An Exclusive love

Chapter 35. She'd Rather Embrace The Puppy Than You

"No interest."

"It's about Little Qingqing!" Young Master Shen laughed, "Very important news!"

Ying Qingcang frowned: "Deal."

"The day of the competition is Little Qingqing's birthday." Young Master Shen jumped up and rushed towards the wine shelves, "How is it? It deserves what you pay."

Ying Qingcang's face darkened. He could easily know it by casually flipping through the files.

"The problem is that you don't think of it." Young Master Shen seemed to know what he was thinking. He curled his lips and said, "If I don't remind you, you will never imagine that it is Little Qingqing's eighteenth birthday!"

Ying Qingcang was quiet for a moment, as if he got an idea. Young Master Shen continued to ask what gift he wanted to give her, but was kicked out of the office.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was December. The shops on the streets were all on Christmas sales, filling the streets with a festive atmosphere. S City was located in the south of Hua Country. Even so, it had welcomed the first snow of this year.

On the weekend, Xin Qing went to the jewelry company early and saw the finished work. She was surprised by the two ordinary-looking but experienced workers who have such great skills. According to the rules of the industry, Xin Qing gave two full red packets to them.

The snow stopped in the evening. Uncle Fu took her and Le Le to the back of the mountain and cut down a tree for Christmas next week. When they were decorating the Christmas tree, Ying Qingcang just arrived home.

In these days, she and he got along very well. The only thing that Xin Qing was puzzled was that Ying Qingcang still came back every night to do routine work with her. She wasn't sure if it was an illusion that she felt his skill was getting better and better. Thinking of this, she felt her face was burning.

"You will paticipate in the competition next week?" Ying Qingcang sat on the sofa and watched she was fighting with Le Le for a pentagram.

Xin Qing saved the pentagram from the dog's mouth and hung it on the Christmas tree. "On the 23th, the night before Christmas Eve." She glanced at Ying Qingcang and realized that he was staring at Le Le.

Xin Qing carried Le Le and said, "Le Le takes a bath everyday. It is not dirty." To prove that, she even gave Le Le's hairy head a kiss.

Ying Qingcang's eyes darkened. Why did this dog grow up so quick? It's really ugly...

The innocent Le Le whimpered a few times, hiding in Xin Qing's embrace and not daring to come out. Xin Qing smoothed its hairs, and quickly changed the topic.

"I may be back late on the day of the competition."

Ying Qingcang replied with an "oh" sound and stood up. "Got it." As he walked upstairs, he stopped halfway and asked, "Is it male or female?"

"Ah? Are you talking about Le Le? " Xin Qing reacted, "It's male."

Then, she saw Ying Qingcang glared at her before returning to his room.

… …Was he crazy again? Xin Qing looked upstairs in confusion. He was not cured actually, and was still a phycho.

When Young Master Shen went for Ying Qingcang on the second day, his first words were: "Do you know what breed her dog is?"

"Does Little Qingqing have no name? You always call her 'she'."

Ying Qingcang would definitely not admit that he didn't want to call Xin Qing like others did. He always felt that the relationship between he and Xin Qing was different, but he didn't know what he could call her.

"Does it have something to do with you? I asked you about the breed of the dog. "

Young Master Shen thought about Le Le Xin Qing raised and rubbed his chin: "That little thing shouldn't be of any specific breed. It's just a hybrid."

What's the fuck Little thing? It's obviously really big now. When Ying Qingcang thought back the dog which had taken over Xin Qing's embrace last night, he felt it looked even more ugly. "what breed is its father and mother?"

"How could I know?" Young Master Shen glared at him, "I don't have a dog."

Ying Qingcang thought for a while and called Ah Nan in.

"Go to check what breed the dog in our house is." Ah Nan nodded and left. Since Miss Xin arrived, Young Master's orders had become more and more incomprehensible.

Young Master Shen asked him curiously: "Why did you notice the dog? Do you want to give Little Qingqing another dog to raise?"

"Another dog?" Ying Qingcang felt that this suggestion was good.

Young Master Shen began to enjoy himself, "I think Little Qingqing is suitable for raising a toy poodle. The dog is as cute as she is, and can be held in her arms everyday!"

Ying Qingcang's attention was focused on the last words, "Can be held in her arms every day." With a frown, he interrupted Young Master Shen's words. "No need, this one is pretty good. "

After that, he called Ah Nan in.

"You don't need to check."

"Alright, I understand." Ah Nan moved the corner of his mouth and left.

Finally, it was the day of the competition. Zhang Mi and Shi Qianqian accompanied Xin Qing to go there. They met Xin Yudie and Du Zekai whom they had not seen for a long time at the entrance. Xin Yudie knew from Xin Pengfei that Xin Qing would participate in the competition. So she didn't look happy. Du Zekai, who was beside her, glared fiercely at Xin Qing.

"I heard that the Xu Family is very dissatisfied with his relationship with Xin Yudie." Shi Qianqian whispered.

They found the seats with Xin Qing's nameplate and sat down. Zhang Mi looked at Xin Yudie who was leaning against Du Zekai in the distance. "Why are they dissatisfied? The two scums are well matched to each other! "

"It seems like Du Zhekai's dad wants him to get married to some relative of Xu Family." Shi Qianqian shrugged her shoulders, "How could the small Xin's compare with the Xu Consortium? If Du Zekai and his family could get close to the relative of Xu Family, then their status would be different. But no one shows respect for them now."

