American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

293. Becoming a Demon!

293. Becoming a Demon!


A chill ran down Constantine's spine as he looked at the terrifying shadow in the darkness. He no longer had any desire to spectate, and the cigarette in his hand had disappeared without him even noticing.

The black mist was gradually dissipating—or rather, it was being consumed by the massive creature's body. As the mist thinned, Constantine could clearly see that the enormous figure was covered in thick scales, gleaming in the ghostly remnants of the fire.

The bat-like wings had turned into pitch-black shadows, resembling an ancient demon that invoked a primal fear ingrained deep within human genes. Its thick, tree-trunk-sized arms were covered in clusters of fleshy bumps, connected by scarlet veins, oozing a viscous liquid.

A foul stench filled the air. Constantine swallowed hard. It was the first time he had ever witnessed the Seven Deadly Sins fusing together, and it seemed they had merged with something else inside Alex's body, transforming into an even more terrifying being.

At this point, Alex could no longer be called human. His form looked like the stuff of nightmares—a combination of all the most terrifying creatures molded into one, a truly frightening sight.

Silently, Constantine pulled a teleportation card from his pocket, ready to escape at the first sign of trouble.

At the same time, feeling the overwhelming power emanating from Alex's body, Constantine couldn't help but entertain the thought, 'Maybe I should just teleport this guy to Darkseid and let them fight it out. Whoever dies, it's their bad luck.'

But as he quietly watched the evil aura radiating from Alex—a malevolent energy so strong that even a normal person could see it with the naked eye—Constantine realized that without proper preparation, there was no way his current methods could expel such a terrifying creature.

The two stood in silence, Alex's enormous form crouched in place, with his back turned to Constantine, obscuring his face. Constantine didn't dare make a move, and the two were locked in a tense standoff.

Alex's body continued to exhale clouds of mist, and after what felt like an eternity, Constantine couldn't stand the silence any longer and finally broke it.

"...Hey, you alright?"

At the sound of Constantine's voice, the giant figure responded.

Alex's demonic body trembled violently, and at the same time, a fleshy tumor on his shoulder opened its eyes.

An overwhelming pressure descended upon Constantine, and a strange phrase suddenly appeared in his mind—"You have disturbed the witch!"

But the next moment, Constantine snapped out of it, drenched in cold sweat. He realized it was mental corruption, the bizarre power strong demons used to control their followers and minions.

Without any hesitation, Constantine immediately activated the teleportation card in his hand.

In an instant, Constantine's form transformed into a streak of light. Sensing something, Alex's hideous head turned, his four gem-like eyes locking onto Constantine just as he was about to disappear.

But with just that one glance, Constantine's body, now a golden beam of light, began flickering erratically. Then, a strange sound, one that no human organ could ever produce, reverberated through the air. Sinister whispers shattered the glowing particles.

The sound of glass breaking echoed as Constantine's body was pulled by an unseen force, and he reformed from particles of light back into his physical form.

Opening his eyes and realizing he was still in the same place, Constantine was completely stunned.

As Constantine was still grappling with the shock of 'Why did my teleportation magic fail?' Alex had already dragged his massive body right in front of him.

"...How do I... look now?"

Constantine stood frozen in place, not responding, until the stench of sulfur and the searing heat on his face made him take several steps back, snapping him out of his stupor.


Constantine stammered, his eyelids twitching uncontrollably as he stared at the monstrous creature that could probably give eight people a heart attack just by looking at it. He quickly realized that the other side didn't seem to have any intention of harming him. In fact, the creature even kindly retracted the writhing tentacles that had been stretching out in all directions.

As Constantine gazed at Alex's terrifying face, he swore he saw a sly smile. God only knew how he could see a smile on that mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, but Constantine could genuinely feel a sense of joy and excitement radiating from Alex.

"So... did you succeed?" Constantine asked.

"Pretty much," Alex replied, blinking the eyes scattered across his body as he curiously examined his thick arms. Though they looked rather disgusting, he didn't feel grossed out at all. In fact, he couldn't even smell the strange odor emanating from himself.

Despite the overwhelming discomfort, Constantine was no stranger to witnessing bizarre and terrifying things. He quickly regained his composure.

He pulled a cigarette from his pocket, walked over to Alex's knee, which was sparking with embers, and lit his smoke. After taking a long drag, he exhaled slowly.

"Now I get how you got those strange powers," Constantine said.

Alex grinned, revealing a menacing expression that could easily frighten ten people into heart attacks. "I thought the process would be more difficult, but these seven guys offered themselves up."

Alex had never made a secret of his ability to devour others. After all, he was a dark wizard by nature, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with the way he gained power.

"So, can you turn back? No offense, you look very impressive, but I'm British," Constantine said.

"Ahem, alright."

As Alex spoke, his massive body began shrinking at a visible speed.

The scales on his terrifying wings quickly fell off, disintegrating into ash that disappeared in the air. The wings reverted to mere bones and retracted into Alex's back. The exoskeleton, which seemed to be made of metal, rapidly merged back under his skin, and his sharp claws returned to their normal form.

Alex's black hair swayed lightly, and the extra pair of arms dissolved into black matter, transforming into the coat he had worn earlier. His dark purple skin faded back to a human-like flesh tone, and the countless twisted tentacles slithered back under his trench coat.

In less than five seconds, Alex had gone from a fearsome demon back to his previous human appearance.

Elegantly placing his hat back on his head, Alex smiled slightly.

"Well, how do I look?" he asked.

Constantine stared at Alex for a moment, then quickly nodded.

"Not bad. Now I have full confidence in our plan."

"You trust me that much? Aren't you worried that I might be controlled by the demon inside me and do something... regrettable?" Alex asked, crossing his arms and smiling as he watched Constantine.

"We've already fallen into darkness like never before, Mr. Crow," Constantine sighed, but then a smug smile returned to his face.

"The darkness at the end of the world."


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
294. The Fading Star.
295. Soul Corruption.
296. A Gesture of Respect.
297. The Delusions in the Dark.
298. The Dionesium.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.