AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 198: Thousand Eyes of Fear (8)

Chapter 198: Thousand Eyes of Fear (8)

Lan Xiaohui leans against the railing, staring into the channel below where a single carp is attempting to swim against the stream.

I had anticipated that Lan Xiaohui would show some degree of reduction in her mental state, due to the unresolved traumas of her near-death experience and her commitment to death, mostly but, in a most shocking manner, Lan Xiaohuis mood is soaring high.

Even though Wu Yulan left several days ago with Yun Fei, and the fact that Lan Xiaohui could not find Elder Qin at the sect, and the time limit before the rankings close is approaching, I sense a great deal of serenity in Lan Xiaohuis heart.

Now that she sees how far she is from the pinnacle, it is not discouragement that lingers in her heart, but motivation to swim against the currents like a carp; to defy the heavens like a dragon.

The fact that her lifespan is effectively reduced to only twenty years does not seem to bother her either. In the matter of her lifespan, this is most probably because she is not even twenty years old, and to such a young sword cultivator, twenty years may seem like a long time.

Unfortunately, the data I have regarding the cultivation practices and commonalities are very clear on this matter: twenty years is not enough to even pose a challenge to Lu Long, let alone escape her fate. But cultivation practices and common knowledge have nothing to do with me, or my owner.

Together, we will find a way.

This thought is not entirely mine. It is the sentiment echoing in Lan Xiaohui heart with a heavy emphasis on together. The trust Lan Xiaohui places in me is absolute, and her faith in this is unwavering.

It is not misplaced either.

Gently, her fingers stroke my hilt as the sun sets in the distance, which I notice because she is sharing her perception with me, and the deeper inner secrets of her heart.

It turns out that rather than damaging her heart, this experience has strengthened it instead and reminded her of what truly matters in life.

Naturally, here our opinions will differ greatly, but they share the same common principle for the most part: obtaining immortality. With enough strength, Lan Xiaohui will never have to worry about her life again; with enough power, Lan Xiaohui will never have to fear the unknown again. If she can become immortal, she will never have to separate from me.

I pause at this last wayward thought. I am not certain if it is mine or an infectious emotion in Lan Xiaohuis own heart. Of more concern than the downsides of this perception-sharing method is the fact that I do not disagree with that desire.

I also want to remain with Lan Xiaohui.

She is a good sword cultivator and has tremendous potential to reach the pinnacle. To think that our journey began with my intentions to have her carry me to someone more worthy of me, only to realize I am already in very capable hands.

Lan Xiaohui smiles awkwardly at that moment, and I begin to suspect that the downsides of the perception-sharing method the limited telepathy, for the most part work both ways. It may not even be related to this specific method, because Lan Xiaohui echoed my own conclusions when she spoke to Elder Qin.

Sword and heart as one; Lan Xiaohuis sword attainment has progressed rapidly recently. She has spent countless days within my now ruined Inner World, contemplating the various characters scribed into my black jade core and determining her own place among them.

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The sword she sought a beautiful sword should have, by all rights, ended her life, and though it did not have such an outcome, the attainment she obtained from comprehending it still remains with her.

What was that sword and that strange, mysterious law within it?

Suddenly, Lan Xiaohuis mood changes into territory I am not very familiar with. I cant tell if she is giddy with excitement or terrified. She wants to speak but she hesitates, clearing her throat several times before the words finally come.

Yaoyue Even so, the way she speaks my name is full of glowing warmth and gratitude. It has been a while since we have been alone together. I was wondering if you still want to cultivate together, even if its just with me?

You are more than enough, I reply without hesitation.

It is true that the efficiency will decrease without Wu Yulans contribution of Yin energy, but now that Lan Xiaohui can cultivate even the vitality of nature, it shouldnt pose a problem.

Despite this very logical and reasonable answer, Lan Xiaohuis reaction is very illogical and unreasonable. Her cheeks flush red, and she lowers her gaze to the ground, wholly unbecoming of a sword cultivator.

Just I am enough? she asks, humming a happy giggle immediately after the words.

There is no reason for her to doubt my words, but just in case she misunderstood something, I explain to her: There is a new cultivation method that we can attempt, which will require your vitality.

Lan Xiaohui tangles a finger into her hair, as her eyes widen at my words, still staring at the ground. Her growing smile is unreadable to me.

Y-you want my blood and my Yin? she asks.

Technically, I only need the vital energy that she can generate through [Empty Moon Prana].

The serenity in her heart, in these few short moments, is completely shattered and replaced by something different. This strange yearning in her heart and desire for closeness appears out of nowhere.

She runs her fingers along my vessel, gentleness attempting to convey a meaning that is beyond my current understanding.

I owe you everything, so whatever you want me to do, I will do it without question, she murmurs. There is a brief, tense pause before she continues. Even if you want my v-vitality, or to try new cultivation methods. I am

At the same moment that she stops speaking and her mood sours, accompanied by a brief pulse of killing intent in her heart, I sense the approach of an entity.

Lan Xiaohui grips my hilt and pulls me off the railing as she turns around and looks up at the sky.

A small speck is visible in the distant sky, growing larger by the moment. At this speed, there are only a few individuals that it could be, and when the figure gets close enough, Lan Xiaohui recognizes her, and she sighs helplessly, her killing intent receding.

What an unreasonable master.

Landing several steps away from her, Elder Qin jumps off her sword and offers a polite smile to Lan Xiaohui, who returns the greeting by cupping her fist.

Junior greets Elder Qin, Lan Xiaohui says, tone and demeanor having completely recovered.

I heard that you have returned to the sect, Elder Qin says, approaching Lan Xiaohui and when she is within a few steps, she stops and rests her arm on the railing.

An awkward silence develops between the two because there is something that is on Elder Qins mind, and it would be unbecoming for Lan Xiaohui to speak before her Elder is finished.

It takes a few seconds before Elder Qin, awkwardly, retrieves a small box from her sleeve and offers it to Lan Xiaohui.

When my owner takes the box, her gaze slides from the box to the Elder. Elder Qin, what is this?

It is a pellet of Rainbow-Colored Rebirth Lotus, and high-grade Core Revolving pills for you and Wu Yulan, Elder Qin explains, surprisingly casual about it, despite her demeanor until that moment being the very opposite of casual.

Lan Xiaohui, after hearing that the box contained the very medicine that she was looking for, is stunned and speechless for a long while. I Elder Qin, I dont understand. This medicine it is extremely precious.

Elder Qin looks into the distance toward the distant Heavenly Sword Villa. I would like you to think of it as my and the Heavenly Sword Villas token of apology for what happened, Elder Qin explains. I did not think that You Wulei would try to kill you by sending you to the Perilous Sword Valley. That is not what I had in mind when I sent you there to practice.

Lan Xiaohui blinks at those words. It is not?

Elder Qin shakes her head. It is not, she says. Where is Wu Yulan?

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