"It's a pity that his son is unreliable. It's such a waste for the father to be so smart."

Xin Qing laughed: "This proves that Xin Yudie is capable. At least, she successfully coaxes Du Zekai to be obedient."

"Tsk, that kind of man is a fly. As long as there's a crack on the egg, it will bite. They are all rubbish." Zhang Mi spat to the direction of them. Coincidentally, Xin Yudie looked over, Xin Qing smiled and nodded to her. Xin Yudie glared at her venomously and then moved her gaze away. Xin Qing happily drank a sip of fruit juice!

The competition started. Every contestant had to take their own works and explained the design concept and meaning to the judges. As expected, Xin Yudie told a love story of the Son Of Rainbow from Greek mythology. After she walked down, it was Xin Qing's turn.

This time, Xin Qing did not use diamond on the ring. Instead, she used tourmaline of blue coral color together with green demantoid, which was embellished with rubies. The ring surface was a peony in full bloom that was made of diamonds and pink gems as well as blue gems. The stamens were made of malachite, which was unique to China.

"The romantic Pala Ebba tourmaline from the east coast of the United States represents passion, the green demantoid represents freedom and peace. The red color is the burning enthusiasm and the eternal flame. The pink and blue colors symbolize purity and beauty. Peony is the national beauty. My work is a beauty that is lovely enough to cause the fall of a city or a state. She pursues a free and beautiful love! "

Before the judges were about to give marks, Xin Qing said again, "Furthermore, it is not only a ring!" She carefully took the Peony and put it on her palm. "The Peony can be removed and become a brooch!"

The judges were in an uproar as they were discussing something softly. Xin Qing smiled and bowed, then slowly walked off the stage. She had absolute confidence that she would win!

As the selector, Manager Lu was holding a phone and mumbling. Xin Qing went over to greet him. Manager Lu hung up quickly when he saw her.

"Miss Xin, someone is willing to pay a high price to buy the National Beauty. Are you going to sell it?"

National Beauty was the ring's name. Xin Qing was surprised. Generally, only when the competition was finished, would the jewelry companies buy contestants' works. It was just too quick!

"The other party is here. He just saw your work and likes it very much." Manager Lu seemed to know her surprise and explained to her.

Xin Qing nodded indifferently: "You decide, since your company provides the raw materials."

This was also the rule of the industry that the contestants were supposed to give the ownership of their works to the selector after the competition. Of course, it did not include the people like Xin Yudie who provided raw materials by herself.

"Ok, then I'll negotiate over the price."

"Xin Qing!" Zhang Mi called her, "Come here. They're going to announce the results!"

When the judges announced that she won the first place, Xin Qing laughed and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Mom, did you see that? I did it, I did it! " Not far away, Xin Yudie, who won the third place, stared at her with a sinister look. Xin Qing revealed a brilliant smile as she glanced at her. Then, she went to the stage to receive her prize.

As the first prize owner of City S, she would study in the CK headquarter in France and would take part in their assessment. She would get the highest prize in the jewelry world, the Golden Crystal Prize, which was the highest affirmation to a designer.

"Happy birthday, master designer!" Zhang Mi and Shi Qianqian surrounded her happily to congratulate her.

Zhang Mi patted her chest, "I kept it so hard. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday long time ago, but Qianqian said that I had to wait until this time!"

Xin Qing cried nonstop, and the emotions that she had suppressed for several months exploded at once. Today was her eighteenth birthday, and today she had won the first competition in her life. But it was just a beginning, and her life just began now!

Mom, I will try my best. You should protect me in heaven!

"Let's go, I've booked a room in KTV. We won't leave until we're drunk!" They cheered as they left. Xin Yudie stood in the darkness and stared at Xin Qing's back. Du Zekai wrapped his arm around her and comforted her.

"Yudie, don't be sad. The third place is pretty good too!"

Xin Yudie really wanted to kick the man beside her to death, but she couldn't. Xin Pengfei had already warned her to control Du Zekai in her hand. Although the Xu's consortium was not as good as the Ying Family, it's still one of the top consortiums. She wanted to marry into the Xu Family, and stomp on Xin Qing when Ying Qingcang got tired of her .

"Cheers!" The three girls laughed happily as their wine glasses clinked each other in the air.

Shi Qianqian held Zhang Mi and ask her to drink less, "That's enough!"

"What are you worried about? Anyway, someone will send us back later." Zhang Mi looked at Xin Qing: "Right?"

Xin Qing's face flushed because of the alcohol. Her eyes were as bright as two crystals. She laughed: "En, Ah Che is at the door." Then she stood up. "I need to go to the washroom."

"I'll go with you." Shi Qianqian was worried about her, but Zhang Mi made her stay to sing.

Xin Qing waved her hand, "It's fine, I didn't drink much. You should just take care of Mimi!"

In the end, she got into trouble when she came out of the bathroom.

"Oh, there is a beauty!" Two men who dressed frivolously intercepted her.

Xin Qing frowned and retreated two steps: "You are drunk, don't come to me, or I will call the security."

"Hahaha, you may call. This place is so far away from the main station, and no one can hear you." After that, one of them stretched out his hand. "Come here, let me touch you."

Xin Qing slapped his hand away, "Go away, otherwise I'll call the police."

"Fuck, what are you pretending for? I'm going to strip you naked today."

Xin Qing was scared, but just as she was about to scream, a man's voice came behind her.

"Stop it. What are you doing?"

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