Afterlife Department

Chapter 420 - Relation

Chapter 420 - Relation

Pei Tingming stared at Pei Ru in horror, guessing what she is about to say. In order to make her return to the Pei mansion, Pei Tingping told Pei Ru everything that has happened, including their guesses and conjectures to the events.

But, who could stop Pei Ru from opening her mouth? "Yes." She spoke. "Lord Xu's death is related to Pei Tinghe's death!" she told them.

Pei Tingming clutched his chest in anger and Li Hua, who has been silently watching on the side, immediately responded by giving him quick heart acting pills. After taking it did Pei Tingming's discomfort in his chest was relieved. This whore! He thought as he glared at Pei Ru.

"How does it exactly relate?"

After Pei Ru answered the question, everyone forgot the first person they asked the question to. So, they subconsciously ignored Pei Tingming, and missed to see Pei Tingming's murderous glare to Pei Ru. But, Li Hua and Sun Ri saw it. The former is secretly gloating since Pei Tinghe's reputation, the Pei family has always been very careful of to keep clean, will now be tarnished. This will harm Pei Tinghe, and indirectly harm Sun Ri. And as long as Sun Ri is harmed, she is happy.

Meanwhile, the latter, Sun Ri, her expression is calm which is the opposite of what Li Hua is expecting. Sun Ri is fair between her sons, despite Pei Tingyi is behaved while Pei Tinghe is the opposite. For her, as long as the mystery surrounding Pei Tinghe's death is uncovered, then she will welcome anything that might harm their reputation. And because she is fair to them, she never indulged them, which made Pei Tinghe dissatisfied, so Pei Tinghe is closer to Li Hua. It just happened that his personality also is closer to Pei Tingsong and Pei Tingting, and the exact opposite of Pei Tingyi's.

But, Pei Tinghe doesn't know Li Hua is just using him to hurt Sun Ri's feelings. He really believed that Li Hua sincerely cared for him and wanted him to be her second son. So, he was very happy and liked Li Hua more than her real mother. He actually hates her for being indifferent towards him and thought that Sun Ri likes the well-behaved and obedient Pei Tingyi more than him. She thought she is biased. So, he also dislikes Pei Tingyi, his real elder brother. On the contrary, he treated Pei Tingsong better than Pei Tingyi, and always hanged out with Pei Tingsong than bond with Pei Tingyi to strengthen their relationship as siblings.

"How is this related?" Ji Qiuxin asked.

Although she asked the question earlier, but it was only her gut feeling telling her that there is something strange. And, although she was invited here in the funeral, but she decided to attend because she senses an ill foreboding feeling. Actually, when the she received the invitation, she was already on her way here.

The invitation confirmed her guess. Something strange happened to Anchuan, and it resulted in death. And when she arrived, the death count became two.

"A strange and fearful phenomenon happened in Anchuan." Pei Ru answered.

"'strange phenomenon'?" Du Lubo asked.

"Yes." Pei Ru nodded. "Before, Pei Tinghe was just missing. But, three days before, his corpse has appeared." She said.

"So, his death was confirmed." Ke Hanying said.

Pei Ru nodded.

"But, what's so strange about this?" Du Lubo asked. "Being missing doesn't mean you are still alive. It can also mean that you have died." He said.

Pei Ru turned to him. "The strange thing is that, Pei Tinghe's corpse simultaneously appeared in the bodies of water of Anchuan." She answered. "The river, the wells, the ponds… even in the basins." She said.

Their expressions changed. "So, this is the reason why you told us that water is prohibited, unless it has a lid, and actually not the patriarch's rule." Ji Qiuxin spoke.

Pei Ru didn't answer. She turned to look at Pei Tingming. Everyone also turned to Pei Tingming whose presence was forgotten.

Pei Tingming knew that things will take turn for the worse after Pei Ru spoke. Now, seeing everyone was looking at him, he cleared his throat. "She's telling the truth." He spoke through his gritted teeth.

