Apostle of the Void

Chapter 36:The Second Request,To Aurelinople (3)

[Translator - Kiteretsu]

[Proofreader - Kyros]

Chapter 36:The Second Request,To Aurelinople (3)

“If we go down for about two more hours, we’ll reach a harbor. We’ll catch a boat from there,” Yuz said.

Arzen yawned.

‘Sleeping outdoors is exhausting, no matter how much I rest…’

The smell of the sea grew closer, and the road became busier. Soon, they arrived at the Balisor River, a massive river so wide it resembled the sea, stretching out beyond sight.

The Balisor River was like a natural canal. The Republic government operated ferries that ran on a schedule, stopping at various harbors like stations. Boatmen also made a living by ferrying passengers over shorter distances.

The harbor was thriving.

Most of the harbors along the Balisor River were this prosperous.

“Yippee! So much delicious food!” Kitan exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

Street vendors selling snacks lined up, catering to those waiting for boats at the harbor.

“Hmm, maybe we should fill our ‘stomachs’ while we wait for the ‘boat,’” Sia remarked, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Everyone stared at her, unimpressed.

“Is that sort of thing really popular among Manuki women these days?”

“Please don’t lump me together with her,” Yuz muttered.

“Seriously, just get out of here,” Arzen added.

Sia blushed slightly and yelled, “Sh-shut up!”

The street food mainly consisted of freshwater fish dishes.

Unlike the desert climate of the South Republic, the North Republic had a tropical oceanic climate, making its ecosystem more diverse.

“Arzen! Let’s have some grilled sea bass! Grilling fish makes it taste the best,” Kitan suggested excitedly.

“Hold on. Decisions like these need to be made carefully.”

Arzen carefully surveyed the stalls, starting with a sushi place, and finally sat down at one specializing in grilled sea bass.

Sea bass was smaller and had a stronger fishy odor compared to mackerel, but it was known that freshwater fish typically smelled stronger than those from the ocean.

The fish itself might have been ordinary, but with the sweet sauce provided by the vendor, it melted delightfully in their mouths. It was the kind of flavor worth returning for if given the chance.

“Hmm, not bad. It’s pretty good,” Arzen admitted.

“Right? Let’s have another serving!”

“Pig, stop eating so much.”

“Pig? Wait, they sell pork here too? Where? Where?” Kitan frantically scanned the area, using his hand as a visor, while Jerome grabbed Arzen’s shoulder and shook his head.

“Don’t try to understand him with logic. He’s just some other lifeform disguised as a Manuki.”

[TL/N: "Manuki" is a term in the original text, it likely represents an in-universe culture or people]

After finishing their meal, they spent about an hour watching countless boats passing by. Eventually, a fast boat appeared.

The tricolored flag of blue, yellow, and red fluttered at the bow.

It was the flag of the Witches’ Association.

This was one of the patrol ships dispatched by the Witches’ Association to maintain order along the river.

Yuz used her magic to draw attention and shouted.

“Embrasyl, you’ve done well. I am Yuz, the Blue Witch. I urgently need to travel to the Witch’s Association in Aurelinople. Could you assist us?”

At Yuz’s words, the Red Witch commanding the fast boat removed her pointed hat and greeted her.

“Embra Ki Vi Simra, I am Oana, the Red Witch. Of course. Are these people with you?”

“Yes, they are adventurers I’ve hired.”

“Adventurers… I will lower the gangway, so please move to the side.”

Eight soldiers, rowing the boat, were stationed aboard. The Republic operates on a militia system, where citizens receive basic military training, and short-term contracts fill most positions. Therefore, while they are referred to as soldiers due to their uniforms, most are actually short-term contract workers from government offices.

As the adventurers boarded, the otherwise bored contract workers showed interest.

“So, you’re heading to Aurelinople too? Are you going to the Red Mountain?”

“No, we’re just headed to Aurelinople.”

“Hey, we’re not competitors, so why be secretive? These days, every adventurer in the area is flocking to Aurelinople.”

Arzen raised an eyebrow.

“Why? Are you seriously asking because you don’t know?”

“They say there’s some strange phenomenon in the Red Mountain. They’re sending in adventurers all over the place.”

“A strange phenomenon?”

While the party was chatting with the contract workers, Yuz was having a more serious conversation with Oana.

“The Void?”

“Yes. I need to meet with Master Serna as soon as possible. There aren’t any dangerous monsters near the river, are there?”

“No, fortunately, our regular patrols passed through less than two days ago.”

The Balisor River is strictly controlled by the Witches’ Association. If any monster caused material or human damage along the river, it would affect the Republic’s entire economy.

“The Void, huh… This is truly serious. I will activate the emergency lights immediately.”

From the bridge, the witch’s magic began flashing in the tricolor sequence of blue, yellow, and red. As the boat cut through the river, the vessels ahead adjusted their course towards the riverbank, clearing the path for the fast boat to race ahead.

