Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 124 Trial of Transcendence Part 3

Chapter 124 Trial of Transcendence Part 3

[: Daniel POV :]

[: Your fight begins :]

In an instant, the battle was upon us.

Utilizing the speed of light, I executed a zigzagging manoeuvre, attempting to close the gap between myself and the Transcendent Being.

However, to my astonishment, before I could reach my intended destination, it had already materialized directly behind me.

With lightning speed, it launched a devastating punch aimed at my vulnerable form.

In a heart-pounding moment, I narrowly evaded its attack, executing a swift rotation of my body just in the nick of time.

Now, it was my turn to strike.

Channelling the potent forces of both lightning and light through my feet, I unleashed a powerful kick directed squarely at its face.


A resounding shockwave reverberated through the arena.

Did it get him?

But to my astonishment, it appeared as though the Transcendent Being remained entirely unfazed by the force of my kick, a strike that could have laid waste to an entire country.

What's more, its head had not budged an inch despite the immense impact.

Yet, I refused to yield.

Rotating my body once more, I aimed for another kick to its seemingly invulnerable face.

However, in a swift and unexpected move, it managed to intercept my attack, seizing hold of my leg with an iron grip.


Panic surged within me as I realized the dire predicament I was in.

With my leg in its grasp, escape seemed impossible, and in a matter of seconds, it descended upon the ground with me in tow, a brutal and devastating collision that left me spinning.


Each merciless impact as it repeatedly smashed my body into the ground exacted a heavy toll, siphoning away a staggering 20 million HP with every bone-crushing collision.

By the end of this relentless onslaught, I had lost a minimum of 1 trillion HP.

If this relentless assault continued, my HP would inevitably be depleted.

I knew I had to act swiftly.

In a moment of sheer instinct, I transformed myself into ethereal essences of light, vanishing from my current location only to reappear elsewhere within the vast arena.

Yet, to my astonishment, the Transcendent Being had tracked my movement with eerie precision.

Above me, it loomed, poised to strike with a devastating punch that could shatter mountains.


The arena trembled as my body crashed violently into the ground, unleashing a shockwave that rippled through the Colosseum.

Simultaneously, another 500 million HP vanished from my dwindling reserves, leaving me acutely aware of the perilous situation I faced.

Before I could fully recover, I found myself confronted with dozens of colossal energy orbs hurtling relentlessly toward me.

Although it had taken me by surprise, I didn't panic.

Raising my hand, I harnessed one of the abilities bestowed by the Tattoo of Karma and whispered, "Absorb."

As if guided by an unseen force, my palms acted like a vacuum, drawing in all of the massive energy orbs with an irresistible suction.

The sheer power of the absorption left me momentarily awestruck, as each orb was devoured into my grasp.

With the absorbed energy coursing through me, I pivoted to face the Transcendent Being.

Raising my palms toward it, I released the stored energy in a formidable wave that surged toward my adversary with doubled force.

But of course, the attack was swept aside by the Transcendent Being as if it were a mere gust of wind.

It was something I had expected it to happen.

Nevertheless, seizing the moment, I closed in the distance between us.

Infusing my hands with the potent fusion of light and lightning, I intensified the forces with the skill of vibrating before aiming my punches at its chest.


The very air around us seemed to hum with energy as my fist connected with its form.

Simultaneously, I summoned forth storms of crackling lightning, which rained down upon the Transcendent Being as it struggled to recover from the ground.


I was not going to allow the Transcendent Being the chance to recover.

As the relentless storm of lightning continued to assail it, I harnessed the golden essence of the Lion King's punch, focusing its essence within my hands.

The Fist of the Lion King, a technique emblematic of the insignia I now bore, gathered all of its essence in my clenched fist.


In the very instant my punch connected, a resounding roar, reminiscent of a mighty lion, reverberated through the arena, accompanied by a dazzling burst of golden orange brilliance.

Did it get him?

As much as I hoped that my powerful attack had secured victory, deep down, I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

In response to my thoughts, the being emerged from the rubble, seemingly untouched by the previous onslaught.

It brushed away the debris from its form as if it had never suffered any form of attack.

To my utter surprise, its body then began to multiply, creating dozens of clones.

