Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 77 Strategy

Even Vale was not thinking of fighting against this creature. It is too risky since he barely knows anything about it!

He wasn't sure whether the Spell Dispersion even works on this thing! What if it doesn't use a spell? He would only have to rely on his Ghost Hands.

Although he's confident in this spell, he wouldn't dare say that it's enough to deal with this two-meter-tall creature.

Seeing that no one wanted to volunteer, Professor Lucius didn't display a disappointed look. He understands how they feel so he swiftly added a benefit for them.

"Very well, I will reward you with 1 Contribution Point if you managed to defeat the creature. If you showed excellent performance, I will give an additional point. You may not be able to benefit from the Contribution Points system right now but you'll thank me for it in the next few years when you needed them."

Although many of them know that the contribution point is important, only a handful of them knows its real value thanks to the seniors they know who had studied in the academy.

After some hesitations, Leonore asked. "Professor, what are the odds that we will be killed by that creature?"

"Good question. With me around, there's zero percent chance you'll get killed, only some slight injuries I guess. However, it is probably a 90% chance that you'll die if I'm not here."


'We only have a 10% chance of survival without the Professor?'

The students weren't happy with this percentage at all. Although they won't die with the Professor's presence, they would get injured!

It is only the start of the academic year and no one wanted to be injured at this stage. Some of them were thinking that this professor will only bail them out if they were already injured and were about to die.

That wouldn't be easy…

For 13 or 14 years old like them, they have only studied in their homes and seen live combat from a distance…  So almost all of them have zero combat experience.

Nevertheless, the contribution point was very important for them… Leonore, Dalton, Neil, and the others know this very well.

Seeing their hesitation, Professor Lucius tried convincing them once more.

"We have the best infirmary right now… Doctor Gray is currently staying here and is one of the best doctors of the Dark Arts Faction. Even if you get injured, you will be fine with his help. You don't even have to worry about being absent from tomorrow's class… Besides, this creature has been staying here for a couple of years now… It hasn't been fed properly as well so it's incredibly weak. Are you really afraid?"

Many of them started hesitating as they seriously considered the benefits of this…

In the end, four people decided to raise their hands as they volunteer themselves. They stepped forward and grouped together near the professor.

It was Leonore, Neil, Aubrey, and surprisingly, Emily Gainet! She only had 5 Spirit Strands so it means that she was only able to learn the lowest kind of Dark Spell… Many of them started questioning her decision inwardly…

Nevertheless, none of them spoke about it.

"Professor, what if we killed it? Are we going to be responsible?" Chad suddenly asked as if he was worried that they'll have to pay the academy for the "damage of property".

"Hmm? If you kill it? Then, I'll give you more contribution points." Professor Lucius said with a smile.

"Haha! Very well… Let me in!"

At this point, Vale took a deep breath and decided to join the fun as well. He raised his hands and stepped forward to join the others.

The others also thought of participating especially after they saw Vale join the fun.

In a few moments, the ten students that will challenge the creature were formed.

They were Leonore, Neil, Aubrey, Emily, Chad, Vale, Warren, Blair, and two of Neil's lackeys, Roswell and Larry.

It was quite surprising for them that Dalton Stranway wasn't participating with his 16 Spirit Strands. However, they recalled how he has a toothache according to Mennena so they just thought that he was still uncomfortable with the pain.

As the group was already formed, Professor Lucius no longer wasted time as he instructed the students.

"Very well, all the other students who weren't participating should move back. After I release the other seal on the cage, there will be a Magic Circle that will show up on the floor. It covers 18 meters in radius and will also be the arena for your other classmates so don't enter it or you'll be targeted by the creature as well."

"Wait, Professor! Can you give us at least five minutes to form a battle plan?" Leonore suddenly interrupted as she knows nothing about the abilities of her classmate.

Although Vale may have a decent Spirit Strand, she doesn't think that the Chambers Family has a high-tier Dark Spell.

She wanted everyone to at least inform her about their Spell Models or what they can do so she could strategize for the team.

"I guess that's fair enough… I will give you ten minutes." Professor Lucius said after realizing that they still have plenty of time.

His class has two hours to burn so he didn't mind ten minutes of prep for them.

Leonore heaved a sigh of relief as she faced her classmates.

"We need to understand each other so we can form a strategy. You all should know that Spells have four categories…"

Vale nodded at this as he also learned this while he was still in the laboratory of his master.

"Yes, they were an offense, defense, support, and a special type which can be a combination of any of those three..." Chad added obviously aware of this 'basic' knowledge.

Leonore nodded in acknowledgment as she spoke. "Then, I'll go first. My first spell model is Flesh Bane and the second one is a support-type Curse Spell. It allows me to amplify the pain felt my by target… It works well with my Flesh Bane."

She didn't inform them of the name of this Curse Spell but it was fine. After all, it's enough to know its ability. Nevertheless, this can also mean that the Curse Spell may not be as simple as amplifying pain.

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