Age of Evolution

Chapter 237 - 237: 237 Photon-Electric Combined Strike, Lin Zhen’s Martial Skills! (First update)

Chapter 237 - 237: 237 Photon-Electric Combined Strike, Lin Zhen’s Martial Skills! (First update)

Translator: 549690339

Lin Zhen picked up Wang Cheng’s book and casually flipped through it.

But soon, a passage in the book caught Lin Zhen’s attention.

“It is generally believed that even if laser weapons were to be successfully developed, they would not be able to compete with the elemental forces of martial artists. However, I think that laser weapons still have their unique advantages.”

“If we could apply elemental forces to laser weapons, we could then launch various elemental energy guns and energy cannons. Not only would they be effective against people, but also against flying saucers.”

“On the other hand, if martial artists utilize their elemental forces and adjust them based on the principles of lasers, they could also unleash immense power.”

Afterward, there was a long section about the principles of lasers, elemental principles, and other professional knowledge that was dizzying to read.

At this point, a thought suddenly struck Lin Zhen.

“Elemental combination attack!”

“Light and electricity are elements with similar forces. Their combined use is unlikely to produce explosive attack effects. Moreover, I have currently mastered two types of electric elements but only one type of light element, so there is no balance between them.”

“If I rely solely on the fusion attack of lightning ions and charged particles, the speed will be there, but the power will be much weaker. I must incorporate lightning photons, but doing so will make the lightning power strong and the light power weak. Unless I master the power of light molecules now, there will be room for development only when both forces reach a balance.”

“Here comes the issue of the integration and development of elements. Unless I add a third element to trigger reactions among them and explode them out with Dantian Qi, I can definitely form a powerful explosive attack!”

“How to do this?”

Lin Zhen sat silently on the Black Ghost, the sky approaching dusk, motionless, with only the Lightning Wings slowly flapping.

His spiritual power slowly sank into his body, roaming through his limbs.

In his Dantian, the surging Dantian Qi was raging like tidal waves. As a Fifth-level War God, his Dantian Qi had become incredibly powerful and was gradually consolidating into a Qi vortex, although this process was lengthy.

As long as the Qi vortex condenses, he will enter the Star Realm.

Above the ocean of Dantian Qi, a Dark Star floated.

If this was a world, it would seem as if the Dark Star had been there since the beginning of time.

Inside it, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Lightning Power, Radiant Power, and a trace of cold air all existed.

Of course, it also emitted a tiny gravitational force.

Lin Zhen’s spiritual power stopped above the Dark Star.

He saw the trace of cold air!

“That’s right! I forgot about this thing. This thread of cold air was formed when I absorbed too much of the snowstorm’s power while condensing the Dark Star in Zhao Dong. It has been injected into the Dark Star since then and has been continuously growing stronger with the rotation of the Dark Star.”

“Now my light power is weak, and the foundation for a light and electricity combined attack is lacking. I can only rely on a third element to compensate.

Isn’t this cold air the third element?”

“Although it’s almost impossible for me to truly master it in a short time, I can completely wrap it in light power to achieve a conflicting effect. After all, the cold air is in the Dark Star, so I can guide and use it.”

As soon as Lin Zhen thought about this, he immediately stood up. With a flap of his Lightning Wings, his body ascended into the clouds.

Lin Zhen had always been a man of action. He stood on top of the clouds, and the Dark Star began to rotate within his body.

The power of light and electricity surged out from the Dark Star, wrapping a strand of cold air.

But for the first time, Lin Zhen couldn’t even bring them out of his Dantian. The cold air surged within the light and electricity, and the two elements were not of the same kind. Moreover, the cold air had not resonated with Lin Zhen and was not easily controlled. As soon as it lost the carrier of the Dark Star, it twisted a few times and dissipated in the ocean of Dantian Qi.

Lin Zhen was somewhat unconvinced. The second time, he was much more cautious, and this time he successfully brought out a strand of cold air.

However, it only lasted a few steps longer than before and still dissipated.

“It won’t work. The power control is not even, and the protection is not tight enough. Light and electricity must form a balance with the cold air so that it won’t break apart and dissipate.”

This time, Lin Zhen became much more cautious and started to attempt to move a small amount of light and electricity with a tiny bit of cold air wrapped inside.

He failed once, twice!

Ten times, a hundred times!

Gradually, the night of Ice City fell again, and the surrounding sky gradually darkened. Only Lin Zhen remained in the clouds, his Lightning Wings flapping nonstop, like the wings of angels descending into the night.

Lin Zhen didn’t know how many attempts he had made, but eventually, he mastered the correct way to produce a bit of cold air.

By this time, it was already midnight.

An energy ball of light and electricity appeared in Lin Zhen’s hand, twinkling like a star in the night sky.

He gently lifted his palm, and the energy ball in his hand seemed to be flowing.

