Age of Gods: Thousand Folds System

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Invulnerable Divine Body, Invitation From The War Society

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Under the guidance of the combat department director, Sullo had completely mastered the origin power that had triggered the golden light barrier.

This power originated from some mysterious power deep within his divine body. Almost everyone possessed this power, but they might not necessarily be able to develop it.

Under the nourishment of the tremendous power of faith, his divine body continued to grow stronger and stronger, allowing him to develop this origin power, allowing him to master this defensive law.

Just in terms of defense, Sullo was many times more powerful than other demigods of the same level.

Even a god one level higher than him wouldn’t be able to break through this type of defense with his full power.

In addition to his defensive power, the increase in his divine body also increased his combat power.

To challenge someone of a higher level, with the power of a three-star demigod, defeating a four-star God would be a piece of cake.

Even if he were to face some five-star gods, it wouldn’t be impossible for him to defeat them.

In addition, this defensive law was able to deflect attacks from the target.

Although the ratio wasn’t high, only about one-third of it, it was enough to make the enemy wish they were dead.

If he could continue to train, the ratio of rebounding attacks would increase dramatically.

For the sake of convenience, Sullo called this defensive law the invincible divine body.

As the name implied, with this defensive law, he would be in an invincible position.

Seeing that Sullo had successfully cultivated, the combat department director walked over happily.

“Looks like your potential is really huge. You’ve grasped a defensive law so quickly.”

Sullo shook his head, forcefully suppressing the excitement in his heart as he said humbly, “Teacher, you praise me too much. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to master this law. In the end, it was you who taught it well.”

The combat department director was very happy. He waved his hand and said, “Within the war seminary, there are countless teachers who are more outstanding than me. However, a genius student like you is definitely one of a kind.

“Previously, Xia Jun who fought against you was once a peerless genius of the war seminary. He single-handedly suppressed the four major seminaries and used a three-star demigod to counter-attack a four-star demigod of the enemy.

“The teachers surrounding him were all more outstanding than me, and there were many who were more powerful than me. But do you know how much time he spent in order to master the Flame Dragon Laws?”

Sullo shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know.

The combat department director shook her head, then raised three fingers and said to Sullo’s shocked gaze, “Thirty years. He spent an entire thirty years. You?only spent three hours to completely master a more powerful defense law.”

In the end, Sullo returned to his dorm with joy.

It was one thing to completely master the invincible God’s body.

But the most important thing was that he had figured out the reason for all of this.

According to the combat division director, it was mainly because his believers had good quality and high level of faith. The faith power he provided was abundant and pure.

The same was true when it came to faith levels. A believer’s quality could also affect the purity of faith power.

Sullo had four great mythical-quality believers: the World Trees, the Divine Domain Snake, the Gold Beamons, and the Holy Human Spirits.

In addition to the believers of the four great races, the lowest level of faith was also a fanatic, and the highest level was that of a saint. This made the faith power he collected extremely pure.

This was also why he was able to develop the potential power in his divine body so quickly.

Sullo returned to his dormitory and didn’t give up on cultivating for even a moment.

The feeling of increasing his strength was too refreshing.

However, he also didn’t give up on the divine seat selection competition.

If one said that an undefeatable body meant extreme defense.

Then the final reward of the divine seat selection competition—the Thunder God’s divine seat—represented extreme offense.

When the strongest spear and the strongest shield collided, no one knew whether the spear would pierce through the shield or if the shield would break the spearhead.

However, there was one thing that Sullo was certain of. After the strongest spear and the strongest shield were controlled by the same person, they would definitely be able to erupt with unparalleled power.

Therefore, he was determined to win the championship of the divine seat selection competition.

It was also very interesting. On the first day of the divine seat selection competition, Sullo displayed the formidable combat strength of the Gold Beamon.

In the next few days of the divine seat selection competition, there were no more participants who were willing to fight with him as a believer.

Almost every participant displayed their strongest side at the very beginning, choosing to fight between gods.

Each of them either relied on a variety of divine arts, powerful divine artifacts or wanted to fight against Sullo’s divine power.

But no matter which one it was, Sullo would be able to defeat his opponent completely.

For example, in the competition between Divine Arts, Sullo had the ultimate divine art, the Spatial Gate, which could come and go without a trace, perfectly neutralizing the enemy’s attacks.

He also had a series of basic divine arts, such as bloodthirst, sharp blade, weakness, and so on.

Although these divine arts were basic, in Sullo’s hands, there were all sorts of techniques, and he was able to easily defeat his enemies.

As for those who fought against divine artifacts, they were even more easily crushed by Sullo.

One had to know that he had a sovereign artifact, the divine armor.

Some three-star demigods only had one or two high-quality divine artifacts at most.

How could he possibly be a match for Sullo when he used these divine artifacts to fight?

After almost every battle, Sullo’s next opponents would change their strategies.

But no matter how they changed their strategies, the final result was without a doubt.

Crush! Crush! Crush again!

Just like that, Sullo obtained more and more victories, and his assessment results became higher and higher.

He actually entered the finals as a dark horse.

As long as he won one more match, he would be able to obtain the final position of the Thunder God.

On this day, Sullo still easily finished off his opponent.

But when he returned to the dormitory, he was stopped by senior sister Lin Yan.

This beautiful senior sister was one of the four goddesses of the War Theological Seminary.

The goddesses here didn’t refer to her realm, but her beauty.

Therefore, Lin Yan could be said to be very popular in the War Theological Seminary.

God knows how many gods liked to revolve around this beautiful junior.

Among them, there were many talented seniors, powerful male mentors, and even gods with deep backgrounds outside the school.

Lin Yan had no interest in them at all. She always had a straight face, so she even received the title of Snow Mountain Goddess.

However, she was not an ordinary freshman like Sullo. She often invited him to go shopping, and they were very close to each other.

In the beginning, there were teachers from the academy, as well as some gods from outside the school who had deep backgrounds, who wanted to secretly warn Sullo.

However, when the combat division director came out, she immediately scared away these intruders, so no one dared to have any ideas about Sullo.

This was especially true recently when Sullo, as a dark horse, charged into the final of the divine rank selection competition. This caused all those who harbored any ill intentions to remain as quiet as cicadas in winter.

“Junior, your senior wants to invite you to join a God Guild. Are you willing?”

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