Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 82 Disturbance Part 3

Chapter 82 Disturbance Part 3

"Now that the pests are gone, what are you guys going to do next?"

Daniel questioned as he gazed at the police and military with a grin.

"Hik! M-Monster!"

One of the police stuttered, and due to the fear of his life, his trembling triggered his gun, sending a single bullet to his way.

As the bullet raced towards Daniel, time seemed to slow down.

With a swift movement of his hand, he deflected the bullet with ease, sending it off course, and embedding it into the ground.

"Oh, was that supposed to scare me?"

Daniel taunted with a menacing grin.

His eyes glowed with an eerie light, and at that moment, the police and military personnel couldn't help but feel like they were in the presence of a true monster.

The atmosphere grew heavy with tension as they exchanged glances, unsure of their next move.

Fear had gripped them tightly, and they knew they were facing something far beyond their comprehension.

As the dust settled from the gunshot incident, Daniel's words hung in the air like an ominous promise.

The question remained, what would they do next in the face of this unassailable force?

The police captain's heart pounded in his chest as he took a step back, realizing the dire predicament they were in.

"Hold your fire! Hold your fire, everyone!" he barked at his trembling officers. "We need to de-escalate this situation."

But amid the chaos, one of the officers couldn't contain his fear and anger.

"He's a freakin' monster, Captain! We can't control this!"

Daniel, maintaining his cool demeanour, spoke in a tone laced with irony, addressing the captain.

"Your man here seems a bit trigger-happy, Captain. Maybe you should have a word with him."

The officer who had fired the shot was pale and stammering, trying to explain himself. "I... I panicked! I thought he was going to—"

In an instant, Daniel's face contorted into a sinister smile as his eyes locked onto the trembling officer who had fired the shot.

Time seemed to slow down as he moved faster than anyone could follow.

Before anyone could react, his fingers extended with supernatural speed, piercing through the officer's chest.

Blood sprayed into the air as a sickening squelch filled the surroundings.

The officer's eyes widened in sheer terror, and a gurgling sound escaped his lips as his life drained away.

The crowd gasped, and the other officers stood frozen, unable to comprehend the gruesome scene before them.

Daniel withdrew his hand from the officer's chest, letting the lifeless body crumple to the ground.

Blood dripped from his fingers as he turned to face the others, his smile remained.

"Now," he hissed, his voice dripping with menace, "where were we?"

"C-Captain, w-what should we d-do now?" One of the soldiers questioned timidly.

"I...don't know..."

Even the Captain who has gone for dozens of missions and operations have never experienced such circumstance, making all of his knowledge and time useless right in front of true power.

"Well, it seems like one of your guys is dead."

Without any respect, he threw the man's corpse and tossed it to the ground.

A sickening thud echoed through the air, emphasizing the brutality of the act.

Slapping his hands together as though trying to remove any specks of dust, Daniel asked, his voice laced with cruel amusement, "Now, what will the remaining of you people do?"

Fear had paralyzed the police and military, leaving them in a state of utter helplessness.

They exchanged nervous glances, their weapons trembling in their hands.

The once-confident law enforcement officers were now reduced to quivering, terrified souls, facing an entity that defied all logic and explanation.

His question rendered all of them into silence, their minds racing as they grappled with an impossible decision.

"What should I do?" was the only thought echoing in their heads.

If they returned now, it would be seen as a retreat, a failure, and perhaps they would lose their jobs.

But they could live to fight another day.

Life was precious, and their families depended on them. In the end, their own survival was their highest priority.

But would this devilish being release his enemies peacefully?

The answer, deep down, was a resounding "no."

Even if they chose to fight, they knew the outcome was grim.

This man, if he could even be called a man, had powers beyond their comprehension.

Looking at both sides of this nightmarish choice, they realized that no matter what decision they made, it would ultimately lead to their deaths.