Ji Qiuxin didn't bother to nitpick on him. She turned to look at lord Xu's corpse. "So, he drowned because of the pond that's supposed to be here?" she spoke. "Could it be he dug the pond?" she asked.

"How can he dig the pond? Is he crazy?" a guest asked.

"He dared to break the rule. Naturally, he will also do this." Ke Hanying muttered.

That guest shut up.

"But, there's no sign of digging." Wu Deguang said as he inspected the soil.

"The appearance of Pei Tinghe's corpse must be done by a supernatural. Naturally, this must also be done by the same thing." Du Lubo said and subconsciously took a step away from the soil that covered the pond.

"But, we can't ignore the fact that he was drowned." Ji Qiuxin spoke.

"There are no other body of water near here. The river is far." A guest said, feeling a headache because of this paradox.

"Are there any lake or pond nearby?" someone asked.

"There shouldn't be." Pei Tingming answered. "The mansion is in the middle of the residential area and the business district." He said.

"Then, is it really…" they all looked at the area beneath the bridge where the buried pond was located.

Everyone felt their hairs raised as they looked at the green grasses of the soul beneath the bridge. They can't imagine a hole opening like a mouth and swallowed lord Xu. They nervously gulped and moved their gazes away, stopping their imaginations from going wild to not scare themselves.

Ji Qiuxin was also scared. She couldn't believe that her gut feeling was right again. She turned to Pei Tingming. "Do you know how the second young master died?" she asked. "Where is it and who do you think killed him?" she added.

Everyone's attention was caught by her question. They also wanted to know the details of Pei Tinghe's death, but they didn't dare ask it right in the face of Pei Tingming, no matter how wealthy or influential they are. But, this is the priestess of the Anlin Tribe. She is pure and her words and actions hold no malice. Instead, her questions might open a new lead on the case. So, Pei Tingming has no reason to refuse to answer her questions, since she's actually helping them to solve the case.

Yi Bing, Huo Ling, Shi Jiu and Jiu Ye heard her questions and their ears immediately perked up, waiting for Pei Tinghe's answers, wanting to not miss a single word.

Pei Tingming's face fell. Obviously, he doesn't want to answer. But, he didn't want to offend the priestess of the Anlin Tribe, and he has to give her face. So, he clenched his teeth. "Li Huchong has already personally taken the case." He spoke. "He said that he has already sent people to investigate the places where my son's corpse has appeared, as well as will interrogate the witnesses." He answered.

Yi Bing's, Huo Ling's, Shi Jiu's and Jiu Ye's faces fell. This answer is equivalent to not giving an answer. Anyone could guess that the governor will take Pei Tinghe's case to give the Pei family a face. Although Li Huchong doesn't want to get involved with this because just by looking at it, it is definitely troublesome. Added to the fact that it involves the Pei family. He doesn't want to accidentally dug up one of their scandal. So, he took the case because he also doesn't want to offend them.

This kind of contradiction is really horrible, since either way, you may lose your life. Li Huchong started to regret choosing Anchuan to serve. If he won't take the case, the Pei family will swallow him whole. But, if he did take it yet failed to show results, they will still swallow him whole!

Ji Qiuxin blinked. How can she not understand that Pei Tingming doesn't want to answer her questions so he gave a vague answer? But, obviously, she couldn't push him anymore to answer. She is still in their territory, and she has to continue investigating, so she can't offend him and have a bad relationship with them.

She forced a smile and uttered perfunctory words before she retreated. The other guests looked at her and thought that she is too kind. Meanwhile, some others thought that even a strong dragon can't beat the local snake. It is reasonable for her to retreat. Even though she's a priestess, but she is still a rabbit compared to the fox Pei Tingming.

"Should we make a direct contact with her?" Shi Jiu asked.

"No need." Yi Bing answered. "Observing her is enough." He said.

Shi Jiu nodded. "Okay." He answered. After all, it's not good for the humans in making a contact with grim reapers.

Because they might die.

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