Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 71 A Date Part 1

Chapter 71 A Date Part 1

In a vibrant metropolis city brimming with life, one could easily spot families, friends, and couples strolling along the sun-drenched boulevards, their faces lit up with genuine happiness.

Amidst the ever-present threat of Player criminality, the tenacious residents found solace in harnessing their newfound extraordinary abilities, turning even ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.

Despite the meteoric rise of Players, a notable portion of the population, unaffected by the allure of the Divine Entity, went about their lives with an air of cautious indifference.

For example, hidden tribes in various corners of the globe continued their everyday routines, while the older folks, too busy with their concerns, paid little heed to such matters.

The reason behind the residents' ability to roam freely without fear was the collective action taken by governments worldwide.

They had introduced strict regulations governing the use of these newfound powers.

Still, these rules couldn't stop Players from embracing the Modern Fantasia that surrounded them.

What keeps most residents from crossing the lines is their inherent caution.

Growing up under strict rules and regulations, it's not easy for them to suddenly disregard those norms.

The fear of facing consequences and uncertain outcomes serves as a powerful deterrent against breaking the law.

Additionally, not all Players progress at the same pace.

Even though a week has gone by, a staggering 90% of Players find themselves stuck at Chapter 2 Part 1.

Sadly, their levels remain stagnant at Level 20, despite completing 45 parts of Chapter 1.

Hence, the situation wasn't truly perilous, given that the governments possessed military power, allowing them to maintain authority over their citizens.

Nonetheless, in one particular city, there's a popular spot where families and couples often gather.

A place that stirred memories for Daniel.

It was reminiscent of the locations he used to visit on dates with Cecilia.

"Ah... I remember this place... I can't believe I can walk these paths once again..." he mused.

Taking in the bustling cityscape, with its diverse cultures and shops, he patiently scanned the surroundings.

Soon, his eyes locked on a familiar figure not far away, a young woman who appeared to be searching for someone.

Indeed, the person he spotted was none other than Cecilia herself.

Observing her flustered demeanour, Daniel found it endearing.

Cecilia's fingers fidgeted anxiously as she clutched her phone, wrestling with the decision of whether to make the call.

"I c-can't find him! Should I call and ask where he is?" she thought nervously.

The prospect of reaching out to a boy of her own volition stirred peculiar emotions within her.

Being alone and entirely reliant on herself had made her acutely aware of her vulnerability.

"Why is this so hard to call?" Cecilia pondered, her fingers hovering over the screen, struggling to muster the courage to dial Daniel's number.

She hesitated, lost in thought, wrestling with her nerves.

Amid her internal debate, a sudden hand reached out, gently resting on her shoulder.

It was accompanied by a casual yet friendly voice.


The unexpected greeting and the touch took her completely by surprise, causing her to jump slightly and let out a startled as her heart raced with the shock of the moment.

"D-Daniel, is that you!? You almost scared me," Cecilia exclaimed, her heart still racing from the initial shock.

But she quickly calmed down when she realized it was the very person she had been trying to call.

"Hahaha, yup, it's me," Daniel replied, his laughter carrying a hint of mischief.

"I noticed you from afar, and I couldn't help but tease you when I saw you were trying to search for me."

He chuckled at the situation, but Cecilia responded with a playful pout.

Her pout wasn't born of anger or sulking, it was a unique blend of emotions that defied easy description.

But one thing was clear, Cecilia pouted as though she was subtly trying to capture his attention.

"So... you saw me panicking, huh..."

Cecilia admitted, her embarrassment evident as she lowered her gaze, feeling a bit self-conscious about her initial reaction.

However, Daniel's response caught her entirely off guard.

"Yeah, I saw that, and I couldn't help but think how cute you were at that moment," he declared, his words leaving Cecilia stunned.

Daniel was acutely aware that if he wanted to elevate his relationship with Cecilia beyond friendship.

He would need to make a bold move and summon the courage to do whatever it took to capture her heart.

This time, he would open up his feelings for her and wouldn't shy away from it.

Although Daniel was unaware of Cecilia's past before the Apocalypse, this moment presented a golden opportunity to truly understand her.

Furthermore, he knew a few of her weaknesses, one of which was compliments.

