Afterlife Department

Chapter 399 - Mission Accomplished

Chapter 399 - Mission Accomplished

Iris sighed, feeling pained. He was just feigning his sleep so he knows Lin Ze kissed him. And he knows that Lin Ze, who has been with him for a decade and thoroughly knows him, already knows he was just feigning sleep, so he kissed him.

Iris closed his eyes and heard the door closed. But, after a few seconds, he felt his lips were seized! he opened his eyes wide and saw the curtains were drawn to keep the people outside from seeing what's happening inside. Lin Ze was deeply kissing him!

"Mmmm!" he grunted and raised his hands to hit Lin Ze's solid chest. He doesn't want to slap him since he is unwilling to ruin that handsome face, and he also believes that slapping a man is shaming him.

Lin Ze sighed in between their lips and reluctantly let go of Iris' lips. "Alright. You're sick, so I'll let you go for now." He told him, coaxing him as he wiped the sweat off of Iris' forehead with his hand.

Iris panted and glared at him. "What 'for now'?!" he snapped and pursed his lips. Then, he saw Lin Ze's gaze fell on his lips that were now full and red because they kissed. "Still staring?!" he asked through his gnashed teeth.

Lin Ze moved his gaze away from his lips, looking hesitated. "Harris has already returned to the company." He told Iris.

Although Iris knows that Lin Ze was just changing the subject, but he doesn't want to return to that awkward atmosphere.

"Rhyan and Rene were outside talking with Luris." Lin Ze continued. "And Odrey…" he turned to look at the couch in the room.

Iris' face darkened when he heard the crunching sounds of junk foods being eaten.

"Just proceed. Don't mind me like you did earlier." Odrey calmly spoke as she ate another piece.

"You corrupted child!" Iris exploded when she saw the flash of the camera. "When did you…" he helplessly sighed.

"Alright. Don't be mad, father. It's bad for your health." Odrey told him and rose from her seat. "I'll leave you and father-in-law now." she said as she walked to the door.

"Don't act as if I didn't see you sharing it with your group of corrupted friends!" Iris said, then sighed in defeat when he heard Odrey giggled. There was a smile on his lips. He never heard her this cheerful.

"You didn't deny her address to me as their 'father-in-law', so I'll take it as you accepting me and admitting our relationship." Lin Ze spoke.

"AAAAH! Shut up!" Iris snapped.

But, a few seconds later and he also shut up1.

Tuesday, Fughlia High, ten in the evening.

Darkness blankets everything within sight. There is no moon in the sky, nor any clouds drifting. There is also no wind. Only with the help of some streetlights can one see the surrounding, but with only a limited distance because of the range of the light fading as one walks away from it.

Tonight, due to some reasons unknown, a student can be seen outside and was moving on his seat with much difficulty because of his injured legs. He is outside and because of the biting cold night wind sometimes blowing and sometimes not, the cold had permeated on his skin and reached his flesh and bones, making his injury more painful tonight.

On the opposite end of the road, a suspicious old man that, due to his age, has a hunched back, can be seen walking towards the student sitting on his wheelchair which he is trying to move with much difficulty because it suddenly had become faulty for reasons unknown. Because the Fughlia High had implemented new rules which are stricter than the former during the flag raising ceremony yesterday morning, the curfew was moved at nine in the evening. Now that it was already ten, the student has to hurry to return to his dormitory room.

Suddenly, he heard some footsteps. He raised his head, only to see a suspicious old man walking towards him. The student suddenly was struck with fear and tried to move the wheels, but the wheels won't budge. The student becomes more afraid as the suspicion old man neared him. Biting the bullet, he left his wheelchair and decided to crawl to escape.

But, before he could escape, someone grabbed his shoulder and pinned him down. The next thing he knows, he was struck on the back of his head hard, feeling his skull breaking, and he lost consciousness.

Hudgeson main villa.

Rhyan gazed outside the glass window and bitterly smiled when he saw the frame of the window was locked, preventing him from escaping. Even the glass window is security glass to prevent him from breaking it.

He sighed and decided to just sleep since he has already finished eating his dinner. He is now living like a pig after he was punished by Iris and locked him in his room. He admits he was really stupid to fall for Prille's self-pity. He is such a fool!

Suddenly, he heard something rustling. He opened his eyes and saw a pair of eyes on his ceiling… hatch. He was startled and terrified and he jumped out of his bed just in time for the masked man jumped down on the bed and struck the pillow with a knife!

"W-who are you?!" Rhyan asked as he retreated to the window. But, it was such an unfortunate coincidence that his window now can't be broken.

"You don't need to know." This person said as he jumped down of the bed and raised his knife.

Rhyan's face paled and, if he could, he would mold his body to the wall to retreat. But, it was too late for him to know a transformation spell to use since the knife has already descended on him, heading to his head!

He reflexively closed his eyes tight and shrunken his neck like a pitiful animal, anticipating with fear the pain of being stabbed in the head. But, the expected pain didn't come. He slowly opened his eyes to see that the killer is inexplicably frozen.

"What… the… hell – " the killer muttered. His whole body looked like it was in a pause.

"Run!" he heard an inexplicably familiar voice that usually spoke to him in an irritating tone to annoy him spoke beside his ear.

Rhyan's eyes widened in shock. "… fourth brother?!" he exclaimed and felt his chest tightened in pain and his eyes reddened and felt hot.

"I can't hold him any longer. Kick the center of the glass and jump! There are the bushes to cushion you!" Quinn told Rhyan.

Rhyan, although stunned, but for the first time quickly reacted and turned to face the window, then made a roundhouse kick! "Ugh!" he grunted when he fell on his feet on the floor.

CRASH! A loud noise of glasses breaking was heard. At the same time, the killer behind Rhyan shouted.

Rhyan felt all the hairs on his nape stood and he jumped out of the window. The killer's knife narrowly missed his hair.

"AAAAH!" Rhyan screamed as he fell from the fourth floor. But, suddenly, he felt like his body was floating and his body's descent slowed down until he reached the ground. "… fourth brother…?" he called when he felt the soft grasses on his back as his body laid on the ground. He blankly stared at the moonless and starless sky.

"En." This time, he clearly heard Quinn's voice.

"… aren't you…" Rhyan pursed his lips and his tears fell. "I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Mn." Quinn spoke in unusually gentle voice. "You weren't hurt, were you?" he asked.

"… mn." Rhyan sniffled and closed his eyes. He suddenly felt a cold wind blew and touched his cheek.

Back in Rhyan's room, the killer saw Rhyan decisively jumped and screamed. He smirked. Although he hasn't killed Rhyan, but Rhyan will definitely become an invalid jumping from the height. So, he returned to the ceiling hatch to escape since the glass window breaking already alerted everyone in the villa.

He had just pulled his body up to the ceiling hatched when, in the darkness before him, something lit up.

"Boo." A deep and hoarse voice spoke at the same time an illuminated face appeared before him.

His eyes widened and his pupils shrank as his heart skipped a beat in shock and fright. "AAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" he screamed, his lungs almost flew out of his mouth, and he fell back on the bed.

Before he could react from the fright, he felt something heavy landed on his back and he heard and felt his spine cracked. His breath was stuck on his throat and he felt his heart became cold and sank. He couldn't move.

It was then that the door opened and Iris and Lin Ze appeared. They were both smiling. "Good job, Yi Bing." Iris spoke, looking at Yi Bing standing on the killer's back.

At the same time, Yi Bing's communicator rang and the black holographic screen appeared.

0000: mission accomplished.

Yi Bing grinned.

0001: me, too.

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