Against Heaven's Will

Chapter 172 You Wont Even...

The massive wall of the Dwarf Kingdom was fully in ruins with all the buildings and its surroundings destroyed. Colorful flames burned everywhere, turning the place into living hell. In the midst of the fire hovered one figure, constantly swinging its wings as she scratched the gigantic entrance to the mountain.

"It’s Bella!" Wu exclaimed with concern, rushing towards the exit immediately. "Let’s go!"

"Miss Wu! Wait! It’s dangerous!" her guards called out after her but Wu didn’t give a damn. "What danger? It’s my sister!"

She swiftly flew out from the Flying Ship, heading straight towards the flaming Phoenix!

"Bella!!" Wu cried out from behind, causing Bella to freeze and turn around her massive head. She thought that Bella would be in a crazed mode, not even recognizing her but she was surprisingly level-headed.

"Sis Wu!" Bella exclaimed as she bounced from the melted doors and flew up to her while turning back into her beautiful human body. "You need to help me fight them!"

Bella fell into Wu’s arms, clearly exhausted from the constant barrage of attacks, and breathed hurriedly. Anyone would be already tired beyond recognition but Wu could still see a lot of determination in Bella’s eyes.

"It’s okay, I’m here to handle the situation. I need to know the details. What happened? Why are you attacking the Dwarf Kingdom?" Wu questioned urgently while halting the experts who came with her. "I was contacted by them as they requested assistance from the Trade Union. I knew it was you when they provided me your description."

"Drakos is inside. They imprisoned him," Bella explained as she calmed down a little. "I have been trying to break through for a day already but those doors are too thick. I only managed to melt through half of it but it seems they are adding defenses from the other side."

Before Wu could say anything, a small part of the door moved inward, creating a hole right through and an angry voice came from the inside.

"She is lying! They are thieves and tried to rob us! My Race didn’t do anything wrong!"

Knowing Drakos for a while, Wu didn’t doubt the man’s words but her expression didn’t change. She let go of Bella and flew forward on her own.

"I’m the General Manager of Trade Union, the person you contacted for help. Let’s stop the fight and talk it out," Wu suggested diplomatically. "We only do business without combat."

An eye peeked through the hole as the man announced, "And I’m the King of Dwarf Kingdom and there is no way I’m opening the doors. I’m not going to risk the lives of my people. This bitch will attack the moment she has a chance. I’m not falling for that."

Wu frowned deeply.

"The person you are cursing right now is my sister! Say one more bad word about her and you can forget about my help. I will mobilize all my forces to break inside your Kingdom and cut off your tongue," Wu threatened sternly, "Now answer my question! Is there a Dragon named Drakos imprisoned inside the Dwarf Kingdom?"

The stern approach wasn’t ideal but Wu didn’t care. She would naturally side with Bella no matter if she was in the wrong or not. One could curse her and she wouldn’t care but if someone cursed her family, they deserved a beating.

"Little girl! Watch your words! You don’t know who are you threatening!" the King of Dwarfs yelled back angrily. "You will regret—"

"Regret?!" Wu cut him off with the same intensity. "Cut the bullshit. Drakos is one of my friends and since I’m leading Trade Union, I can do whatever the fuck I want. If you don’t answer my question, I will assume he is inside and you can forget about every cooperation you had with Trade Union. I will cancel them all."

"You won’t dare!" King of Dwarfs challenged her words. "Trade Union needs us and you know it!"

"Oh, really? It just happens that I have been planning on taking over Metal Land and create our own supply of Ore. I wonder who will you sell your goods to once Trade Union joins the market? Will your people eat ore to survive?" Wu said sarcastically. "Here I thought we can cooperate with the Dwarf Kingdom and boost our economy together but with such attitude, I guess it is better to eliminate you first."

She ignored him and turned to her guards instead, ordering, "Contact Sect Master Liu, his House of Dragons as well as all of our forces throughout the Heaven Realm. Anyone who doesn’t cancel their trades with the Dwarf Kingdom will be considered Trade Union’s enemy and they will be blacklisted from all Safe Zones."

The guard paled but still nodded, pulling out a Communication Crystal, "Yes Miss Wu, right away!"

The crystal didn’t even blink when King of Dwarfs cried out urgently.

