Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 2: Chapter 68

Book 2: Chapter 68

--the day after the entrance exam result.

It was Midnight.

His sister Maharu had already gone to bed, and the Amagi residence was quiet and still.

Tenji was sitting on his bed inside his room. He was looking at the 'Book of Enma.' It was already bedtime for most of the world, but Tenji was dressed in sports as if he could begin exercise at any moment.

Nearby, there were plastic bottles of water and cookies packed in bags. They were placed haphazardly on the floor, though.

"Have you gone to bed yet... Maharu? It's time to sleep." Tenji checks if Maharu is asleep.

Yesterday's exam seemed to have drained his energy unexpectedly, and Tenji slept like a log until today's afternoon. When he woke up from a deep sleep, he immediately started preparing. And now he was checking the 'Book of Enma' after Maharu had gone to sleep.

Of course, he had a thing to do.

This was a detailed examination and hell quest for the special-grade calling [Hell Beast Summoning].

That's why he was doing it late at night when no one had any idea of what he was doing when everyone would be asleep.

"Now, let's start with goblins."

As he sat on his bed, Tenji thought of "summoning new goblins."

Then the 'Book of Enma' began to roll up and turn the pages. It stopped at the "Summonable Hell Beasts" page.

'Summonable Hell Beasts'

[Red demon species].

Goblin (5th grade)

The letters of the Goblin (fifth grade) were shining in silver, and he was convinced that he could summon a new Goblin. Then he pressed his finger against the string of letters.

As he did so, a purple portal appeared on the floor, and a goblin emerged.


As soon as the Goblin saw Tenji, he immediately got down on one knee and acted as if he was loyal to him. His hands were crossed in front of his chest.

Tenji says in a small voice, "Nice to meet you. Your name is Goblin #3," he said. From this point on, he tried not to use too much variety in his naming. If there was too much variety, it was possible that it would become confusing later on. He wanted to make it simple.

Immediately the Goblin makes an "oni" sound as if it were approving Tenji.

"Then let's get the other two out as well."

Tenji then touched the silver letters twice to summon another Goblin.

Soon again, another portal appeared, and two new Goblins were summoned. A total of three Goblins appeared here. The room became cramped little up.


"Oni, Oni, Oni."

"You're Goblin #4 and you're Goblin #5."


"Oni, oni, oni."

The Goblins were all characterized by slightly different traits, with Goblin No. 3 having a somewhat good-looking feature. Goblin No. 4 was a little more laid-back and relaxed.

Goblin-5 looked a little stronger than the other four. He was a little taller and more muscular than the others as well.

This was a blessing for Tenji because it made him easier to visualize the individual Goblin when summoning them.

Next, he checked the status of Goblins #3, #4, and #5 just to be sure.

There did not seem to be any particular difference, and the status structure was similar to that of Goblin-Kun and Goblin-chan. However, it was interesting to note that only Goblin No. 5 had a higher attack power. Maybe the best of all.

However, they were not much different from each other and still basically the same.

"Well then, good luck with your experience."

Tenji said this to the three and immediately sent them back to the hell realm.

The three hell beasts were already moving their bodies voraciously and were giving off the vibe that they wanted to be sent back to the hell realm if Tenji had no use for them.

Tenji would have liked them to join in on the conversation, but he was feeling a little dismissive, and they could not speak or understand him properly.

Tenji then checked the status page of the 'Book of Enma.'

Name: Tenji Amagi

[Age] 16

[Level] 1/100

[Experience] 130/5000

[H P] 1028 (1012+16)

[M P] 10161000+16)

[Attack Power] 1171 (1155+16)

[Defensive Strength] 1043 (1027+16)

[Speed] 1024 (1008+16)

[Intelligence] 1043 (1027+16)

[Luck] 1045 (1029+16)

[Fixed Small Object Levitation} (Lv.6/10)

[Experience] 5/45

[Calling] Hell Beast Summoning (Lv.1/100)

[Skill] 'Book of Enma'

[Experience] 130/5000

[I thought the attack power before summoning was 1096. So...... is my guess after all. That's an extra 25 attack power per Goblin.]

In his case, three new Goblins were summoned, which added a total of 75 attack points.

Once a Goblin has been summoned, it is possible to send it back and summon a new Goblin. However, at the same time, the additional 25 attack power will disappear.

From there, he realized that the status reflected the "additional value of the hell beasts in possession" and not the "number of hell beasts summoned altogether."

"I'm still amazed at the status... I can't believe it suddenly increased by almost 1,000."

Tenji had acquired physical abilities that were as good as that of a third-grade explorer in just a single day.

His mind still had not caught up with that fact, nor had his body's senses. He was totally unaware of it.

Tenji repeated his rigorous strength several times throughout the day, putting his whole body into strength, relaxing, and then putting it back into strength. But even so, several areas were still out of alignment with the senses that he had cultivated over the past 16 years. But he did not think he had mastered the use of the body.

Still, Tenji had more control than he expected. When he fought the NeedleMice swarm, his adrenaline was pumping hard as it was a rough battle. That said, there were some things he could calm down and figure out.

[It is difficult to make the slightest of fine controls.]

Tenji now had such thoughts about his power. By fine controls, he meant things like when he puts some force into a disposable chopstick, it snaps off, or his walking Speed becomes a little faster even with his normal pace.

"Are the points decreasing normally?"

Tenji then checks the reduction.

[Demon ore conversion].

Point: 323

"My guess is right afterall, I knew it was different."

His points were normally reduced by 5 points per Goblin, for 15 points deducted for the three Goblins.

Here, too, his speculation had turned into confirmation.

Although only one level was changed, he still had unexpectedly large guesses that confirmed.

And above all, it was an increase in status. Tenji was thinking about his future training and realized he would have to get used to his new body strengths.

Then he slowly rolled up the 'Book of Enma' to that page.

[Executable Hell Quest].

Quest Name.

Challenge from the Red Demon - Level.1

Condition #1.

5,000 squats.

Condition #2.

10 hours of shadowboxing

[Quest Reward]

Fifth-grade weapon [Red Demon's Dagger]

Fifth-grade equipment [Red Demon Bangle]


Tenji looked thoroughly at the page.

He carried the bag next to him, stretched lightly to warm up his body, and spoke.


And he got back into an energetic spirit.

The night was deep, and Maharu was already in her dreams.

If he listened carefully, he could hear the faint sound of Maharu sleeping in the next room. The ticking of the clock echoed throughout the room.

The first hell quest he experienced was so vividly imprinted in his mind that he could still remember the minute details.

Impatience, fear, wonder, pain, weakness, and death... He developed a lot in those six-a-half hours of events.

Hell Quest had fewer conditions this time, with only two exercise items.

Still, Tenji wanted to complete this quest as soon as possible because he wanted the reward badly.

"Let's begin, my another Hell Quest."

Gently, Tenji touched the silver-colored words - "Challenge from Red Demon - Level.1".

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