In some inexplicable way, in the alternate future, whenever he showered her with praise, she would become utterly smitten with him.

With this knowledge in mind, Daniel believed that employing this tactic could prove successful in winning her over.

And indeed, it turned out to be a successful strategy.

"Me...? Cute?"

Cecilia's face registered sheer disbelief at his direct words.

Yet, she didn't perceive them as insincere flattery or empty compliments meant to curry favour, especially given her affluent background.

"Of course... aren't you?"

Daniel replied, his head slightly tilted in a display of genuine confusion.

He had deliberately chosen this approach to make his compliments seem more sincere.

Contrary to any misconceptions, Daniel was neither a playboy nor a womanizer.

The harsh realities of the Apocalypse had left little room for such pursuits, and his heart had remained largely closed off to anyone.

Despite his initial airheadedness and denseness, strange events continued to attract women to him like magnets.

Each appearing in different periods and years, all wanting him for themselves.

However, as time marched on, so did his heart begin to open up, gradually accepting the love they offered.

It wasn't a matter of seductive skills or any calculated actions or words.

But rather how he naturally behaved and adapted to the unique personalities of each of his beloved.

In essence, even though his compliments might appear insincere, they genuinely originated from the depths of his heart.

For Cecilia, the word "cute" had a unique impact.

She had heard words like "pretty," "gorgeous," and "beautiful" countless times, causing her to build resistance to them.

It's worth noting that Cecilia had grown up in a household surrounded by opulence and luxury.

She frequently attended parties, celebrations, and events hosted by wealthy families.

During those gatherings, there were always boys and men who would shower her with flattery.

And she would typically respond with a polite but plain smile, often attempting to evade further conversation.

Yet, hearing the same compliment from the boy she was genuinely interested in, Cecilia found herself blushing a delicate shade of pink, a reaction she had never imagined.

"Hehehe... he called me cute... hehehe, I'm cute, aren't I?"

Cecilia couldn't help but revel in the compliment internally.

However, unbeknownst to Daniel, Cecilia's golden eyes held an eerie darkness within them, and her typically radiant smile now appeared unsettling.

To exacerbate matters, Cecilia was dressed in a purple gown with a flowing skirt, a combination that should have been lovely with her haicolouror.

Yet, her peculiar eyes and eerie smile gave her an almost otherworldly, goddess-of-death-like aura.

Indeed, while Daniel was earnestly working on rekindling their relationship, he remained unaware of the profound impact his words could have on Cecilia's perceptions and beliefs.

"Now that we're here, should we go?" he asked.

"Yes, please!"

Cecilia responded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

As they strolled through the city, Daniel led her towards a destination he had in mind.

Meanwhile, as Cecilia followed him, she couldn't help but find his attire enchanting, further enhancing the magic of the moment.

With black pants featuring artful rips at the knees and a red shirt accompanied by a long, knee-length black cloak, Daniel's attire held a certain charm in Cecilia's eyes.

She couldn't help but appreciate how dignified he appeared.

Unbeknownst to him, Cecilia wore a satisfied smile as she gazed at his back, which seemed as imposing as a mountain to her.

She believed that nothing could make her feel safer than being in his presence.

It was a peculiar yet profoundly gratifying emotion.

The more she stood behind him, the more her heart found ease.

There was no need for contemplation or worry about her problems at that moment.

By merely following his lead, Cecilia never imagined the profound impact it would have on her.

It was an experience she relished and found herself craving for more of, a feeling she had never anticipated.

Eventually, they continued their exploratory walk, Daniel guided Cecilia to a corner of the city where a delightful aroma wafted through the air, enticing passersby with promises of delicious treats.

The tantalizing scent grew stronger as they approached a bustling food shop, renowned for its mouthwatering ice cream and a menu filled with quirky, innovative delights.

The establishment hummed with activity as people from all walks of life gathered to savour the culinary treasures it had to offer.

Vibrant neon signs adorned the shopfront, casting a playful glow on the sidewalk.

The sight of this lively, gastronomic haven caught Cecilia entirely off guard.

She found herself unexpectedly startled by the vibrant atmosphere and the tantalizing promise of culinary adventures awaiting them within.

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