Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 3: A wizard and a cultivator.

Case 3: A wizard and a cultivator.

'''' ... ''''

Sitting with Kierra alone in her room, Yu Chen was confused, and rightfully so. For saving her precious disciples' lives, she'd expected Kierra to demand some precious magic tools or pills, and she was ready to pay it, however...

'Tell me everything you know about cultivators.'

This person, whom Yu Chen thought was a hidden cultivator in her Fusion Stage, just asked her to recite the most elementary bits of knowledge... was this a new kind of insult?

But upon careful observation, Yu Chen thought there might be more than that. Although the strange woman's face was always devoid of emotion, Yu Chen had a feeling that she was genuinely curious.

She had lived for almost eight hundred years, and this was the first time she had met someone as peculiar as this.

''I see how it is.''

Eventually, Kierra spoke up.

She'd learned that the people of this world also seek strength, wealth, and fame, but above all, they seek immortality. By cultivating the energy called 'qi', they were able to extend their lifespans, get stronger, and eventually ascend to a higher realm and be an 'Immortal'.

In reality, this concept had somewhat existed back in Kierra's world as well. If you surpassed a certain level in harnessing mana, you could theoretically stop aging completely. Kierra herself had also lived for a good five hundred years before she got bored and tried to get here, and she was confident she could exist until the end of time.

In any case, through questioning, it seemed as though the people here didn't have a perception of mana. The question of why remained, and another question rose—why was she able to perceive qi, their energy?

''...Um.'' Yu Chen spoke, breaking Kierra's train of thought. ''Are you really not a cultivator...?''

''I am not.'' Kierra replied.

''Then, what are you... no, excuse me. My curiosity got the better of me.''

''I don't mind. I am a wizard,'' Kierra proudly proclaimed. ''I use a different kind of energy instead of qi; you just need to know that.''

''A wizard...'' Yu Chen muttered.

The room fell into silence once again. Both of them were people of few words, and they had a lot to think about in the first place.

''...Yu Chen, was it?''


''I have a proposal for you.''

Kierra stood up from her chair and walked closer to the window, where she could see the beautiful afternoon plain in its entirety. Yu Chen's eyes followed the archwizard. She felt nervous for some reason.

After a brief pause, Kierra turned around and looked at Yu Chen; her eyes seemed to glow with excitement. No, amusement might be more correct.

''Would you like to join my Wizard Tower?''

Kierra wanted to erect another Crimson Tower. This time, it would be a 'magic x cultivation' type of tower. Kierra was excited. 


''You can imagine it as a sect for wizards. You see, I used to own one before coming here, and I want to re-establish it again.''

''But I'm not a wizard...?''

''I can teach you to be one.'' A slight smile appeared on Kierra's face. ''Just in time, I am also interested in your 'cultivation'.''

Kierra walked calmly toward Yu Chen before putting her mouth right next to the woman's ear.

''I can help you get stronger, and you can help me get stronger. Great deal, isn't it?'' Kierra whispered, and a hint of coquettishness could be heard in her sweet voice.


Yu Chen, who always prided herself on keeping composure in any situation, nearly jumped. Kierra's whisper tickled her brain like no other, making every single strand of hair on her body stand. Her steady heartbeat became irregular, thumping fast and loud.

''Well, think about it,'' Kierra whispered once more before retreating.


Looking at Kierra, who was now staring out the window again, Yu Chen could only think—

Too strong...!

That woman's temptations were like a demon's, sweet and alluring to no end. She'd barely resisted the urge to push her down...!

Meanwhile, Kierra was secretly smugging in her heart.

'Too easy.'

She'd learned in her long life that this was the optimal strategy to achieve what she wanted in a deal—pulling the opponent into a trance. She didn't even need to offer a single strand of hair to the opponent; most of the time, just her voice was enough to ensnare them.

In reality, there was only one woman whom Kierra was forced to use this tactic on. She could suppress just about any opponent with her magic anyway. Here, however, she had limited mana, and she wanted to keep an amicable relationship with these people, so she chose not to go the violent way.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Yu Chen finally spoke up.

''I am indeed interested in joining, but first, you need to clarify—''


The door suddenly flung open, and a panicked Bai Qing broke in.

''Master, it's urgent!''

''Tell me what happened.'' Yu Chen immediately stood up, her eyebrows furrowed.

''The people of the Lightning Tiger Sect have come here for revenge...!"


Intense qi escaped Yu Chen's body. She was enraged. Not only did they dare to ambush her disciples, but now they even had the gall to come here to get revenge after being beaten up?!

From the stand on the wall, a sword quickly flew into Yu Chen's hand.

''Lead me. I will confront them directly.''

''Y-Yes!'' Bai Qing replied nervously. It was exceptionally rare to see her master this mad.

So the two of them—no, the three of them—flew out of Qinling Peak toward the entrance of the White Lotus Sect. Kierra followed quietly; she was curious about how Yu Chen would fight.

Before long, they could see dozens of people standing right outside the protective array surrounding the sect. Kierra recognized the relatively handsome young man, the fierce-looking woman, and the middle-aged man, among others. They were confronting a few disciples of the White Lotus Sect.

''You shameless lot!''

Yu Chen landed right in front of the group and shouted; her voice rang loudly but somehow kept its original elegance.

''You dare to come here after hurting my disciples...!''

Yu Chen pulled out her sword and began to channel dark energy into it. The sheer amount of energy radiating from her was enough to make some weaker disciples of the Lightning Tiger Sect faint.

''Everyone, it's that woman!'' The handsome young man pointed directly at Kierra. ''That woman was the one who beat us!''

Immediately, all eyes were on Kierra.

'Hm, this is quite troublesome.'

In the crowd, Kierra could sense that four people were on a totally different level from the rest, including the middle-aged man with the fake dragon earlier. They were not quite as strong as Yu Chen, though.

''I see.'' An old man, who appeared to be their leader, spoke. ''Phantom Sword, hand over that woman. We have no business with you.''

''Do you think I would let you lot go?'' Yu Chen immediately shot back.

''You can't match all of us. The only hope you have is your bedridden sect leader. Isn't that right?'' He sneered.

Yu Chen bit her lips. She really wanted to shred these bastards into pieces...!

Meanwhile, Kierra was calculating.

'Is it worth my mana to take care of these guys...'

She wouldn't risk summoning August anymore; it would cost her too much mana. If she were to fight, she would have to finish it quickly with several restrictions, but in return, she could earn the White Lotus Sect's gratitude, or at least Yu Chen's, for taking care of her enemies.

'Well, these guys are not much anyway.'

So Kierra stepped up.

''Keep squirming, insects.''

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