"Stop! We can talk!"

Wu didn’t even look at him.

"Talk? I already gave you the chance to talk yet you only spat on my face and didn’t even go out to meet me. I only asked you a single question and instead, I only hear curses. I’m not going to waste time on someone like you."

"Enough! He is here! He tried to rob us so we imprisoned him! It’s only natural for us to do so!" King of Dwarfs called out in response.

"I don’t care if he tried to rob you or sleep with your sister. Let him out and we will walk away as if nothing happened," Wu proposed. "I will forget you cursed me and you will forget about those two."

Bella stood behind Wu and remained calm. Her power was growing back as she absorbed Qi from the Storage Ring Wu passed her. They could be required to fight at any moment so Wu wanted to be two steps ahead of their enemies.

"This is nonsense! I didn’t even curse you! And what about the damage we suffered from your friend’s flames? We won’t be able to recover from it easily! The entrance door alone was our relict since Ancient times! Now it’s all destroyed!" King of Dwarfs argued. "I demand compensation for the damages!"

"Let Drakos free and Trade Union will cover the damages. You have five minutes to bring him out," Wu compromised, not longer prolonging the matter.

All they wanted was to save Drakos and the rest didn’t matter. Trade Union was wealthy enough to pay. After all, they were the ones in wrong in the first place yet Wu couldn’t let King of Dwarfs step on her. She had to represent the strongest organization in the Heaven Realm accordingly.

Wu didn’t hear an agreement but the hole in the door closed so she assumed they accepted the deal.

"It should be okay," Wu assured as she turned to Bella. "As long as he is still alive, we will get him out."

"He is not dead, I know it. That bastard King wouldn’t kill him this easily," Bella said quietly before hugging Wu. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course. We are Sisters, aren’t we?" Wu replied happily. "I will always help you no matter the cost."

"But the amount of damage I did, it’s definitely going to cost a lot," Bella muttered. "I will repay you somehow."

"Oh, don’t worry about it. I will make Drakos pay for everything," Wu decided. "I don’t even need to ask to know it was all his idea."

Bella turned quiet for a moment before shaking her head.

"I agreed to it so I’m just as much at fault. If anything, I should shoulder more since I caused all the damage."

Wu pulled away, looking at Bella strangely. "Is this Bella I know? Since when are you so defensive of him? What happened when you were left alone?"

Bella didn’t reply right away, gazing at the distant mountain peak.

"It’s nothing. Or rather, I’m still not sure myself," Bella muttered. "When Drakos comes, you can ask him. I’m also curious what he says."



At that moment, they heard a loud noise from the Dwarf Kingdom entrance. The door shook before sparks flew out in all directions. Because the whole door melted together, they had to cut it open in half.

When the saw reached the bottom, the heavy door opened.

’To think they are really so massive...’ Wu muttered in surprise, seeing multiple giants pull out a cage.

"Drakos..." Bella whispered as she looked at him worried. Wu didn’t need to be clever to notice there was something going on between those two.

When the cage opened and Drakos collar was taken off, Drakos launched in the sky while roaring at the King of Dwarfs

"Haha! You really thought you can imprison me forever? You can never keep me in one place!" Drakos taunted in laughter before flying up to the girls. His body changed into human mid-air and Wu saw a handsome middle-aged man appear before them.

’Hah, so that’s why she is falling...’ Wu gossiped with a giggle.

"Next time you try to rob us I will straight up kill you!" King of Dwarfs called out angrily before gazing at Wu, "I kept my side of the deal. Now, let’s talk about business as we forget what just happened."

"Wait!" Drakos suddenly paused the scene, appearing by the girl’s side. "This bastard imprisoned another Dragon. He is using her to build an armor that will help him kill Dragons. We need to help her."

Bella shuddered.


"Yeah, she is a female Dragon I met in their prison. They tried to force us to spew fire for their ore smelting. If we don’t save her, there might be a problem in the future," Drakos explained casually, but Bella didn’t take it well.

"I see... Is that how it will be? Here I am trying to save you, battling day and night till I can’t even move, but the first thing you mention is another woman? You won’t even ask if I’m alright? You won’t even greet me? You won’t even look into my eyes?"

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