An Exclusive love

Chapter 42 - It's all over, I saved you

Xin Qing woke up hungry in the midnight. She was startled when she opened her eyes.

"You're awake?" Ying Qingcang leaned on the headboard and looked at her.

Xin Qing rubbed her eyes and looked at Ying Qingcang for a while. Just as Ying Qingcang thought that the fever had fried her brain and was about to call the doctor, Xin Qing suddenly covered herself with the blanket and laid back down.

"How annoying that I even dreamed of him."


Ying Qingcang's face darkened, he touched her forehead: "Aren't you hungry?"

"Hungry!" Xin Qing said casually, then abruptly sat up, "You... You... You..."

"This is my room." Ying Qingcang reminded her.

"I... I... I..." Xin Qing stammered.

"Have you forgotten what happened last night?"

Xin Qing was stunned for a moment, then grabbed Ying Qingcang's arm with a pale face: "He gave me some strange medicine, he wanted to rape me, and he wanted to record it..."

Tears fell drop by drop onto Ying Qingcang's hands, burning holes in his heart. Ying Qingcang hugged Xin Qing tightly. "It's all over now. He didn't do anything. I saved you."

"Really?" Xin Qing raised her head in his embrace.

Ying Qingcang hesitated for a moment, it seemed that she had forgotten what happened between them later last night. Should I tell her?

"It's true!" I should wait until she recovers...

"That's great..." Hearing his words, Xin Qing grinned and then fell onto the bed immediately.

"Xin Qing? Xin Qing!"

Ying Qingcang was so scared that he did not even look for Doctor Li and directly drove Xin Qing to the hospital. On the way, he found that she had started to have a fever again and kept unconscious all the way to the hospital.

After drawing and testing blood, and a series of careful examination, the doctor told him that the reason for the fever was because Xin Qing's uterus had been infected severely. The doctor chided him for not taking care of hygiene in couple's sex life, especially during her period.

Ying Qingcang was originally secretly happy with the doctor's words of "couple's sex life", but soon felt sorry for Xin Qing. He remembered that Xin Qing had a situation at the last night during the first seven days, but he had not even considered her feelings.

Ever since Xin Qing met him, she seemed to be sick a lot. Ying Qingcang scolded himself in his heart as he sat on the side of the bed and accompanied her until the sun rose. When it was four or five in the morning, Xin Qing opened her eyes once again.

"Am I in the hospital?" This time, she was pretty calm when she saw Ying Qingcang and only glanced at him indifferently.

Ying Qingcang nodded his head quickly and brought her a cup of water. Xin Qing struggled to sit up, but Ying Qingcang supported her: "Be careful, there's still a needle in your hand!"

"Thank you." Xin Qing took a big gulp of the water. She had slept for too long, her throat was unbearably hoarse.

Ying Qingcang scooped a bowl of porridge that Auntie Tian had cooked from the thermal container. "You haven't eaten anything today, eat some porridge first. I'll ask them to send some food over later on. What do you want to eat?"

"No need, porridge is good enough." Xin Qing extended her hand to receive the bowl. Ying Qingcang frowned: "Let me feed you. You've had a fever for quite a long time, how could you have the strength to hold the bowl?"

Xin Qing looked at him in shock, then shook her head. "I'll eat by myself."

Ying Qingcang did not say anything, he just pulled a table in front of her and placed the bowl on the table.

Then there was a silence: Xin Qing ate the porridge silently and Ying Qingcang watched her silently.

"What the doctor said about my fever?" Xin Qing couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere and found a topic to talk about.

Ying Qingcang moved his body and repeated the doctor's words, and then added: "I'm sorry, I did not know that it would have such a huge impact."

"Wouldn't you do it if you knew the consequences?" Xin Qing turned her head and did not look at him. Ying Qingcang wanted to explain, but was unable to find a word.

After eating two bowls of porridge, Xin Qing leaned against the bedside as she looked at the slightly uncomfortable Ying Qingcang.

"Yesterday... Thank you." She thought about it and decided to thank him.

Ying Qingcang looked at Xin Qing and felt that she was getting further and further away from him. The girl who hugged him and cried last night had now wrapped her heart and kept him out of sight.

"Don't worry, Young Master Shen has already caught him. When you're better, I'll help you with whatever you want to vent your anger on. I don't mind crippling him."

Ying Qingcang said carefully. He didn't dare to rush her, nor did he dare to force her. He knew that if he were to tell Xin Qing that he loved her now, she would definitely not believe him. For what happened yesterday, she must have been blaming him. If he hadn't left her alone, how would someone have had a chance to kidnap her?

Xin Qing was blaming him indeed, but for a different reason. She couldn't forget what Xin Haoyu had said yesterday.

"Ying Qingcang can play with you, I can too." The words were like a nail in her heart. Would everyone look at her like that in the future? A woman who climbed onto Ying Qingcang's bed, a toy of a man. What's the use of being first in competitions? What's the use of becoming a designer? She could never leave Ying Qingcang, she was always the woman who slept with him.

All of her dreams and hopes had turned gray. Xin Qing didn't know what meaning was left in her life...

"Are you feeling uncomfortable again?" Seeing her silence, Ying Qingcang thought that she was feeling uncomfortable again.

"I want to leave the hospital. Tomorrow is Chinese New Year."