The arena suddenly became a chaotic battleground as each clone launched relentless attacks in my direction.

The clones then began chasing me.

With the speed of light, narrowly avoiding their relentless onslaught.


Their attacks came in all forms, ranging from energy beams to a barrage of abilities that sought to overwhelm me at every turn.

But I had a trump card up my sleeve.

Harnessing the power of the two red and blue prisms that trailed behind me, I summoned forth devastating forces of red and blue energy.

In a dazzling display of power, these potent energies cascaded forth, obliterating the clones with breathtaking speed and efficiency.

Within mere moments, the legion of clones was reduced to nothingness, their existence erased by the might of the red and blue forces.

Just as I began to catch my breath after the small victory over the clones, my heart sank as I beheld a bewildering sight above me.

The Transcendent Being now levitated in the air had summoned a colossal sword of such unfathomable size that words could hardly describe it.

The size could have rivalled the height of the world's tallest buildings, if not surpassing them.

The blade crackled with sparking energy, radiating an aura of unparalleled power.

With a deliberate and malevolent intent, the being pushed the colossal sword downward, directing it at the very heart of the Colosseum.

Its aim was clear, to obliterate the arena and, in doing so, to annihilate me in a cataclysmic display of force.

As the gargantuan sword descended, a palpable sense of impending doom filled the air, and I knew that I faced a threat unlike any other.

With the odds stacked against me, I would need to summon every ounce of my strength and strategy to survive this monumental confrontation.

With a deep breath, I summoned a small sword crafted from the very essence of light.

In a matter of moments, it expanded and grew to match the colossal size of the Transcendent Being's impending attack.

Yet, I wasn't content with mere size.

Channelling the power of lightning, I surrounded the blade with crackling arcs of electricity, intensifying its destructive potential.

Ethereal Flames danced upon the sword's surface, enhancing its aura with an otherworldly energy.

I drew upon the Fire of Jahanam and the Ice from Absolute Zero, fusing them in a nuclear blend of elemental fury.

To further amplify my assault, I incorporated the Essence of the Lion King, infusing the sword with regal might.

The Tattoo of Karma's boundless prowess augmentation added yet another layer of strength.

And then, the culmination.

I activated every one of the hundreds of thousands of active skills at my disposal, magnifying the sheer force of my attack to a cataclysmic level.

This would be the ultimate, the final strike against the formidable Transcendent Being, a testament to the breadth and depth of power I had amassed.

With my sword ablaze with incalculable energy, I prepared to unleash this colossal force upon my adversary, hoping it would be enough to tip the scales in my favour and secure victory in this epic confrontation.

The moment both colossal swords clashed, a blinding light engulfed the entire colosseum, leaving the whole colosseum momentarily blinded, and the deafening explosion that followed caused ears to bleed.

The sheer force of the impact sent shockwaves that reverberated throughout the arena, causing the very ground and seats to shatter in response to the titanic clash.

Even the Transcendent Being itself was not immune to the devastating effects of the collision.

The sheer magnitude of the forces at play had left it reeling and wounded.

As for me, I found myself being hurled away by the unimaginable power of the clash.

[: -100 Million HP :]

My HP plummeted at an alarming rate, losing a staggering 100 million HP each second.

The pain was excruciating, my skin burned, and it felt as though my muscles and organs were melting under intense pressure.

Yet, thanks to my inhuman regenerative abilities, my body swiftly began to recover from the relentless assault.

I don't know how much time had passed, but the moment I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a scene of utter devastation.

The once-grand Colosseum lay in ruins, reduced to a wasteland by the cataclysmic clash.

My own armour bore the scars of battle, now tattered and half-destroyed, while my body still required precious moments to regenerate fully.

But my immediate concern was the whereabouts of the Transcendent Being.

Where is it?

Is it still alive?

My heart raced with anticipation as I scanned the decimated landscape, desperate to uncover the outcome of our epic confrontation.

Finally, I located its shattered form, a mere shadow of its former self.

All of its armour lay in ruins, and its body was in an unrecognizable state.

It was then that a crucial realization dawned upon me – our regenerative abilities had played a pivotal role in my survival.

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