As the Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels

Chapter 5.7

Chapter 5.7

Editor: THIS BRO & bloodyredfox

Sure Fan Yuan was a man with a big heart, but to what extent?

When the average person loses their memory, they will generally feel confused and often frustrated. Not to mention wanting to find out the cause that landed them in such a situation, their hearts would at least be plagued by many questions.

For example: What kind of person was I in the past?, How long have I lived for?, How did I die?, Did I have any regrets while I was still alive?, and so on.

But Fan Yuan was not like this. He calmly accepted the fact that he had died and was content that he could continue living on as a soul. In order to ensure that Xiao Wu and himself could live longer, every day, he thought about how to get more energy. As for his lost memory, in the occasion that he remembered it, he would at most let out a deep sigh in lament.

Whats the surprise Sister Yarou is going to give me? Im really curious ah.

At this point, Xiao Wu was already used to it, although unbeknownst to Fan Yuan, it had already scanned its masters memories when it was bound. Fan Yuan would occasionally talk about the interesting things that happened in his past and deliberately skip the bad ones, especially those concerning his parents. Even though Xiao Wu couldnt figure out the reason, he still cooperated by pretending it didnt know anything.

Dan Yarou was brought up the most within Fan Yuans stories. To him, she was like a big sister and mother-figure, and most of Fan Yuans beautiful memories came from her.

In the beginning when he had just started performing missions, Fan Yuan couldnt help but stare dazedly when he saw the female doctor in the white coat. Now, he no longer acted this way, but the hospital was still a special place to him.

Fan Yuan glanced out of the window for a moment before silently turning away, tidying his clothes, and beginning on his work.

It was already past lunch time by the time he finished his operation. Fan Yuan thought this was good as well, with a certain place of his not feeling very comfortable right now; it wasnt suitable for him to eat the dishes sold in the hospitals canteen, he would just drink some water instead.

Nurse Su asked him considerately, Doctor Shi, its already past lunch time. Were going to order takeout, is there anything you would like? Itll be more convenient to order together.

Fan Yuan turned to look at her, as well as the several nurses standing behind her. With a small smile, he said, No need to go through the trouble, someone already brought me lunch.

Nurse Su was stunned by his smile, and just as she was about to ask the meaning behind his words and find out who it was, Fan Yuan had already left.

Several other nurses came up and probed, Su Rui, whos the person that brought lunch for Doctor Shi? Didnt you say he didnt have a girlfriend?

Nurse Su pouted aggrievedly, I dont know which little devil it was, but they sure worked fast!

Another nurse shook her head, Pity, pity. Theres only one bachelor of such quality in our hospital ah. Theres no more hope for us when we go to work anymore.

Another nurse glared at her, This isnt set in stone yet. Maybe that person was Doctor Shis family. Lets not start making wild guesses, afterall, Doctor Shis been single for so long, how can he find a partner so easily?

Su Ruis eyes were reddened and her cheeks puffed out, Its most likely some woman. Although Doctor Shi often smiles, his smile just now was different from the ones before. It was clearly one of true happiness.

When the others saw her looking upset to the point of tears, they quickly went forward to comfort her. Grass grew everywhere in the world, although Doctor Shi this kind of grass was a little more precious than others. But when it wasnt yours, it was just not yours, so it was better not to force it.

Su Rui let out a loud wail when she heard that, Are you guys really trying to comfort me here?!


Fan Yuan walked towards his office in great strides, because he had just received word from the Xiao Wu right after his operation that Yan Rui had waited in his office for nearly two hours.

After giving it a little thought, he was almost certain that the man had come over to deliver his lunch. He was so miserable that he couldnt eat normallyit was all Yan Ruis faultso the guy better not think of making him feel grateful!

Pushing open the office door, Fan Yuan came in wanting to scold the man a few words, but found Yan Rui sleeping on his chair, the lunch carefully held close to his chest.

He had never seen Yan Rui look so down-to-earth. He thought it was very novel, and couldnt help but get close to him. All he wanted was to give his nose a tiny poke, but was suddenly grabbed by the finger and pulled by Yan Rui to sit on his lap, waist tightly encircled by an arm.