"Alright!" Ying Qingcang immediately stood up, "Let's go home."

What Xin Qing did not expect was that Xin Pengfei would bring Xin Yudie along that very afternoon. When they came over, Xin Qing was trying to dress Lele with a red tang suit that was made by Auntie Tian.

Ying Qingcang sat at the side watching, not saying a word. Xin Qing also didn't want to talk to him, though she knew that she shouldn't blame all of this on Ying Qingcang.

Especially she clearly remembered Ying Qingcang's gentleness at that night. She knew that she had been drugged. Under such circumstances, she remembered all of Ying Qingcang's carefulness.

So, Xin Qing also had conflicted feelings. She didn't know how she should get along with Ying Qingcang. Meanwhile, Ying Qingcang was so admiring of the dog in the arms of Xin Qing, for he did not even dare to touch her. Under this unhappy mood, the Xin father and daughter came to the door.

"Boss Ying." Xin Pengfei stood there with his head lowered, his tie crooked and his face filled with stubble. Xin Yudie hid behind him and looked at him secretly.

Xin Qing carried Lele and walked into the living room. Ying Qingcang waved to her and she walked to his side and sat down. At a time like this, they had to work together against outsiders, especially against Xin Pengfei.

"Xin Qing, are you alright? I'm worried sick." Xin Pengfei looked at Xin Qing and found that she looked a little pale, but everything else was fine.

Xin Qing smiled scornfully: "Worried? Aren't you worried about your son's life?"

"Xin Qing, no matter what happened, he is my only son. You can give whatever lessons to him, but... don't let anyone die." Xin Pengfei's tone was filled with pleading, his expression was ashen; he was truly afraid.

That night, he overheard the conversation between Xin Yudie and Xin Haoyu on the phone and knew that Xin Haoyu had kidnapped Xin Qing. He panicked and gave Xin Yudie a ruthless slap on the face, then immediately called Ying Qingcang. He didn't know what Xin Haoyu had done to Xin Qing. Xin Yudie had said that she just wanted him to scare Xin Qing, but he knew his son, a man who could risk his life for a woman.

After waiting at home for two days without any news, he couldn't sit still anymore and decided to come find Ying Qingcang. Whether Xin Haoyu was dead or alive, he had to find him. Xin Pengfei had prepared for the worst. If he must have to abandon one, he would push Xin Yudie out, so he brought Xin Yudie here.

Xin Yudie didn't know what her father was thinking at all, and she stared at Xin Qing and sized her up.

Xin Qing was dressed in Chanel season clothes, exuding a noble aura; even the hair band on her head was worth a few thousand yuan. Xin Yudie was so jealous that she was about to go crazy.

Why would Xin Qing be able to sit high above and enjoy the life of a noble? Why would I have gotten nothing but being raped. All of this was caused by Xin Qing, it was her!

"Yudie, what are you doing? Hurry up and apologize to your sister." Xin Pengfei saw that she was staring at Xin Qing and was afraid that she would do something out of line once again.

Xin Yudie clenched her teeth and wiped her tears away as they flowed profusely: "Xin Qing, it's all my fault, please forgive me. I must have lost my mind to ask Haoyu to bluff you."

"Bluff me?" Xin Qing laughed coldly, "I guess no one can take it as a bluff. Otherwise, what Du Zekai did to you is just a bluff!"

Xin Yudie was startled: what did she mean? Is she jeering at me for being raped?

"Xin Qing, Haoyu really only wanted to bluff you. He's your half-brother, and he won't really hurt you." Xin Pengfei explained anxiously.

Xin Qing looked at Ying Qingcang, who nodded at her, and held her hand tightly. She needed courage, and in this place, the only person who could give her courage was Ying Qingcang.

"My half-brother?" Xin Qing began to laugh ironically as she stared at Xin Pengfei with unwavering eyes. "My half-brother actually gave me the aphrodisiac, and then had people record the process of him raping me on the spot. This is your son, my half-brother!"

Not only Xin Pengfei, even Xin Yudie was shocked.

"No... Impossible!" Xin Pengfei was not able to stand steadily, and took two steps back to look at Ying Qingcang. Ying Qingcang was looking at him coldly. Xin Pengfei suddenly pointed at Xin Qing and shouted, "You're lying, you want to kill Haoyu, you're lying!" Then he pounced towards Xin Qing. A Che, who was standing behind him, kicked him down, then grabbed both of his arms and pressed him against the ground.

Ying Qingcang started speaking: "You actually wanted to harm her in front of me," he said slowly, "it looks like... You're not worried about your son at all."

"No... No, I just… I was just out of my mind."

Xin Pengfei wanted to stand up, but he was suppressed by A Che, so he could only raise his head and plead with difficulty, "Xin Qing, I beg of you, I only have this one son. I am willing to bear the consequences of whatever he had done to you, as long as you let him go. "

Xin Qing felt chills throughout her body. This was her father, who stayed with her for seventeen years and kicked her out in one day without any hesitation. Now he was kneeling here, begging her to save his other child.

Xin Pengfei never thought that Xin Haoyu would actually dare to lay his hands on Xin Qing. If it was only kidnapping, then it would be fine even if she was a little frightened. Right now, he really didn't know if Ying Qingcang would let Haoyu off. Xin Qing! Right now, the only person who could save Haoyu was Xin Qing.

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