Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 39: Core Formation Stage & Mischief.

Case 39: Core Formation Stage & Mischief.

Kierra had an inkling.

If fate showed her the old memories, one that contained the message, 'I will find you no matter what' from that woman, it meant that she was already somewhere in this world.

August was always at the top of her game. It was not a strange occurrence if she had somehow managed to transcend the stars like Kierra did.

'If so, what should I do?'

The answer was obvious. She wouldn't need to care about August.

Eventually, August would find Kierra, but the archwizard didn't need to fret. She was still Kierra, and no one could control her.


For now, Kierra decided to focus on her strength first. At this point, her mana reserve had more or less recovered, which meant she could now unleash a star-destroying spell onto her opponents. It was an exhilarating sensation.

Aside from that, there was also her cultivation base.

Unlike ordinary cultivators, Kierra had extensive experience in handling energy, so she was able to fill up the quotas for the Foundation Establishment Stage quickly. With little effort, she pushed herself to the top of the stage, then decided to take it slow for maximum effectiveness.

Now that her body had adapted to regulating qi inside it, Kierra was ready to break through to the next stage.

'Let's ask someone.'

Kierra's ego, or at least Kierra's facade, had a massive ego, but it wasn't that massive. She also knew when and where to rely on experts for the best results.

Yu Chen was immediately written off for the simple fact that she was isolating herself to train. That left either Tian Yun or Mie Xieren. As a proper adult, Kierra quickly decided that she wanted both of them.

Only kids chose between options.

So Kierra did just that, and she called the two over to her bedroom.

''Kierra, what is this for?'' Tian Yun naively asked. ''It is—''

'''' !!! ''''

Right then, Kierra suddenly began to strip. The two watched in absolute panic as the archwizard's clothes came off one by one, revealing her smooth, milky-white skin and beautiful curves, together with her mature black underwear.

Was this it? An invitation for night activities?

''I have a favor to ask from you two.'' Kierra turned around.


''Can you...''


Just perhaps...

''...Help me break through?''

...Maybe not.

ε= (´ ο`*) ε= (´ ο`*)

Now that they thought about it, wasn't Kierra close to advancing her cultivation base? What the hell were they thinking?

However, doubts remained.

''I see what you're trying to get to, but... why did you have to strip...?'' Mie Xieren tilted her head in confusion.

Hearing this, Kierra simply massaged her temples. ''...Yu Chen told me it was necessary.''


Yu Chen...

Gradually, the image of Yu Chen, a serene, proper martial master inside the two, crumbled.

''Without extra layers of clothes, the process would indeed be faster, yet it is not necessary.'' Tian Yun sighed.

''I see,'' Kierra replied. ''If so, I will...''

Kierra needed to put her clothes on again. She couldn't bring herself to reveal her body in such a way. Her dignity wouldn't allow it.




As the archwizard was about to pull up her shirt, she abruptly stopped and threw it onto the bed.

''No matter. Do me in this state.'' She said, the corner of her lips inadvertently curled up.

Kierra's questionable statement, which could have caused much misunderstanding, greatly confused and embarrassed the other two. It also served as her small step toward finding her old self.

Right. The old Kierra, the happy Kierra, was flirty and mischievous like this.

A long-forgotten sensation of joy blossomed inside Kierra's heart. It was beating faster.

At this point, Tian Yun calmed herself down before replying. ''A-Alright.''

The three climbed on the bed, where Kierra was instructed to sit in a lotus position. Then, Tian Yun and Mie Xieren took seats in front and behind her, respectively.

''Relax your body and ramp up your qi regulation.''


Following Mie Xieren's guidance, Kierra began to accelerate the qi flowing through her veins and closed her eyes. Shortly after, she could feel two pairs of hands pressing on her lower torso. Tian Yun's hands were mildly cold, like flowers on a chilly day, pressing against her navel area, while Mie Xieren's hands were refreshingly frigid, like an ice cream cone, resting on her lower back.



On the other hand, Kierra's body felt warm. Pleasantly warm. Springy warm. Transferred onto the other two's palms was a devilishly smooth and addicting sensation. It was as though the flesh was sucking their hands in.

If normal skin was like this, then what would even happen if...

Instinctively, Tian Yun's eyes darted to Kierra's half-exposed ample bosom and her long, exquisite thighs. For Mie Xieren, it was the bottom that got her.

Their hands trembled.

If they would just move up or down a bit, they would be tasting, perhaps, the most incredible thing in their lives.

(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

''...How long until we start?''

''A-Ah, here we go.''

''Yes, relax...''

Intentionally, Kierra waited for a pretty while before reminding the two of the main business. It seemed they had become aware of this stuff ever since Kierra—drunk—kissed them.

Kierra herself didn't remember much about that night other than her passionate kiss with Yu Chen, but she could guess that the mouth-to-mouths she gave out were decent. She was confident in bed activities, after all.

Right then, Kierra felt two foreign forces enter her body. 

Following along her blood vessels, Tian Yun and Mie Xieren masterfully directed Kierra's qi—one into the dantian, the other out from the dantian.

Slowly, the archwizard's qi condensed into her essence, building up a solid nucleus—a core.

Being the energy master that Kierra was, the process went smoothly, and she even accelerated the rate of core construction by herself. After just a dozen minutes, a stable core had been established inside the archwizard's body.


Kierra felt as though her body had just been refreshed. This feeling wasn't too bad.

Tian Yun removed her hands and smiled at Kierra. ''Congratulations on reaching the Core Formation Stage, Kierra.''


That was when Kierra noticed that Mie Xieren hadn't retreated her hands yet. She turned around lightly to see the abbess curiously gazing at her left, higher back, where the heart was located.

The two's eyes met.

Feeling Mie Xieren's intentions, Kierra casually spoke up.

''Curious?'' She asked. ''Take a look.''


Using telekinesis, Kierra moved Mie Xieren's left hand and pressed it directly onto her flesh, aligning it with her heart.

For a while, Mie Xieren was hesitant to look at Kierra's internal organs, fearing that it might be disrespectful. However, Kierra's heart, where ten mana circles were allegedly present, was infinitely interesting for her. Now that she had the permission, the abbess bravely guided her vision into Kierra's body.


In an instant, she was struck with a raging headache. Too much information was being stuffed into her head, making it impossible to think clearly.

The only thing certain was the mesmerizing scene of ten brilliantly gleaming blue rings, each with its own angle, spinning around Kierra's beating heart. The sheer oppression she felt from looking at it alone was enormous.

Cold sweat ran down Mie Xieren's back.

As a cultivator in the Tribulation stage—the highest in the mortal realm—she had some confidence, yet the very existence of the woman she was touching humbled her whole being.

She quickly pulled away.

''Hah... Hah...''

''Good job.'' Kierra amusingly patted the abbess's head.

At this point, Tian Yun asked in confusion. ''W-What just happened?''

Kierra explained briefly what the abbess did, successfully stealing the White Lotus's attention.

''Can I try it, too...?''

Tian Yun was eager to see for herself, and Kierra welcomed it...

''Sure,'' Kierra said as she grabbed Tian Yun's hand and put it on her left breast, grinning.

...In a rather unusual way.

''?!'' Tian Yun nearly jumped. ''A-Awawawawawa...!!''

'Fufu, this is so fun.'

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