Thanks to wind magic cast by both witches, the sails billowed fully, propelling the boat swiftly down the river without the need to row.

“At this speed, we should reach Aurelinople by tomorrow evening at the latest. However, I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to meet the priestess right away…”

“Is something wrong with my master?”

“It’s not that something happened to the priestess, but something has occurred at the Red Mountain.”

“What kind of event?”

“I’m not entirely sure, as I’m not part of that group, but I’ve heard that the Aurelinople Witches’ Association is at the center of the investigation.”

Yuz’s eyes widened before she rested her chin on her fingers, lost in thought.

‘The disappearance of the Seal Array… Is this causing anomalies to appear all over the world?’

But the timeline didn’t add up.

‘The Seal Array vanished only two days ago. Or was it three?’

Two or three days… For there to already be rumors about the Red Mountain’s strange phenomena, it must have started well before that.

‘Is it around the same time that goblins overran the Euphoria region? This feels ominous.’

Arzen had originally planned to continue training his Void Insect techniques aboard the boat, but he soon abandoned the idea. With so many eyes watching and the ever-changing sights of riverside villages passing by, simply enjoying the view was entertainment enough.

The fast boat sailed past not only villages but also small cities from time to time, where merchants and workers were busy unloading cargo, even during the dead of night or early morning.

‘No matter where in the world you go, the lowest classes of society can never rest, even in the early hours of the morning...!’

However, instead of feeling a sense of solidarity, Arzen now felt a sense of superiority and pity when he witnessed such scenes.

‘I, Arzen, am destined to be a future Diamond Rank!’

He believed he was fated to rule over the upper echelons of society and dominate those below him.

‘But still…’

Perhaps it was because he had always longed for this... Just the mere act of watching these new and unfamiliar sights left him feeling restless and excited.

* * *

“Is that a monster?”

One of the contract workers pointed toward the opposite riverbank. The Red Witch’s magic flared into flames, protecting the port town. The guards swiftly moved into action.

“It’s been a while since a monster attacked a place where witches are stationed.”

“They say strange things are happening all over the world these days. Could something big be on the horizon?”

“Heh, with the Triumvirate Dragons around, what’s there to worry about? We should be more concerned about our contract extensions. It’s always the common folk like us who suffer, not the world.”

The contract workers all sighed in unison.

After approximately 20 hours of travel, the fast boat finally arrived at Aurelinople by 11 a.m. There were so many ships that even with the boat’s emergency lights, it took nearly 30 minutes to dock due to the heavy traffic around the lighthouse. This was common in Aurelinople, as ships crossed in both directions—vessels bringing inland goods out to sea and those delivering maritime products inland.

Witch Oana saluted Yuz by tipping the brim of her pointed hat.

“This is as far as I can help. Farewell.”

“You’ve been a great help. I’ll make sure to inform my master.”

“There’s no need. I was just doing my duty.”

The witches exchanged a respectful hand gesture, which drew a disapproving look from Sia.

“Why do elites always have to put on a show like that? Tch.”

The first thing that stood out about Aurelinople was the grandeur of its walls. Though built from simple stones from the Balisor River, the walls appeared sturdy and gave off a sense of solid strength.

The crowds were so thick that it took quite a while to move from the outer wall to the central district, where government offices were clustered.

“Wait here.”

The Aurelinople city hall building was far grander than the one in the green city of Karshiko, boasting at least ten stories. However, unlike the city hall of Karshiko, which stood on an independent plot with a plaza and courtyard, Aurelinople's city hall was located in the bustling center of the city, making the overall space feel smaller.

Suddenly, a heart-wrenching scream echoed from somewhere nearby.

Arzen immediately gripped his holy book, ready to fight, but Sia glanced toward the direction of the scream and shook her head in pity.


It was the sound of a despairing wretch.

Many such wretches were lying on the ground, their eyes hollow as they howled in anguish.

“My weapon, my precious 5-gold weapon!”

“How could this scrap of iron…!”

“Argh, I was one step away from a +10 weapon!”

Indeed, the legendary enhancement artifact was located near the Adventurers' Guild in Aurelinople.

It was a relic salvaged from Trident Point, the Sanctuary of Adventure, known as the Legacy of the Returned! Only four of these artifacts existed across both continents.

This highly coveted antique was famous for pushing weapons, which typically capped at enhancement level 8, beyond their limits—up to a maximum of level 12.

“Idiots, why do they gamble on such pointless things?” Sia muttered.

A Dwarf, sweeping shattered metal pieces from the artifact’s vicinity into a dustpan, replied.

“Of course, someone practical like you wouldn’t understand. It’s about the romance of it all.”

Dwarves are generally split into two distinct types: stocky individuals with bodies covered in muscle and thick beards, like Jerome, who excelled in physical prowess, and smaller ones that retain the appearance of a young boy throughout their life.

