Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 25: The art of gaslighting ft. Kierra.

Case 25: The art of gaslighting ft. Kierra.


Feng Ling hurriedly called out to Mie Xieren, who had already grabbed the slice of peach. She felt as though this was a rash decision coming from her usually level-headed master and sect leader. If Emei's secrets were to be exposed to the world, then it would be an impossible task for them to reach the top in thousands of years to come.


Mie Xieren froze. She carefully looked at the opponent in front of her once again.

Kierra's facial expression was unchanging; her composure could not be matched by anyone she ever knew. Emei's abbess felt like she was facing an absolute entity, even if she couldn't evaluate Kierra's full strength.

''...Let me ask this, Kierra.'' Mie Xieren spoke up with a serious face. ''What do you stand to gain from this?''

''Entertainment,'' Kierra replied instantly.

''Do not joke with me.''

''I am not.'' Kierra narrowed her eyes slightly. ''And before you ask, there is no way I will allow you to keep silent. It would not be fun that way.''

Just like that, the two stared at each other for a while. Eventually, it was Mie Xieren who couldn't stand the pressure coming from Kierra.

''Ugh...'' She moaned as she brought the slice of peach to her mouth.

''Do not worry. I have no intention of ruining your little sect.''

Mie Xieren ate the peach. No, as soon as the piece touched her lips, it shattered into millions of light dots, then flew into the abbess's body.

''A-Ah, she ate it...'' Feng Ling mumbled and hugged herself. She had a bad feeling about this.

Meanwhile, Kierra was delighted. There was nothing more fun than trolling powerful people like this woman. This was yet another refined hobby of the archwizard, one she had practiced thousands of times back in her old world.

Nevertheless, it was now time to enjoy the fun.

''Mie Xieren. Tell me your three sizes.''

'''' Ah? ''''


Both the people from Emei were stunned. This lustful, evil woman was after their bodies...!!

Gazing into Kierra's blood-red eyes, Mie Xieren's body involuntarily trembled. Knowing Kierra was a pervert, the abbess of Emei hesitated to give in. Still, the offer of a new power was there. She believed such an overwhelming woman as Kierra wouldn't do such cowardly acts as lying.

She gritted her teeth and grabbed her thighs in frustration. The future of Emei was now dependent on her.

''...Would you be satisfied with only my body?'' Mie Xieren asked timidly.

''No, master!'' Feng Ling interjected. ''Please let me...!''

''You stay back.''

Watching this novel-like drama unfold in real life, Kierra was beyond happy. So, she sat there in silence, staring intently at the pair of master and pupil arguing over who would give their bodies to her.

Eventually, it ended in Mie Xieren's determined victory, and Feng Ling was left in tears, begging to replace her master. It was an emotional moment.

The abbess finally turned back to Kierra.

''...I am ready.'' She said. ''Do whatever you want with my body.''

Facing her, Kierra rarely smiled, making Mie Xieren's body hair all stand up. It was both beautiful and scary for her—a beautifully frightening scene.

''I only asked your three sizes,'' Kierra replied simply.

'''' Ah? ''''


''Say it or not?''

''Ah, um... 82, 60, and... 91.''

''I see.''

They matched what Kierra was able to observe. Assuming Mie Xieren was a normal person who would be shy talking about their three sizes, this slice of peach worked quite well.

Kierra then stood up, much to the confusion of the other two.

''I want a tour of your sect.''


After getting bamboozled, the two were too embarrassed to think properly. Now, they looked like some gloomy guides instead of the pillars of Emei, a sight Kierra greatly enjoyed.

Nevertheless, the three began to travel inside the sect. They soon arrived at a relatively big tower.

''What is this building?''

''...It is where we store regular weapons.''

Mie Xieren went to say something to the workers, and the three were off again.

''This field?''

''It's for people who like to play sports, as you can see.''

''A dedicated one of such caliber...''

''Children... you know, they are our future.''

Following the abbess's rather warm gaze, Kierra could see numerous children playing in the distance. Burning the scene into her mind, Kierra nodded lightly. The three continued.

''How about this one?''

''It is where we craft medicine and such. Although we still can't match the Tang Clan, these people are the pride of our sect nonetheless.''

Just like so, they traveled across the sect, visiting many important places in Emei. From a certain point onward, Kierra felt Mie Xieren was comfortable with what she was doing in the sense that she didn't seem like a person who was being forced to tell the truth.

Mie Xieren was proud of her sect, and she was more than ready to sacrifice herself for it. This was what Kierra inferred from their time together.

When they realized it, the tour had been completed.

The three wandered inside the vast library—the last place they had visited. As they walked along the bookshelves, Kierra broke the silence.

''Mie Xieren.''


''Do you love your sect?''


The answer was instant. There was no hesitation in her voice, either.

Kierra smiled lightly. ''I see your determination. However... you are doing it quite wrong.''

Mie Xieren was content to sacrifice her own body for her sect's development, so there was no argument that she was a devoted sect leader. But from what Kierra could tell, the abbess was too fixated on strength.

It was not hard to spot her greed for power.

''I will ask another question.'' Kierra stopped, prompting the other two to follow suit. ''Mie Xieren, do you want the people of your sect to be happy?''

The abbess resolutely replied. ''Absolutely. What is wrong with it?''

''You see, I can't spot you in the frame, Abbess.'' Kierra turned around with a serious face. ''You are a crucial part of your own sect. If you are happy, people will be happy. This is speaking from experience.'' The archwizard added.

''...But I'm...''

When Mie Xieren was about to say, 'I'm happy,' her voice wouldn't come out, no matter what.

''See?'' Kierra shook her head lightly. ''Find a way to enjoy yourselves. Life isn't always about strength.''



As Feng Ling grabbed her stunned master's hand, Kierra turned to the ceiling.

'Well... it's not like I'm better as a leader.'

She herself was the one who abandoned her magic tower just to pursue some uncertain fun. Well, at least she was sure she would come back there one day.

Passing by the two from Emei, Kierra patted the abbess's shoulder.

''Think about it. When you decide what to do, come find me. At that time, I will guide you to a new height.''


Kierra slowly took off into the sky.

This visit was a great success. Not only did she troll these two a lot, but she also had Cosmos infiltrate their library.

Life was amazing for the archwizard.

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