Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 61: Wife.

Case 61: Wife.


Feeling a little discomfort in her body, Yu Chen's furrowed her eyebrows. When she came to consciousness a bit, she belatedly realized that her body was soring—a sign she hadn't encountered since she first trained.

A bit annoyed, she forced her eyes open.



Wait a minute.

This ceiling didn't look like her room's...


As soon as yesterday's memory returned, Yu Chen sprung up like a shrimp, sitting blankly on the bed with the quilt covering her lower body. Upon closer inspection, not only was she naked, but there were numerous red marks on her neck area!


When she tried to move, her thighs and glutes hurt. Blinking repeatedly as she gazed at her crotch, her mind was filled with the 'stuff' she did with Kierra last night. Her body vividly remembered what was done to her, which Yu Chen wasn't sure was a good thing.

After a few moments to process the fact, Yu Chen let out a little happy grunt, raising her fists victoriously. She slept with her crush, and this should not be the only chance since the two had officially become 'friends with benefits,' as Kierra would say.

It was a bit disheartening that it wasn't 'lovers,' but Yu Chen was satisfied, for now.


'Where is she?'

Yu Chen was alone on the bed. She could still smell Kierra's lingering scent, but the archwizard had left. Right then, a sweet aroma hit her nose. Curious, Yu Chen quickly threw on her outfit and let the smell guide her. 

Once arriving at the kitchen area, she was almost blown back by the scene.

(⊙ _ ⊙)

Standing by the counter while humming a song was the archwizard herself. It was Yu Chen's first time seeing her cook, and it wasn't even the most impressive thing. From behind, she got to marvel at the sight of Kierra wearing an apron... without clothes underneath! 

No, there was the sexy black underwear, but this level of skin exposure was criminal!

Moreover, Kierra now had her long hair tied into adorable pigtails, confidently revealing red marks of Yu Chen's own doings from last night. Looking at this scene, Yu Chen couldn't help but mutter.


It was beyond the image of a sweet, newlywed wife. Unconsciously, Yu Chen stepped forward and embraced Kierra from behind. When she felt the refreshing scent of the archwizard again, her body nearly melted.

''You're up.''

Kierra turned around and met her eyes with Yu Chen's. Seeing the martial master's dazed state, she playfully pecked her on the lips once before turning back to the dish.

''I'm making breakfast.'' She casually stated. ''It's almost done, so settled down at the table.''

Yu Chen stayed still for a while, stunned at the overwhelming newlywed atmosphere. Thinking back, Kierra seemed quite passionate about it yesterday. They fought intensely for several hours straight, drowned in each other's bodies. 

Yu Chen enjoyed every second of it. In fact, she already missed that side of Kierra.

'As expected. I love her.'

A smile bloomed on Yu Chen's face.

That morning, she spent eating and chatting casually with Kierra, who constantly gave off an alluring aura with her near-naked apron attire. She felt Kierra was seducing her again. Yet, she restrained herself.

As much as Yu Chen wanted to chase after that certain bliss once more, her legs were not happy about it, nor were the people waiting for Kierra to command the war.

After getting healing from Kierra to erase the hickeys, she and the archwizard confidently exited the pocket dimension and met with the others. The time was around eight in the morning, and everybody had gathered at the commander's room.

''Ahem.'' Kierra cleared her throat. ''Good work yesterday, everybody. If it goes well, we shall end the war in today's battle.''

Hearing this, the leaders of major forces in the room can't help but smile. Thanks to this person, they could now clean up the unorthodox faction with ease.

''Before that, however.'' Kierra continued. ''If my prediction is right, we will not need to fight.''

'''' ??? ''''

Was she going to intimidate them with one of those glamorous spells? If so, why didn't she do it right at the beginning?

People naturally had many questions, yet seeing Kierra's sudden bad mood sealed their mouths completely. After a suffocating thirty minutes, something finally happened. From the window, a small bird with light blue feathers casually flew in, catching the attention of some people. 

It brazenly perched on Kierra's shoulder, nuzzling its head against her neck as if showing affection. Seeing this, Kierra calmly stood up and went outside.

'''' ... ''''

The people left inside didn't have anything to do except look at each other.

Kierra, on the other hand, went to a quiet corner of the camp.

''What do you want?'' She asked the bird.

Soon enough, the little animal flew in front of her and transformed into August's hologram. Standing a forehead taller than Kierra, even though the archwizard was wearing heels, August smiled lightly.

[We met again, my love.]

''...State your business.''

[Not so fast.]


[Do you have anything to say for me?]

Suddenly, a pang of guilt hit Kierra's heart. She inadvertently thought about yesterday's rendezvous, yet snapped out of right almost right away. She wasn't August's girlfriend anymore, so why did she need to care?

''I have none.'' She said confidently. 

Rightfully, August's face turned cold.

[...For one, I know exactly what you did yesterday, little traitor.]

''So what? Creepy stalker.''

Seeing Kierra's dismissive attitude, cross veins popped up on the sword empress's forehead, and her eyes instantly lost their luster. At this moment, she could hardly control her desire to teleport here in person and put her in a cage so that no one would be able to touch her again.

Yet, she somehow restrained.

[Hah... in any case, this side has already lost. They will soon raise their white flag, so capture them accordingly.]


[And. Tonight at eight, we shall battle it out.]

''I was waiting for that,''

Kierra smirked. 

Finally, it was time for her to put an end to this century-long love struggle. Deep in her heart, Kierra knew that she still longed for August dearly, yet her excessive obsession with the archwizard was somewhat of an issue.

In this battle, she would let her heart choose.

'If I want to come back to her side... or if I want to cut this fate.'

[Remember, my kitten. If I win... we will hold a wedding right away, alright?]

''...Whatever you say.''

Kierra was confident. August had never been able to beat her anyway. Besides, a wedding with August wasn't bad—ahem. It wasn't the worst.

[But regardless of winning or losing, I will need to have my way with you for a while. It's been too long.]

Facing August's brazen attitude, Kierra coldly snorted.

''As if I would let you. Go find some other women.''

[You know, this bashful side of you—it has been growing on me a bit.]

''Yes, yes.''

For a while, the two enjoyed a seemingly normal conversation, casually bantering with each other. Meanwhile, Yu Chen and co. Who had sneaked out to eavesdrop:

(・∀・)? (・∀・)? (・∀・)?

What was this diabolical amount of flirting?

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