The one sweeping the fragments was the latter—an appearance seemingly frozen in youthful innocence, though her features showed an ageless confidence. Her hair was pulled back tightly, and she wore safety goggles. It was difficult to guess the age of a Dwarf, but for all Arzen knew, she could be a grandmother.

“Aren’t you a woman, too?” Jerome asked, causing the Dwarf to wag her index fingers side to side in defiance.

“You clearly don’t know this, but there’s no such thing as gender when it comes to blacksmiths. You’ll need to grow up a little more.”

“How old are you?”


“I’m forty-two.”

“Oh, my bad! I’ve only just inherited this place from my father.”

Sia spat on the ground, clearly unimpressed.

“Tch, all you do is scam suckers into shoving their weapons into that enhancer, only for them to shatter, then you sweep up the pieces with a broom. Some blacksmith you are.”

They say a woman’s worst enemy is another woman, and Sia seemed determined to pick fights with them at every opportunity.

“What did you say?! You have no idea how hard it is to operate that artifact! I’ll remember your face! Don’t even think about asking me to enhance anything for you or your companions in the future!”

Kitan blinked rapidly in surprise.

“Huh, me too? Why? I didn’t say anything.”

Sia, unfazed, shrugged. “I’ve heard that line a hundred times walking past here. And I’ve seen more than a few people standing next to me who ended up getting their equipment enhanced.”

The Dwarf smirked and shot back, “That’s because the money was too good to turn down!”

“Don’t go proudly admitting your greed, you lunatic!” Sia snapped back.

“Anyway! The more you enhance, the greater the return! Look at this!” The Dwarf triumphantly held up a dustpan she had successfully enhanced to level 11. “This is the pinnacle of romance! The culmination of all my hard work!”

For a moment, both Sia and Kitan’s eyes gleamed intensely.

In reality, it wasn’t their eyes that were shining so brightly. It was the radiant glow from the enhanced dustpan. Once an enhancement level surpasses 8 and reaches 9, the weapon begins to emit a glow. If the enhancement is successful with the artifact, the equipment gains this shimmering aura.

‘Idiots are everywhere, no matter where you go!’

Arzen couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity as he observed the adventurers weeping and rolling on the ground in despair.

‘Enhancement! It’s a luxury only for adventurers who have secured their skills and status and gained financial stability!’

Incidentally, Garrison, the vice-captain of the Divine Guillotine, wielded a pair of knuckles enhanced to level 10, while captain Olart used an axe enhanced to level 11.

‘Though there were also those scumbags who, after failing an enhancement, took out their frustration by assaulting me.’

At that time, Arzen practically despised the enhancement system. However, now that he was free from their shackles, he surprisingly felt no great animosity towards it anymore.

“I want to, I want to too! I want my flat blade to glow like that!” Kitan drooled at the thought, but Sia grabbed him by the back of his neck, shaking her head.

“Enhance what? You’re not even a combat specialist. How are you supposed to remain stealthy if that shiny thing is glowing in the jungle?”


“And besides, this guy’s a total rip-off. Even if you manage to enhance up to level 8, it’s a hundred times better to find a skilled blacksmith in some remote village.”

At this, the female Dwarf blacksmith folded her arms and turned her nose up arrogantly.

“Hmph! Why are you hanging out with these no-good amateurs who don’t even understand the art of enhancement?”

“Wow, that’s a pretty racist remark,” Sia shot back.

“Enhancement is all about the process! You have to trust a proper blacksmith to handle it, or the density of the weapon won't be high enough. That way, when you use this artifact, the chances of breaking will decrease! That’s why you should always entrust a proper blacksmith from level zero!”

Jerome nodded in agreement.

“Though, a twenty-nine-year-old blacksmith isn’t really qualified to be saying that. At that age, you’re barely even a blacksmith.”

“Heheh, that’s a secret,” the Dwarf replied with a mischievous grin.

So, she was practically admitting to being a quack. The adventurer world was truly a cesspool where no one could be trusted, and Arzen found himself both bemused and oddly familiar with the constant grime.


At that moment, Yuz emerged from the city hall.

“The request’s been extended. We have to head to the Red Mountain Range. Master is leading the witches there.”

Sia shrugged casually. “As long as they pay us, we’ll go to hell itself. Should I draft a new contract?”

“What are you talking about? The request was for an escort until I meet my master in Aurelinople. Don’t tell me you’re trying to scam me while wearing a silver rank?”

“What? You little—”

Sia, shocked, quickly flipped over the handwritten contract Yuz had provided. It was true—the contract had been written exactly that way from the start.

Catching the look of bewilderment on Sia’s face, Yuz smirked.

“Did you really think I’d stay an easy target forever? I was ordained a witch at twenty-three. I’m the elite of elites! You adventurers, you’re all playing right into the palm of my hand.”

[Translator - Kiteretsu]

[Proofreader - Kyros]

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