Ascenders Rift

Chapter 268: The Appearance of Origin Mutant Life

Chapter 268: The Appearance of Origin Mutant Life

It was unknown when or how it happened, but he changed, a loving father and husband of a beautiful wife many could never ask for, experiencing a tragedy to likes beyond his comprehension. He had thought that he did right by completing the X Vaccines, but sadly, his hard work and effort only proved futile. Maddened by the fruitless end, he unknowingly lost himself, his state of mind delaying as he transformed into something else, a new kind of monster.

The Origin Mutant Life, the very same humanoid figure with long green hair now stood on the earth with plants sticking out from his flesh. He glared at the scene of monsters that faced off against each other in the sky. His eyes were having a sinister look as he eyed the leading figures of both powers, both emanating a power much like himself.

The moment everyone sensed the dreadful aura, their eyes shifted in the same direction. Evan, Joe, and the others also had deep looks as they knew that the Rift Quest's final target had arrived; even the distant armada led by Milon was privy to the details, fed to them by live screen through Breya's device.

For this reason, when Milon and the natives belonging to Qeodreona saw the face of the fabled Origin Mutant Life, their mouths opened wide in shock as their voices sounded to the ears of Evan's party.

"It's Ion Newzer! How this be?"

Evan frowned at this as he stared at the powerful being that appeared from the earth; he knew it was the Origin Mutant Life from a glance, but never did he think it would be Ion Newzer. He promptly took the chance to compare its stats to both Galgorax and Yelshiva.


[?Origin Mutant Life (Ion Newzer) - Level 15(MAX)]

[Race - Mutant Plant Life (Superior Evolved) | State - Stage 2 Lesser Tier Lifeform]

[Ascended Path - Vitality, Defense, Strength Tri-Attribute Ascended Being]

[Health - 1900/ 900]

[Origin Life Power - 180/ 180]

[Strength - 202]

[Vitality - 201]

[Agility - 150]

[Defense - 195]

[Skills: Rootless, World Bind, True Origin]


[?Queen Mother Galgorax- Level 15(MAX)]

[Race - Flesh Mutator (Superior Evolved) | State - Stage 2 Lesser Tier Lifeform]

[Ascended Path - Agility, Strength, Dual Attribute Ascended Being]

[Health - 1800/ 1800]

[Mutant Gene Power - 160 / 160]

[Strength - 205]

[Vitality - 152

[Agility - 201]

[Defense - 151]

[Skills: Fusion Power, Gene Eruption, Flesh Mutate]


[?Insect Queen Yelshiva - Level 15(MAX)]

[Race - Insect (Superior Evolved) | State - Stage 2 Lesser Tier Lifeform]

[Ascended Path - Vitality and Agility Dual Attribute Ascended Being]

[Health - 1600/ 1600]

[Mana - 140 / 140]

[Strength - 155]

[Vitality - 198]

[Agility - 202]

[Defense - 155]

[Skills: Armored Guard, Web Cutters, Web Domain]


'As I thought, as an anolomy, his strength is monstrous, to think he's a Tri-Attribute Ascended Lifeform...' Evan thought with a stern look on his face.

Joe, who seemed to have also checked out their stats, frowned as he spoke with a face full of anger, "I really have to wonder, just what the hell is wrong with this system, how did they expect ordinary humans to fight monsters that are obviously comparable to Stage 3 lifeforms?"

Rick also gritted his teeth at this; while Emilia and Layla shook their heads, Evan stared at him and answered, "They are Superior Monsters, but not the average type; they are Superior Bosses. Each is going to defy the norm by an absurd degree, and in fact, the only reason we had won last time was due to the combined power of all human ascenders."

Joe tried to imagine the scene and shook his head as he spoke, "Really, then that truly must have been a tragic battle..."

Emilia, Rick, and the others also shared the same thought, Evan said nothing, but his eyes showed a tinge of sadness as if he could recall the very scene of chaos.

'Never again... I've already grown to the point that exceeds the norm; I will keep defying all odds to shatter this game at its core.'

Evan thought as he glanced at his Havengaurd and Hell Ashura Blade, his eyes showed a cold look.

