Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 58 Awakened True Lightning

Chapter 58 Awakened True Lightning

As the clash of killing intent reverberated through the air, a palpable tension hung between Daniel and the enraged Chaos Wyvern.

Their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills, a battle that spoke of the determination to conquer or be conquered.

Daniel's gaze burned with an intensity that matched the fiery depths of the wyvern's eyes.

With every fibre of his being, he projected an unyielding resolve, a declaration that he would not back down, not in the face of this formidable adversary.

With his healing factor slowly restoring his face, Daniel's lips curled into a fierce grin.

He was well aware that this battle was unlike any he had faced before.

The Wyvern's taunted mode had unleashed its full might, making it a force to be reckoned with.

Yet, Daniel's own power was far from spent.

He knew that he had an ace up his sleeve, a trump card that he had been saving for just such a moment.

And now, with the wyvern's rage boiling over, it was the perfect time to unveil it.

Closing his eyes, Daniel reached deep within himself, tapping into the forbidden powers of the Forbidden Fruit he had consumed.

He felt the surge of energy, the crackling anticipation that filled the air around him. His heart raced as he embraced the immense power that lay dormant within him.

With a deep breath, he opened his eyes, and as he did, an electric blue aura enveloped his form.

His body was surrounded by crackling lightning, a manifestation of the immense energy he was channelling.

With a steady breath, he closed his eyes, allowing the energy around him to course through his veins.

Thunder rumbled in response, the very atmosphere resonating with his awakening power.

And as he opened his eyes once more, they glowed with an otherworldly light, a reflection of the storm that raged within him.

His voice resonated with authority as he uttered the true name of the forbidden power that resided within him, a power he had yet to fully grasp, the Awakened True Power of Lightning, "Delzion, the Wrath of Lightning."

At that moment, the air around him seemed to tremble in response.

Bolts of lightning danced in the air, arcing and crackling with energy.

The very essence of the storm was at his command, a force of nature that answered to his will alone.

The moment Daniel awakened the true power of lightning, his very being underwent a profound transformation.

His essence became a fusion of mana and lightning, intertwining the energies of lightning, mana and fabrics of reality.

The three forces merged within him, creating a harmonious symphony that resonated through his every cell.

His body crackled with electrifying energy, every breath he took charged with the essence of lightning.

Mana flowed through his veins like a torrential river, while arcs of electricity danced across his skin in a dazzling display.

He had become a conduit for the raw power of the storm, a living embodiment of the forces that shaped the world.

The Chaos Wyvern's eyes widened in surprise and perhaps a hint of fear as it sensed the overwhelming power emanating from Daniel.

The wyvern's berserk rage was met with an aura of authority, a presence that dared to challenge its dominance.

With a roar that shook the ground, the wyvern lunged at Daniel once more, its claws and fangs gleaming with deadly intent.

As the forbidden fruit's true power surged through his veins, a primal surge of electricity coursed through his very being.

The air crackled with otherworldly energy as if reality itself was trembling in the wake of his newfound might.

With a triumphant roar that echoed through the stormy skies, Daniel embraced the essence of lightning as if it were an extension of his very soul.

His imagination ran wild, conjuring visions of power that defied logic and reason.

In a blaze of brilliance, he clothed himself in a shimmering armour of lightning, the arcs of energy intertwining with his very form.

Every movement sent sparks cascading from his body, illuminating the darkness around him with an ethereal radiance.

But Daniel's ambitions didn't stop there.

He raised his hand, and from the very fabric of reality, he summoned forth duplicates of himself formed entirely of lightning.

These clones crackled with raw energy, each one a mirror image of his determination and strength.

They circled him like a storm of vengeance, ready to carry out his will.

As his gaze locked onto the Chaos Wyvern, his eyes burned with an intensity that matched the lightning-filled skies above.

His thoughts merged with his powers, and the very air seemed to tremble in response.

In an instant, the battlefield transformed into a theatre of cosmic power, the ground crackling with energy, the air humming with anticipation.

With a gesture of his hand, he sent forth lances of lightning that tore through the air like celestial javelins.

Each bolt sought out its mark with unerring accuracy, striking the Chaos Wyvern with a force that rivalled the fury of the gods.

The wyvern's roars of defiance were drowned out by the explosive impact of lightning meeting flesh and scale.

But Daniel's onslaught was far from over.

With a thought, he infused the ground itself with his power, causing it to surge with electrical currents.

The very earth became his ally, conducting the energy and granting him a battlefield advantage that was beyond comprehension.

In a display of sheer audacity, he thrust his hand into the ground, and from beneath the wyvern's feet, pillars of lightning erupted like avenging spirits.

The Wyvern was lifted off the ground, ensnared by the crackling tendrils that sought to bind it in a web of raw power.

The wyvern's defiant struggles only fueled Daniel's determination.

With a force of will that bordered on the transcendent, he channelled his lightning abilities into a single, devastating attack.

His eyes blazed with an intensity that seared through the storm itself, and at that moment, he uttered a name that resonated with the very essence of his power.

"Delzion, the Wrath of Lightning!"

As the name left his lips, reality itself seemed to warp and bend to his command.

The very laws of physics bent to his will, allowing him to manipulate the lightning in ways that defied comprehension.

The air became charged with unimaginable energy, and the Chaos Wyvern's roars of fury were drowned out by the crackling tempest that Daniel had summoned.

With a sweeping motion of his arms, he directed the torrent of lightning at the wyvern, creating a cataclysmic display of raw power.

The heavens themselves seemed to weep with the brilliance of the attack as if nature itself bore witness to the clash of titans.

The lightning converged on the wyvern, engulfing it in a blinding maelstrom of electrical fury.

The very air vibrated with the intensity of the assault, and the ground trembled beneath the onslaught.

The wyvern's roars were silenced by the sheer force of the attack, its form obscured by the blinding radiance.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, the torrent of lightning subsided.

The battlefield was shrouded in an eerie calm, the aftermath of a storm that had raged with the fury of a cosmic tempest.

The smoke cleared, revealing the fallen form of the Chaos Wyvern, its once-mighty frame now reduced to a charred and smouldering ruin.

Breathing heavily, Daniel stood amidst the aftermath, his form wreathed in the residual energy of the unleashed power.

The air was charged with otherworldly electricity, the very atmosphere a testament to the might he had harnessed.

With a sense of victory, he approached the fallen wyvern, his steps measured as if approaching a fallen king.

He looked upon the creature, once a fearsome adversary, now a vanquished foe. There was no arrogance in his gaze, only a solemn acknowledgement of the battle that had been fought.

As the echoes of the battle slowly faded, the exhaustion caught up with him.

He wasn't exhausted because of the battle, but because using the Awakened True Lightning consumes a huge chunk of Mana.

He staggered slightly, the strain of wielding such power taking its toll on his body.

But the fatigue was a small price to pay for the victory he had achieved, for he had harnessed the very essence of lightning itself and emerged triumphant in the face of an insurmountable challenge.

And so, in the aftermath of the cataclysmic clash, Daniel stood as a testament to the boundless potential that resided within him.

[: Congratulations, you have killed a Unique Boss, Chaos Wyvern and you have levelled up to 300, and have obtained 10 SP :]

[:? Congratulation, you have received additional stats due to attaining Level 300 :]

[:? Congratulation, you have unlocked the 4th Slot of another Class :]

[:? Congratulation, you're the first player to achieve Level 300, hence, you have received 1 Mysterious Box(???) :]

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