Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 608 - Tragedy Part 1

    Noah looked at the detailed sketch that Casey made. It was him and then Bea. He already learned the story as he flipped it. There are at least twenty pages and it's all in there. Somehow, it crushed his heart even more.


    Staying away from her makes his heart shattered into pieces. He had slept with different women for the past few days but none of them could fill his sadness. It's always Bea. He always shouted her name whenever he's having sex. He always thought about her if she's okay. He always thought if she already had eaten her meal.

    Noah sighed and he tried hard not to tear in front of anyone. He's trying hard and he put away the sketchbook.

"Excuse me, for a moment." He left the table and went to the bathroom and let it go.


    Kale is curious about what's in the sketchbook. So, he took it and flipped it. His eyes widen and he glanced at Casey who continued eating.

"Cas did you—"

"Yes, I saw it. I feel bad for both of them. They are torturing each other for thinking about different things. They practically fall in love with each other for the first sight. But they are too hardheaded." Casey said.

    Kale chuckled. She's indeed correct.

"This is very sad," Kale said as he saw the last part. Noah kept trying to kill himself, but he is always saved.

"The project is in three days," Casey said. "At least, Noah still had time to think."

    Kale patted her head.

"Thank you for saving those asses' hearts."

"Yup. Not a problem at all."

    After a while, Noah came with his drink and he sipped on it.

"So?" Kale asked.

"How is she?" Noah asked.

"She's doing fine. Locking herself in her room all day. Crying her balls out and not even moving from the bed." Kale said. "She only ate pizza and ice cream a while ago. But she said that she'll get fat so, she stopped eating and just sleep."

    Noah nodded and he sipped on his juice.

"Have you thought about it?" Casey asked. Noah didn't answer. "Well, it's up to you if you wanted both of your life miserable." Casey shrugged.

"Okay." Noah nodded again. Kale sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'll just stop my best friend from trying to kill herself in sadness," Kale mumbled. "By the way, how about my takeout? Chelsea is going to kill me without it."

"It's processing. It's should be fresh." Noah told.

    Kale nodded.

"Your café is expanding."

"Yup. And there are a lot more of the upcoming mission."

"What happened last night?" Kale asked.

    Noah took the straw to his mouth.

"Someone isn't the list had entered and was about to make a fire in the whole area."

"What?" Kale's eyes widen. "It would start in the female's bathroom and Bea is there."


"The person is under investigation. But he drank poison."

    Casey stopped. He nodded. Casey thought about it and continue eating.

"Tsk. Damn it. A loyal dog." He mumbled.


    Soon after they finished their food, Noah left the café and followed them until he escorted them to Casey's house. Then, he escorted Kale. But Kale said that he's going to Bea and sleep there to check on her. Noah nodded and followed him.

    Ashton is cleaning the kitchen when they arrived.

"Is Bea still upstairs?" Kale asked. Ashton nodded. They go upstairs and Kale opened the door and peeked at her. She's still sleeping hugging the teddy bear that he gave to her. "I'll just check my room." Kale left him alone.

    He entered Bea's room and he approached her. He sat on the bed beside her and reached her hair caressing it away from her face.

"I'm sorry, Bea." He whispered and he bent down and kissed her temple for so long. But he's careful enough not to wake her. He stood and gently pull the duvet over her shoulder. He stared at her for a while watching her sleep. Then, he finally stood and looked around and check the balcony and everything before he left and close the door.

    He went downstairs and Ashton sat down and turned on the television.

"Hey," Ashton waved at him. He sat down across the sofa. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to Boss Fin."


"But before that, Bea might wake up hungry. She had a microwave in her room beside her fridge. So, I'll cook something for her." Noah said.

"Yeah, sure bro. Spoil your woman." Ashton said and he relaxed on the sofa.

    Noah went to the kitchen and prepare some soup for her and then Frittata. He plated it well in a container and let it cool down and he put a food silver cover over the tray, and he went upstairs and just place it on the table and put a note on it. He glanced at her. He kissed her forehead one last time and he left her house to, Fin's house.


    Bea felt like someone kissed her. She rolled on her bed and smelled something. She sniffled and sat up. There's food in her room. Her stomach growls and she slipped off from the bed and approached it. She took the note.

Eat me when I am still hot. Heat me when I am cold. 

    She smiled slowly and she sat down. It's still hot and she took the spoon and take a soup. It's still warm and it's not too hot to burn her mouth. She continued eating as she tried hard not to cry. Someone just cooked it for her, and she knows Noah's dishes.

    He heard and he kissed her forehead. It means that he cared for her. She continued eating and finished it all. She immediately brushed her teeth and washed her face. Then, she went downstairs and saw Ashton doing push-ups on the carpet while watching a movie. He noticed her so he stood up.

"Miss Bea."

"Where's Noah?" She asked.

"Well, he left twenty minutes ago."

"Oh," She suddenly felt disappointed. She just thought that Noah will be the one in the living room watching TV. "Okay." She nodded and went back upstairs.

She took out her tablet and review the camera in her room. She put a secret camera in her room, and he was indeed there. He kissed her. Her heartfelt crazy even her stomach. She wanted to just jump and scream. Noah still cared for her.

She took the tray and went downstairs. Ashton took it from her, and she thanked him as she went upstairs to her room. She didn't know if she could still sleep tonight.

    So, she rummaged in her closet and started packing since it will be three days. She still missed a few lists. The suits that Zachary will provide for them. She sighed. She also needed to catch Noah and packed him up just to make sure that he'll be with her.

    She fixed her bed and then vacuum it. Kale pushed the half-door open and yawned.

"What's up?" Kale scratched his head.

"Noah was here, right?" She dropped her vacuum and run to him. Kale chuckled and nodded.

"He was here and cook dinner for you. He'll know that you'll get hungry."

    She giggled and she went back to the carpet to pick up the vacuum. Kale smiled. She's finally back to her normal self. Maybe a little exaggerated. But it will do.

"I'm going to sleep, okay?" Kale yawned.

"Okay." Bea nodded.

    Bea continued cleaning her room and organizing her wardrobe. Then, took out a box. Recently, she bought hiking boots and there are a couple of hiking boots, and it was beautiful, and she fell in love with it. She bought two, one for her and one for the size of his feet.

    She packed it neatly and then put it on her bag. She wanted to do it with him. She's sure of that. She won't get married to anyone but to him. Her heart is in so much shot of adrenaline if there was one. She lay throw her body on the bed and kept watching the footage as Noah kissed her. She squirmed in excitement.


    Noah arrived at his penthouse. At this time, he wasn't going to sleep at anyone's house or to the hotel. He smiled as he saw her adorable face. She's sleeping like a baby and even though she will cry, she's still adorable.

    He took out his phone and checked Bea's photos. She somehow snatched his phone to take a selfie together and he always all their photos every night for him to fall asleep. There are lots of photos on his phone. Lots of stolen photos and then, when she caught him, she will smile and pose and winked at him.

    He reached his chest. Everything will be fine. He's going to protect her again. Thinking about isn't going to make him sleep at all. Even though he's tired of working in the café, suddenly it all just faded and he's energetic like he is just gone through some workout.

"Beatrix," he mumbled her name.

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