F*cking hell, you can even pretend to sleep! Fan Yuan struggled to sit up as he scolded, Youre too childish!

Yan Rui said with a laugh, Likewise, likewise.

Fan Yuans mouth twitched and was suddenly overcome with the desire to cover his face. What did he want to do just now? What was so good about touching Yan Ruis face! The palm of his hands were currently pressed against Yan Ruis chest, and he couldnt help but caress it. In his heart he thought, This guys chest muscles are still passable.

Yan Rui was caught off guard with this sudden act of seduction. His breath immediately became heavy and his Adams apple shifted ever so slightly. He thought back to the scene last night of Fan Yuans little place spilling blood because he dared to act rashly in the moment, so now he could only recite the heart clearing mantra several times to ease his desire.

Opening the tupperware, he took out the soup that he had personally made and placed the spoon in Fan Yuans hand. Seeing that Fan Yuan was slow to move, he asked, You dont want to eat? Its better for you to eat some liquidy foods which can clear your stomach. Next time, Ill be careful, I wont hurt you again.

Fan Yuan glanced back at him and said, Let me down first ah! What if someone comes in and sees me eating on your lap? How am I supposed to maintain my dignity?!

Yan Rui tightened his arm around Fan Yuans waist and appeased him with a smile, Dont worry, no one can come in.

Fan Yuan no longer complainedafter all, having a human cushion was more comfortable than the chair. Although being seated on Yan Ruis legs like this had the kind of feeling akin to a child being fed by their parents, hed already done many more shameful deeds, not to mention this. Besides, he was indeed really hungry, so taking up the spoon, he started to eat.

Yan Rui massaged his waist while planting little kisses on his face from time to time. Fan Yuan was so annoyed that he wanted to pour the entire bowl of soup on his face, but he couldnt bring himself to do it in the end.

Dont waste food!

Fed until he was half full, a sudden sharp knock from the door interrupted his meal. Fan Yuan went still. What happened? Was the hospital on fire? He didnt hear the alarm ah.

He got up and opened the door, and standing outside was a half-bald Doctor Zhang. When he saw Fan Yuan opening the door, he quickly pulled his hand and dragged him out, Doctor Shi, quickly go and take a look at the patient in Ward 1308, his situation is destabilizing!

Ward 1308? Wasnt that the male leads VIP ward? Who knew what trouble Yuan Song had stirred up.

He first calmed down Doctor Zhang, You go first, Ill get his medical record and come right away.

Then he returned to his office and closed the door.

Yan Rui was standing by the door with a gloomy expression. He must have heard everything clearly just now.

Fan Yuan spoke with apprehension, Ive already taken his place on his behalf. You wont go back on your word, right?

Yan Rui said innocently, If I remember correctly, you took the initiative yesterday. How could that be regarded as a punishment?

Fan Yuans face went black, as he gritted his teeth and said, Youre going to deny everything after eating to your fill?

Yan Rui was amused by his words. Reaching out with his hand, he helped him straighten out the wrinkles on his white coat as he coaxed, Try wearing these clothes next time.

Fan Yuan set his mind on telling him to f*ck off, before his words suddenly came to a screeching halt. A sly gleam flashed through his eyes as he smiled, Okay, then you can put on the patients gown.

Yan Rui accurately grasped the gleam of cunningness in his eyes and nodded his head innocently, Okay, then its set.

Both of them looked at the other with a smile. In the next instance, Fan Yuan picked up the medical records from the table and turned to leave.

Yan Rui rubbed his chin and chuckled lightly, Uniforms are sexy ah..


After placating Yan Rui, Fan Yuan hurried to Yuan Songs ward. He pushed open the door and a water cup was hurled directly towards his face. His five senses were a little keener than normal peoples so he nimbly tilted his head away. The glass swept across his cheek before smashing onto the ground behind him.

He looked at the hospital bed, seeing Yuan Song returned the look with red eyes. He was still in a state of fear and panic. He probably didnt think that Fan Yuan would enter at this time.

Fan Yuan observed the wards state, noting that the VIP single room had been smashed to pieces by the boy. As a person who could barely move around, this could be considered quite capable.