They were trapped in a relentless dilemma, where every path they could take seemed to lead to an inevitable, gruesome end.

But in the midst of this grim decision-making, a lone figure stood atop a nearby building, a skilled sniper with nerves of steel.

He had made his choice, he would fight against this monstrous foe, even if it meant risking his own life.

With his sniper rifle firmly in hand, he aimed critically.

The crosshairs of his scope locked onto Daniel's forehead.

He believed that everything would finally end with this single, precise shot.

Sacrifices had to be made for the sake of victory.

As he squeezed the trigger, a single bullet surged from his rifle's barrel.

It cut through the air with lethal intent, hurtling toward its target.

The sniper had staked his life on this shot, confident that it would spell the end for the malevolent force below.

However, fate had other plans. Daniel, displaying his astonishing speed and reflexes once more, snatched the bullet out of the air with his fingers alone.

The resounding click of the bullet being caught echoed through the silence, shattering the sniper's assumption and leaving him in awe of the monster's power.

With a perplexed expression, Daniel examined the crushed bullet in his hand.

His voice held a hint of amusement as he mused, "Hmm? Where does this bullet come from?''

''Oh, I see, so it's a sniper...and I'll take this aggression as your form of the answer?"

The sniper, watching from his concealed position, felt a chill run down his spine.

Horror and disbelief gripped him, realizing that his deadliest shot had been effortlessly thwarted.

But the shock rippled further, reaching the police and soldiers below, who were wholly unprepared for the sniper's sudden attack.

They stood frozen, their fear and uncertainty intensifying as they witnessed Daniel's extraordinary abilities.

As the sniper continued to process the unbelievable sight before him, the captain stuttered, "W-Wait, you're misunderstanding some-"

Before he could finish his plea, the police captain attempted to form a pact with Daniel, desperately hoping to salvage the situation.

However, Daniel didn't bother to listen to their pleas.

With a mere thought and the power of the Ruler's Authority, he snatched away all of their guns, rendering them helpless, and levitated himself five meters above them.

"I don't want to hear excuses, nor am I concerned about all of you," Daniel stated coldly, his eyes piercing through them.

"These are the choices you made, and the line of work you chose to walk on''

''I thought police and soldiers pledged their lives for the glory of their country, hence, this might be your chance to prove yourselves."

His words hung in the air, challenging them to rise above their fear and face the consequences of their actions.

Daniel's demeanour remained unyielding, his smile unsettling as he continued, "I'm not a hero who cares about every individual and would sacrifice everything for them. I'm a simple man doing the best that I can."

In this dark turn of events, Daniel's cruel control over the situation escalated further. The once defiant police and soldiers were left in utter shock and despair.

As they stood there, their faces drained of colour, they realized there was no escape from this living nightmare.

With a mere snap of his fingers, Daniel forced their weapons to turn against them.

The air was filled with the deafening sound of gunfire as bullets tore through the ranks of those who had once held their guns with pride.

Panic swept through the remaining spectators, and they fled in every direction, seeking refuge from the horrifying scene.

The soldiers and police, however, had no chance of escape.

Bullets found their marks, piercing flesh and bone.

The ground soon became a gruesome tableau, stained with the blood of those who had fallen.

A pool of crimson formed beneath them, a stark reminder of the brutality that had unfolded.

When the ammunition had been exhausted, Daniel released his control over the firearms.

Lifeless bodies, riddled with bullets, dropped unceremoniously to the ground.

The once defiant enforcers of the law now lay defeated, their fate sealed by the merciless power of the one they had underestimated.

Should we go and continue our date?" Daniel innocently asked as though nothing happened at all.

Cecilia, equally unfazed, responded with excitement.

"Of course, Darling!"

She took his hand, and they walked away from the carnage hand in hand, leaving behind the chaos they had caused.

It was as if the loss of lives meant nothing to them, and they were simply continuing a romantic rendezvous, indifferent to the tragedy that had transpired.

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