Amazing Village Building

Chapter 60: It looks to me like you need my strength right now

Chapter 60: It looks to me like you need my strength right now


The elves were firing their arrows in unison.

Their arrows were hitting the orc king, but his skin and muscles were so thick that the arrows didnt look like they were doing any damage. Rather than hurt him, the arrows merely irritated him.

After that volley, Selen rushed forward.

The orc king swung his arm to strike her, but she dodged by a hairs breadth and even counterattacked with magic at pointblank range. Her ice arrow struck the orc kings leg, but even that didnt seem to have much effect.

Watching Selen fight was so nerve-racking. I wish she didnt take that much risk!

Get behind us!

Selen-dono, use your magic from behind us!

As though the two had the same thoughts I did, Noel-kun and Goate-san hurriedly stood in front of her with their shields.

And so, while the two were stopping the orc kings attacks, arrows and magic were dealing damage to the enemy. At times, sword and spear attacks were mixed in whenever there was enough of an opening.

However, this strategy of ours placed a heavy burden on the two shield-bearers. Intercepting the orc kings attacks would occasionally send them flying again. Each time though, they would stand back up and continue fighting, despite being wounded all over.

Noel! This cant be your limit, right!? Theres no way someone with your Gift will be exhausted way before me, right!?

Of courseI can stillfight! This village, Ill protect it!!!

Goate-san who had [Herculean Strength] goaded Noel-kun who had [Shield Master Techniques]. In response, Noel-kun roared back.

The two of them should have reached their limit a long time ago though

Even if we used the few potions we had, it might still not be enough to make much of a difference. At this rate

As though sensing as well that the fight was going in our favor, Selens face was distorted with irritation while she attacked with her magic.

It was then that

It looks to me like you need my strength right now.

!? You

The man who appeared before Selen was someone who could rival an orc in size.

This man was Dorial, the leader of the bandit group that attacked our village.

In his hand was a shield like those carried by Noel-kun and Goate-san.

Im no expert in using a shield, butwell, it dont look like anyone other than me can do this, so cant be helped.

Why, why are you?

Ive said it before, didnt I? If you ever need my strength, youll have it. Dont you agree that you need it now?

Dorial replied so to Selen and then snorted.

He then proceeded to charge into the orc king with his shield.



Thanks to Dorials shield bash, the orc king was greatly thrown off balance.

Like I thought, if there was anyone who could help the Noel-kun and Goate-san, it would be this guy.

((Thanks, Satin.))

((I never would have thought that the boss would do something for this village though))

Through Satin, I had asked Dorial for his cooperation.

I was naturally anxious on letting him out of the prison, but I was more concerned at the moment on lightening Noel-kun and Goate-sans burden.

Guaah!? Damn it, is this giant pig really this strong!? Am I not going to last long against you, you bastard!?

Well, there was only so much he could do to help the two shield-bearers.

Dorials Gift was [Axe Techniques], so unless he was using an axe, he was just another man with a large physique. Asking him to endure as much as the two was just unfair.

Nevertheless, with 3 shield bearers, we were fighting in a safer manner than before.

Whenever the chance presented itself, Rando-kun would poke with his spear. Similarly, Balrath-san and Perun-san would occasionally slash at the orc kings back and then quickly withdraw.

The villagers with magic-type Gifts have been firing their magic attacks as much as they could, ready to use all of their magic power if they have to.

The elves were similarly firing their arrows non-stop. In fact, their fingers were now bleeding due to repeated drawing of their bows.


Thanks to everyones perseverance, the orc king was gradually accumulating damage.

It now had wounds all over his body. Occasionally, he would even become staggered.

Yet, for all that, he still had no trouble swaying his arms to attack our vanguard.

Everyone, just wait a little bit more

While I was watching with bated breath like that

<<1214 village points have been acquired as your daily income of village points.>>

Finally, its here!

Each day, I am given a number of village points. And because the number of my villagers have exceeded a thousand already, I earned more than 1000 points each day.

Everyone, get away from there!


Thanks to their trust in me, everyone quickly distanced themselves from the orc king even though I didnt give them an explanation as to why.


Not wanting to let the villagers get away, the orc king chased after them. However, I immediately built a stone wall in front of him.

This stone wall was thicker and taller than any Ive built before. Even the orc king shouldnt be able to destroy this one so easily.


Perhaps it was because he sensed danger that he hurriedly tried to escape.

Of course, I didnt let him. I built special stone walls that formed a shape. Together with the first one, the orc king was now fully enclosed. Even through the thick walls, I could tell how confused the orc king was to be in such a situation.

The sound of stone being repeatedly pounded could also be heard through the wall, but

Its useless.

Like when I was making weapons, I used facility customization to make the stone in the walls be as condensed as possible.

With the walls being this reinforced, even the super strong orc king shouldnt be able to make any significant damage any time soon.

Now for an observation tower

On top of the wallswhich formed a squareI built an observation tower.

If I use facility customization on it and condensed it enough, it would fall in between the walls.

The observation towers made of stone, so I think that should be heavy enough.

Even the orc king should be crushed by that much weight.



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