Yuan Songs lips trembled, as if to say something. Fan Yuan guessed that he wanted to apologize, but the boys mother took the lead instead.

Mrs. Yuan hurriedly came to him and bowed down to apologize, Im sorry, Doctor Shi, you must have gotten a scare. Ah Song usually has a good temper, but he got agitated. You must be able to understand, right?. As she spoke, tears flowed down from her eyes.

She was a woman who had maintained herself very well, looking just as beautiful in her forties. Unfortunately, during these two days, she had become very haggard over her precious son. As for the ladys character, he didnt comment. She genuinely cared for her son. These past two days, her cheeks had been bathed in tears to the point where she wouldnt go a moment without crying. In order not to let Yuan Song witness her tearful self, she didnt even dare to appear in front of him.

Fan Yuan naturally wouldnt make things difficult for her over this, so he simply smiled, Its okay, I understand.

After that, he put the medical record aside and went to Yuan Song to examine his wound carefully. He reprimanded, neither harshly nor too gently, Its only been a few days since the operation, your disorderly movements will affect your recovery.

Mrs. Yuan echoed, Ah Song, listen to Doctor Shis words.

Yuan Song was no longer behaving hysterically. He quietly let Fan Yuan examine and bandage his wound. He then faintly said, Whats the difference between being obedient and disobedient? Anyway, Im an invalid now. My mother told me that I cant play tennis anymore. My dreams are all ruined.

Fan Yuan suddenly looked up. According to the development of the plot, the male lead wouldnt know about this for the time being. It should be that the female lead would accidentally leaked the matter to him later, and then the male lead would consequently receive a great blow. The female lead would be there beside him to show him care and comfort, and later on, their feelings would exponentially deepen.

He looked up at Mrs. Yuan. It was impossible that she said it on her own initiative. Then, there was only one possibility. The male lead asked her himself.

He had been reborn. He knew his leg injury better than anyone else. He should have accepted this cruel fact for a long time, there was no way it would incite such a reaction from him. Taking advantage of such a pretextdont tell him it was all to see him?

Fan Yuan quelled the doubt in his heart and comforted him patiently, Medical science is so developed nowadays, nothing is absolute. You need to have confidence in yourself.

Yuan Song was silent, not uttering a single word. After a while, he hugged Fan Yuans waist tightly and buried his face in his chest. He said pitifully, Doctor Shi, will you accompany me all the way? I dont believe in any other doctors, I only believe in you. If another person is switched to treat me, Id rather not receive treatment. Anyway, I dont have much to look forward to.

Fan Yuan was stunned for a moment. This act from the male lead was a little deep, but he had already been well-honed by Yan Rui in the previous few worlds, so he felt zero pressure when dealing with such kid-level emergencies.

He patted Yuan Songs back gently and promised, Dont worry, I will accompany you as your attending doctor during the treatment. As long as you are in this hospital and still my patient, I will be responsible for your care.

Yuan Song smiled with satisfaction, Thank you, Doctor Shi. I will try my best to cooperate with you throughout the course of the treatment. The doctor who examined me this morning changed, I almost thought I was hated by you.

Fan Yuan reluctantly forced on a smile and pulled back the boys arms, How could that be? I just had an operation to perform. I asked another doctor to stand in for me temporarily.

Yuan Songs face was filled with innocence, Thats great. Im really afraid of being hated by Doctor Shi. If Doctor Shi doesnt like me, Id rather go and die.

Fan Yuans face stiffened, and the expression on the face of Yuan Songs mother was very ugly. For a while, the ward was so quiet that all could be heard were only Yuan Songs innocent words.

Was this the legendary yandere?

No! No! Male lead, I didnt agree to this!

Mrs. Yuan, please help your son transfer hospitals as soon as possible! Remember to go to the psychiatric department!

Sorry for the delayed chapter guys. I fell really ill last week honest talk here, my mums health has actually not been doing well for the past few months and its just been really rough. Ive been trying to cope with everything emotionally but it gets really scary and difficult sometimes;; on the brighter side, happy new year and I hope everything will turn up for all of us this year

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