Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 181:122, Lin Mo VS Chen Shanhe!_1

Chapter 181:122, Lin Mo VS Chen Shanhe!_1

Qinglong Mountain secluded villa complex.

Inside a study.

After the video call ended, the study fell into dead silence, so quiet you could hear a pin drop!

Even the air seemed to have thickened!

No one dared to speak, for fear of incurring a deadly disaster at this time by accidentally angering Chen Shanhe.


Chen Shanhe wasn’t as furious as they had anticipated, in fact, you could say he was extremely calm, as if the events that had just transpired had never happened at all.

Everyone else was completely puzzled.

For such an incident to happen to any of them, they would have been enraged. Your grandson kidnapped, secrets exposed, wielding high authority while being manipulated and controlled -how could you not be furious?

Even if they were not the ones directly affected, they were angry on behalf of their master!

Yet Chen Shanhe remained as calm as still water!

All the anger from after the video call vanished without a trace!

It seemed that even the slight anger shown in the video might have been feigned!


Too powerful!

This ability to control one’s emotions was definitely beyond ordinary imagining!

True equanimity that eludes most!

Only Wang Xun, who was responsible for cybersecurity, understood that the aura around the elder was unfriendly, indicating that serious measures were likely to be taken.

No matter what sort of entity today’s Abyss Organization turned out to be, they had provoked an existence they should never have messed with.

The identity and power of Chen Shanhe were not as simplistic as they seemed on the surface of society!

Once they realized this, they would understand that when their indiscretions were exposed, even a comfortable death would be considered the most wonderful thing in this world.

Chen Shanhe slowly closed the computer, looked towards Wang Xun, and said with a deep voice, “Notify all the team leaders to wait for me in the meeting room.”

His voice, slightly hoarse, was very steady and authoritative, able to make one’s soul tremble and feel fear.

“Yes, Elder Chen, I’ll go right now!”

With a grave expression, Wang Xun nodded, taking his team and the computer equipment, and left the study.

As for everything they had just heard and seen, without a word from Chen Shanhe, they would never speak of it.

This included even their closest confidants.

Otherwise… they were well aware of the potential consequences!

About half an hour later.

Chen Shanhe took an elevator down to a secret underground area of the villa complex.

This was his Hive System!

When the elevator doors opened, a huge office hall was revealed.

It resembled a secret base straight out of a Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster.

In the hall, hundreds of state-of-the-art computers were neatly arranged, with hundreds of employees sporting serious expressions, intently focused on their screens, busily absorbed in their work.

The companies and groups under Chen Jianghe’s control were many, covering an extremely wide range of operations. The well-known Lvkai Group in Rakshasa City was just one of them, and not even particularly noteworthy. It was a vast business empire. Beyond the physical companies, he had many investment projects and was involved in international capital flows.

It could be said that,

The decision-makers in the companies and groups controlled by Chen Shanhe are just puppets on strings.

lhe real decisions, including capital flows and accounting ledgers, were all made in this underground hall sturdy enough to withstand bunker-busting bombs.

This place was like a Hive, a headquarters, and could also be considered Chen Shanhe’s brain and heart, helping him closely control everything outside, while also ensuring that any trouble would ultimately not be traced back to him.

No matter how society searched, they could never reach him!

“Elder Chen..”

“Elder Chen…”

“Elder Chen… good evening…”

Throughout the hall, department heads and other members of management greeted him as Chen Shanhe passed by.

The ordinary employees who could sit here had the capability to be department managers outside or even in charge of entire project operations.

If they were transferred to smaller cities, even the heads of those places would welcome them with open arms and compliments!

But here, they lacked even the opportunity to greet their leaders.

This was a place of strict hierarchy, as well as a place where they could earn wealth that they could never accumulate in a lifetime outside.

They also had access to the highest tier of social services, including medical care and education!

This was Chen Shanhe’s empire.

Here, he was akin to a monarch adjacent to the heavens.

Under the watchful gaze of reverence, Chen Shanhe nonchalantly entered a meeting room on the left side of the hall.

The meeting room was large.

Even with over a dozen people already seated, it still felt quite spacious.

“Elder Chen.”

“Elder Chen.”

“Elder Chen….”

Upon seeing Chen Shanhe enter, people repeatedly bowed.

Though there were seats,

before Chen Shanhe arrived, no one dared to sit down in advance.

Chen Shanhe did not like being called “Boss,” nor did he enjoy being referred to by his former official titles, as those were merely layers of identity he had used to disguise himself. Instead, the title “Elder Chen” had been preserved by him.

He walked to his reserved seat and sat down, his gaze slowly scanning each person’s face before saying firmly, “Sit.”

After everyone had seated themselves respectfully, Chen Shanhe did not beat around the bush but plainly commanded, “Each team, report your current progress.”

1 he two inept bodyguards with little ability were merely smoke bombs thrown out by Chen Shanhe to misdirect others into underestimating his capabilities, all to muddy the waters. Now, the team leaders seated here before him were Chen Shanhe’s greatest forces..

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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