Afterlife Department

Chapter 516 - Opening

Chapter 516 - Opening

"Good morning, everyone! The live audience, as well as our internet audience!" the host greeted with a big smile as the event has finally started. He looked around at the audience before he stopped and looked at the camera.

Yesterday, all the original sports events of the Chel Military Academy has finally ended. But, because of this year's additional event, everyone's focus is on the last event. It is expected that they will pay more attention to the Open Combat Event. After all, not only this can be a sports thing, but also it will show how much did the Chel Military Academy students have learned in this year. This will be like a sneak peak for their future performance when they finally become official soldiers.

"For this event, there will be fifty participants." They heard the host spoke. "Twenty-five people from the red team and twenty-five people from the blue team. "The red team will be called the Glorious Cape while the blue team will be called the New Waves!" he said.

The red team is the royal family's and the government's team. They use the cape as a giant blanket to protect and defend their citizens. The blue team obviously is their enemy, using their waves to wash the country anew. Of course, this wave is a wave of blood.

"Everyone, let us all welcome the Glorious Cape Team, led by their captain Alexis Febi!" the host said and motioned for the participants with red arm bands to come up the stage.

Alexis Febi lead the team that consists of Dwinn Lux, the vice-captain, and Uly Citri, Reine Reane who is currently Yuale Figue, Yi Bing, Huo Ling, Shi Jiu, Shou Ji, Imir, Celrei, Ethan and the others.

"Now, let us welcome the blue team!" the host said and everyone turned.

Sparks immediately flew atop the bright and big stage as the red and blue team glared at each other. Of course, everyone here on the stage, aside from the host who acts as the intermediary, are true opposing parties. But, the audience who doesn't know the inside story has their blood boiling. If they only knew the truth, they wouldn't be cheering for these teams who wanted to tear each other apart, literally. Instead, they would be cowering and panic and extremely worry for this country's, as well as their, future.

"For the rules of this event: each team will send a representative and that representative would choose someone to challenge from the other team." The host spoke. "Then, whoever wins will get to choose who will they challenge from the other team. But – " he looked at them. " – one person can only fight three times. Either they will challenge someone or the one been challenged. Then, that person can't be challenged again, and the challenger had to choose another person to challenge." He told them, then suddenly made a pause when he remembered something. "Of course, the person that will be challenged can decline. He can also agree, and can make a request from the challenger." He said.

The audience exclaimed. Then, they all looked at that rule in golden color.

"Weapons are allowed, as well as other devices like the Cancellers." The host continued. "Needles containing poisons or any other harmful objects that can threaten one's life is disallowed. If found, then the whole team will be disqualified and the opposing team will win by default." He explained.

The audience exclaimed when they heard this. But, they also understood. Although this rule is harsh, but everyone fights as a team, and not just for each individual. So, everyone has the responsibility for their teammate's mistake.

But, the red team has another matter to think. Cancellers are devices that can block mental and spiritual attacks. The red team has many people who have stronger mental and spiritual strengths so they already prepared for this.

Not that they are afraid of mere Cancellers, though. "So, we only need to break their Cancellers? Or directly beat them up ignoring the Canceller?" Dwinn grinned.

"As you like." Alexis carelessly answered. He looked bored.

Of course, they can also attack using their pheromones but then if one would overexert their self then it will backlash. Of course, the betas need to fear this since they aren't affected. The blue team already knows that the red team's alphas have more aggressive pheromones so their team are almost all betas.

"Each team's devices and weapons were already checked, as well as their data." The host spoke. "If we found there was a falsification of someone's data, or any deception like rigged devices and weapons, the team who done it will be disqualified." He said.

"What if both teams falsified their data or that they rigged their devices?" an audience asked.

"Will they decide who was found out first?" someone added.

"Of course not. Time doesn't matter." The host answered. "Even if the team A was found out of deception first and the team B was declared the winner, but we will verify again the team B's data, devices and weapons to confirm that team B's victory was fair and just. If the team B was found out to also had deceived everyone, then their victory will be null." He explained. Before anyone could ask anything, he continued. "None of them wins." He added.

Silence fell upon the venue.

"Now. Each win will be counted as one point." The host continued. "You can disable the opponent since they have already signed a contract before they signed up for the event. But, killing is definitely not allowed." He said with a severe tone. "The team that will earn fifty points first will be declared as the champion!" he finished.

The audience roared in excitement and then cheered for the participants. Meanwhile, the two teams looked at each other warily.

The host could feel the tension first-hand. "To determine which team goes first… let's roll a die!" he said as a staff handed him a die. "The team that would roll a higher number will get to choose who to challenge in the opposing team." He explained, then tossed the die upwards.

The team captain of the blue team immediately jumped, but someone from the red team, although late by half a second, jumped and caught the die before it could reach its peak and fall.

"You!" the blue team's captain glared at Yi Bing who caught the die. "You're not the team captain!" he said.

"But the rules didn't state that it should be the team captain who will have to catch the die." Yi Bing calmly explained.

"He's right. There is no such rule." The host spoke with a blank expression.

"OOOH! Just catching a die and it's already this exciting?!" the audience exclaimed.

Alexis just rolled his eyes at the blue team's captain, Janeu. Janeu is the top three, just after him, who is the first, and Dwinn, who is the second, that ranked among all the four year students. Uly is the fourth, and the top fifth is on their team. The top sixth that falls short to the top fifth is on the blue team, along with the top seventh, ninth and tenth while the top eighth is also on the red team.

He feels bored and it is pointless for the red team to have the die since they are confident on their team. But, he didn't expect for Yi Bing to get the die. He knows that Yi Bing isn't afraid of the blue team, since Yi Bing is even stronger than him.

"This guy sure is evil." He heard Dwinn whispered. He is referring to Yi Bing. "Although we don't need the die, or even go first, but he still took the die. It is to show our strength, intimidating them." He said and laughed.

Uly, although looked indifferent but the corners of his lips are curled up. He is really right to think that this will be a big and interesting show, since Yi Bing who took the die actually freaking gave the die to the blue team!

The blue team. "…" are you fcking kidding us?! They thought with dark faces.

The host. "…" please, be faster. I want to leave now. He thought and kept his blank expression.

The audience. "…" what the hell?!

The red team. "Pft." They all looked away and covered their mouths, but their shoulders shaking is obvious! They are laughing at the blue team who were rattled just because of a die!

"Haha." A laugh escaped from Shi Jiu's mouth before he suppressed it.

"… he's not evil." Dwinn whispered and grinned. "He is the devil!" he told him.

Alexis. "…" oh.

Uly. "^_^"

Huo Ling who heard it. "…" I totally agree.

Shi Jiu. "Haha."

Shou Ji. "^_^"

Reine. "…" my view of Evan has been refreshed…

Imir. "…" … so that's it.

Ethan. "…?" what's going on? Why can't I understand?

Celrei. "…" when will the game starts?

Yi Bing whose fists are now itching. "…" I beg to differ.. I am a grim reaper.

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