This energy ball contained half of the lightning power, a quarter of the light power, and a quarter of the cold air.

However, this energy ball could only be used at close range, and its lethality was not particularly significant. To unleash its true potential, Lin Zhen still needed to employ an attack method to release it.

Lin Zhen raised his hand, and the Broken Jade Spear appeared in his grip. “I haven’t used this Star Weapon Spear before. I’ll use it for an experiment today.”

Lin Zhen’s Dantian energy started to circulate, and the power of the energy ball was immediately added to the spear.


Lin Zhen stabbed with his spear, but halfway through the energy flow, it dissipated in the air.

“Still not enough, I need to be more decisive.”

Lin Zhen’s spiritual power entered his Dantian again. He formed another energy ball in the same way as before.

Once again, he added the energy ball to the spear and tried to thrust, but the result was still a failure.

After numerous trials, it was almost dawn, and Lin Zhen had lost count of how many times he had failed. He could not figure out the combined attack method.

“This is not just a problem of being unskilled, but rather my control over the elements is still lacking. Without resonating with the cold energy, it is difficult to perform this combined attack.”

Lin Zhen sat cross-legged on the cloud once again, looking up at the starry sky and trying to find the mistakes in his plight.

Sometimes he would stand up, wielding his spear, and a wave of energy scattered in all directions, causing the clouds in the sky to scatter. Fortunately, it was only at night in the wilderness, and no one could discover it.

At other times, he would sit down, relying on the flapping of Lightning Wings to keep from falling off the cloud, while scratching his head and pondering.

“Why can’t my energy concentrate? Star Artifacts can guide energy, is it because I care too much about the original techniques?”

“It should be. The energy explosion is not Spear Art, but it can unleash greater power. Calmness should be emphasized when using it. I am now restless and can’t find the true essence.”

Lin Zhen steadied himself, his soul power unusually strong, allowing him to easily calm his mind.

He forced his restless heart to calm down; the chaos in the sea of clouds around him gradually returned to its original state.

After an unknown amount of time, a hint of white fish belly appeared in the east.

The white fish belly gradually turned into a faint red color, signaling the imminent arrival of the sun.

Gradually, a ray of light finally broke through the sea of clouds, bringing forth a golden rainbow that stretched across the sky.

It appeared and was then covered by the cloud mist, disappearing from sight.

But that ray of light shone on Lin Zhen’s face.

“Huh! I figured it out!”

“Laser! A laser beam is an energy beam. I was too focused on the energy explosion before, but I overlooked the fact that concentrating energy will unleash its maximum power. Only by concentrating energy on a single point can it be maximized!”

Lin Zhen stood up immediately, took several deep breaths, and his Lightning Wings flapped a few times, allowing him to soar freely in the cloud layer for a while.

After reaching the speed of sound with Lightning Wings, Lin Zhen could fly nearly 400 meters per second, an incredibly fast speed on land, but not so fast in the clouds.

Lin Zhen returned to the cloud above the Black Ghost, just as the day began to dawn. It was the best time of day with abundant energy in the high altitude. He felt that his condition had never been better.

He once again transferred his spiritual power into his Dantian and then into the Dark Star.

With the already calculated proportion in mind, Lin Zhen easily created an energy ball.

This basketball-sized energy ball, filled with dazzling electric particles and lightning power, was accompanied by rolling cold air, clearly revealing its immense power.

With a flap of the Lightning Wings, Lin Zhen soared to an even higher altitude.

“Speed up, speed up, speed up!”

Lightning ions flashed on the lightning wings. Lin Zhen was like a divine eagle soaring through the darkness before dawn, weaving through the sea of clouds.

The clouds surged around him, the energy ball in his hand.

Lin Zhen suddenly added energy to the Broken Jade spear, which he held firmly in one hand.

“Come on, let me try it. Let me try my first self-invented technique in this life. This is unique to me!”

Lin Zhen’s speed soared to the limit, rushing towards the east with the wind at his ear.

The Broken Jade spear in his hand quivered, with electric arcs bursting from his palm.

Here, in the vast sea of clouds, there was no specific target in front of Lin Zhen’s eyes, but in his heart, the sky was his target.

“Explode! Let’s see, with my Light and Lightning combined attack, I can pierce through the surface, surely I can break through Huo Luofu’s Gravity Field!” Surrounded by rolling clouds, Lin Zhen stabbed with his spear!

At this moment, the eastern sun finally broke through the sea of clouds, a golden beam illuminating the horizon, and a golden mist painted the dark clouds.

Under Lin Zhen’s spear, a small sun burst into existence as well. A golden energy beam shot out, penetrating layers of clouds and shooting straight into the sky, competing with the sunlight!

Next to that beam of energy, at the spear tip’s explosion point, Lin Zhen could vaguely see a trace of a black spatial rift suddenly appearing!

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