubbing his stomach, perhaps having eaten too much.

Tenji was still eating the remaining seafood. [TLN: This time, Fukuyama's wallet.]

Rikka was staring at Tenji from the side, amused. She wondered where such an appetite could come from in such a slender man.

"Rikka, by the way. Have you decided what you're going to do? You're going to take the entrance test again, right?"

'Yes!!! If you are wondering, I'm only a sophomore in college, so I will try as many times as possible until I graduate! That means I only have two more times to go. I will work better."

"Well, I look forward to fighting next to you again someday."

"Yes! I'll definitely make it next time!"

Rikka's eyes lit up with motivation, and she said a few words back to Mizue, who might be her senior.

Mizue also gave a glimpse of his happy expression in her spirit.

This is how the members of the 26th group decided on their future paths.

Mizue officially joined the Chariot six months later in April.

Rikka would put in as much effort as possible in her remaining two years of college to become an explorer. She was determined to work hard under her new mentor.

Kusatsu was going to look for jobs in a wide range of fields related to dungeons. However, he is still a fourth-year university student without a job offer. Kusatsu is probably the one who is the most uncertain about what will happen. But even so, he's sure to be sought after simply because he was a student doing research under Professor Wakagi.

Tenji had received his official acceptance letter from Mallorca a few days earlier.

The group started out in a bad mood, but in the end, they became good friends until they kept in touch.

Each of them had taken a different path, but perhaps one day, their paths will cross again.

Deep inside, they all were looking forward to that day.

Author's note:

Volume2: Afterword

This concludes Volume 2.

Volume 3 will start from the next chapter.

If you think it's any good, I'd appreciate a 'rating point' or a 'bookmark.' Thank you very much.

[TLN: I just realized that chapter 31 is missing. WTH.]

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