Layla noticed his look and couldn't help but feel the need to comfort him, but now wasn't such a time.

Ka-bang! A series of explosive sounds continued to resound as the war between Yelshiva's Insect army and Galgorax's Flesh Mutators continued in full. However, as for the two leaders, their attention was now drawn to the Origin Mutant Life Ion Newzer.

Yelshiva frowned as she had no idea who this was, but she felt a threatening power coming from his body.

'Such power... he cannot be underestimated, how troublesome, I now have to keep an eye on such a dangerous being and that bitch...' She thought to herself with rage.

Unlike her, however, Galgorax felt strange as she stared at Ion; she felt a surge of familiarity and a sharp and painful feeling as if a knife was cut into her heart.

Unable to bear it, Galgorax grew enraged, thinking that it was a hidden attack; her aura exploded as it pressured the surroundings when she clenched her fists tightly and shouted.

"You bastard, even in the past you kept using that dirty mental attack, today I will claim all of this tree's Origin Fruit, so prepare yourself for death!"

No longer wasting a moment, Galgorax's body swooshed towards Ion like a ray of light; she arrived upon him within seconds before unleashing one of her skills.

"Fusion Power!" Galgorax roared as her palm began to glow strangely, a terrifying power conjuring around before it fired a black lightning bolt towards Ion.

Ion looked at this with a calm and indifferent expression; his attention swept around as if trying to find someone. Still, as he didn't see them, he sighed and mumbled, 'Such a pity, my 'eve' isn't here... no matter, if it's only myself, I can achieve the limits of true evolution.'

As he finished his mumbling, Ion looked at the attack that was only a few seconds from crashing into his being; he then waved his hand and invoked his Root Control skill calmly, "Come to me..."

In the second he spoke, the ground exploded as a giant tree root rose up to protect his figure from the attack; it wrapped around him, sealing off all parts of his body before the attack had crashed into it, creating a massive explosion.

A few seconds later, the lights faded, revealing perfectly fine roots that receded into the earth as Ion stared at Galgorax with indifference.

Galgorax gritted her teeth at this as she cursed, 'Those darn tree roots... I can't break them on my own; I might need to work with her after all.'

When Galgorax thought to here, she glanced to the side but soon discovered that Yelshiva was missing.

"That bitch!" Galgorax cursed as she sensed that Yelshiva was rushing towards the World Tree with a smirk on her face. She ran on top of a trail of webs that continually created a path towards the tree.

Much like Galgorax, Ion also noticed Yelshiva's movements, but as if he expected it, he moved his hand in her direction and spoke, "You're quick, but not quick enough, World Bind!"

As if the world heard his words, a tremor shook the entire land as many different roots swept out from different areas; they bolted across the sky like rays of light before sealing off the vicinity.

Yelshiva, who was about to arrive at the World Tree, had a gleeful expression, but as she saw the sky above blocked off, her expression turned to anger as she glared at Ion.

"How dare you?"

Ion remained calm as he spoke, "The Origin Tree isn't yet ready; for now, I'll have you both keep me company."

"Such insolence, do you think you can face off against our combined wrath? I am the Queen of Insects; you truly overestimate yourself!" Yelshiva shouted angrily as her a series of spider webs conjured around her figure.

Galgorax felt that this situation was to her advantage; she decided to use this chance to take down Ion, aiming to strike him after Yelshiva's attack. Her aura similar rose to its peak once more as she prepared for another skill.

"Come, show me to limits of both your evolution..." Ion said with calm eyes, his green origin power eclipsing both Yelshiva's and Galgorax's by a wide section as they collided, creating rippling booms of devasting power.

While this happened, unaware to each of them, Evan stood with his party with a smirk on his face when he faced the area sealed off by countless roots. He felt even better that they separated themselves from their army that fought to the death on the outside.

"Let's begin..."

Joe, Rick, Layla, and the others show sharp looks as Breya similarly passed a message to the armada that was waiting beyond the horizon. As the news reached the main airship, Milon, who stood in its central cabin, smiled as he glanced at Wilma, Leo, and the others; he then took a deep breath and spoke in a voice that shook the surroundings.

"We move forward!"

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