Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 364: Yeah, I Finally Found You! Come to Die!!

Chapter 364: Yeah, I Finally Found You! Come to Die!!

My words were said loud and clear, with clear vengeance and obvious hatred. My demoness was a demon. I never saw her fight under my banner! And I much loved to see her do those indeed.

I kept pushing forward, and it took me one week to reach the border of the nineteenth layer. My demoness condition was stabilized for now, not deteriorating any further, or perhaps she reached the point of no worse than lying after that.

My demon kept feeding her pearls for the entire two weeks, and that might be a factor to make her not die at this moment.

As I needed her to survive much more!

When I crossed the border, I found normal demons everywhere! I was really angry that I raised my calibre sword and waived it towards these demons, killing a huge number of them at this moment.

They were getting on my nerves! I didn't want normal demons, I wanted special ones! Where all these demons went? Was it possible they were so afraid and locked themselves on the layer twenty?

I didn't even stop for a moment to glance at the fried demons hit by my sword, as I continued flying forward with the same high speed of mine. the demons came in flocks, but I crushed them all using my shield alone. I totally ignored them, as I kept glancing over the world, looking for any speck of dust about the demons or monsters I was looking for.'

Another week passed, a very stressful and long week though. I always kept the habit of checking on the demoness' condition once every hour in the last couple of days, and now I was so stressed that I kept peeing once every thirty minutes.

I could see the distant border of the twentieth layer up ahead, however I knew it would take a whole day for me to reach there.

My voice got tired from cursing out loud over these demons and monsters, promises of threats and kills to all the noble community when I came back, and finally nothing happened; so I decided to remain silent for now.

My anger, my frustration, my helplessness were all welled up together, buried deeply under my skin, waiting for the right moment to unleash them.

One way or another, I would meet these dumb enemies of mine eventually, and I wouldn't hesitate to unleash all what I stored for them all through this long journey.

I finally passed the border, entering layer twenty. According to my demon words, the demoness had not much time to lose, and soon she might be real dead, beyond redemption.

I knew he wasn't exaggerating, as it was a miracle already for her to sustain herself up to now.




The moment I stepped into layer twenty, I heard the long and endless roars of these demons and monsters, forming a huge defensive endless army, standing there welcoming me.

For me, in my ears, these weren't roars, but these were the sweetest symphony ever!

"Yeah, roar babies, roar as you like, I missed y'all, what took you so long to come here?"

I shouted while raising my spear and sword both high to the sky, roaring as well with them, celebrating this long awaited moment.

And the next moment I summoned my demoness, lying sleepy and weak the moment she appeared for the first time under my banner.

"Let's hope this would work," I said, while I summoned my demon to help, as I said:

"Give her the sword, and attack those huge monsters around us."

I threw the sword to him, and next he put it into one of her arms, then waved it towards the monsters. The attack caused the monsters to be weakened, got many injuries, but it wasn't strong enough to make the monsters die.

"Again, keep hitting non-stop," I ordered, while I stood in vigilance, waiting for any annoying witch killers to interrupt this attack of hers. The sword flashes were weak, extremely weaker than any sword flash of me or my demon.

She was so weak that her sword slashes weren't strong at all to kill even a single monster. "She needs a hand," I muttered, and the next moment I took out my normal spear, and started summoning my own army of spear shades; taking roughly four hours to gather enough spears to kill one monster with the help of the weak sword slashes of the demoness.

The moment the first monster fell, and the world around us showed a small gap that was instantly filled by other monsters, I glanced back towards the demoness and the demon.

He just shook his head, making her more frustrated. "Keep her attacking, and let me help her," I said, as I returned to kill monsters with the help of her weak slashes.

Monster after monster, hour after hour, passed on me like whole life times passed on me. It wasn't until ten hours later that the demoness finally showed the first sign of improvement; her sword slashes started getting stronger, killing monsters in fewer numbers of strikes than before.

"Yeah, this is my demoness!" I shouted, while sending my spears again to help kill one monster, "Keep her like this, keep killing those bastards!" I shouted at my demon, much thrilled by the slight improvement in my demoness' condition.

Our little massacre continued, and it seemed my enemies had lined up their army, as I never spotted any single small demons anywhere here or there at the distant horizon.

As for the witch killers, they realized how futile it was to use them, given the fact of how many I already killed so far. If the demoness could use mystic arts, it would have been much easier for her to recover using one throw of my spear, however she wasn't, neither was my demon.

That gave me the inspiration, why not grant them these mystic arts? Both were now my slaves, bound by my prison, couldn't live without me or my artifact, and thus I had no threat at all from them.

So, I decided, after this battle ended, I wouldn't stop strengthening them and would grant them mystic art suited to their taste.

She was improving, however this improvement came on a very slow rate. I sighed, as this was everything I could do in my hand; at least her condition wasn't worsening anymore, instead getting away from death; getting better.

It took days for my little team plus the dead bodies of thousands of monsters for my demoness to finally open her eyes, and stand up by the shoulders and thick arms of my demon.

"W-W-Where am I?" she glanced around herself, seeing the terrifying scene of war and monsters, the balloon and demon, plus me and my huge entourage of spears behind my back.

"Layer twenty," my demon replied.

I laughed, her silly question was enough to make me extremely happy, extremely glad that she was saved. "Can you replenish your energy by eating pearls? Or should we slain some more of those ugly bastards?" I asked.

"What?!" she exclaimed out in surprise, as she didn't understand anything of what I just said.

"She will be fine," my demon just said, replying to my question in her stead.

"Great, let's retreat then," I said, before I took out my artifact, my spear, and was about to use it when my demoness suddenly shouted, with extreme hoarse voice:

"Don't, the spear shouldn't be used uncontrolled, or else bad things would happen, like that foggy monster."

When she mentioned the monster, her face turned pale, but my demon kept her standing, while I realized something I could understand them perfectly fine! Out here in my real world!

How did this even happen? I asked, with much surprise and shock than I showed over my face. "Are you alright?" the demon asked, before I waved my hand, storing away my spear as I said, "let's retreat for now, there is no need for her to be sent back to the prison for now."

The demon nodded, before he held the demoness, and both lied on the side of my huge balloon. I glanced at these huge armies of monsters as I sighed, they were lucky that my demoness interfered, or else I wouldn't stop until frying every single one of them.

I retreated through the barrier, and waited, for any single monster to cross the border; however none passed!

My balloon kept moving back into the layer, while I kept it moving this way so I could detect any demon or monster coming from far. I didn't disable the shield, as the world of this layer was still filled with flying demons, weak and worthless except for their precious pearls.

I checked my own reserves, and wasn't surprised to see the very low amount left for me to use. I sighed, as if I was carried out by impulse and wasn't stopped by my demoness, I wouldn't have the wealth of pearls to back me off.

'Kill every single demon you face along your way and store their hearts don't let a single demon bypass your blades.'

I hurriedly sent this message to Aria and the others in the team chat, where I found them filling the chat with long messages to check upon me. Once I wrote this, they all cheered and the chat was livened up, but I wasn't in the mood right now to chat; I just needed to rest in peace, and forget a little about this hard and tense war.

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