Afterlife Department

Chapter 356 - Footsteps

Chapter 356 - Footsteps

Once one is in the darkness, one would instinctively yearn for the light. The longer he stays in the darkness, the more he longs for the light. And once one realizes the uncertainty of obtaining the light, one would fell in his thoughts, then slowly unearthing the unspeakable memories and darkest thoughts he bears. Darkness also induces his fears.

Right now, Huo Ling is fighting the fear that is slowly filling his heart, and all the unwanted thoughts occupying his mind. Many times, he almost tripped because he of inattention. Fortunately, his mental fortitude became better recently, after experiencing multiple murder attempts.

But, that's not only what makes Huo Ling dread right now. It's the sound of a male's footsteps haunting him in this empty corridor. "Hah… hah…" he panted as he tilted his head and rubbed the side of his head against his shoulder to wipe the sweat off of his face. He doesn't know who is chasing him, making him run like a prey being hunted by its unknown predator.

But, he knows that it isn't Yi Bing.. At the thought of Yi Bing, Huo Ling's steps faltered. He fell in his thoughts, wondering how is Yi Bing right now. Was he injured? After all, those assassins are as ferocious as wild beasts in the jungle. Even if Huo Ling has a confidence in MI6, but, it is inevitable for the agents to be injured. Worse, to die…

The sudden thought made Huo Ling flinched and he blinked. He looked ahead of him, and suddenly, he saw a bend at the end of this seemingly endless corridor. But, instead of heading to the end, he suddenly stopped.

Maybe it was because of him panicking earlier that clouded his mind, he didn't notice that there is something wrong. Now that he finally became clear-headed, he noticed the change. Looking around, he realized he has been running in the same area twice.

When did this happen? He thought. Was it just now? Or, was it since earlier, the moment he entered this area… he felt his heart became cold, and then he heard that sound of a male's footsteps once again. But, reminding himself not to speak, he just stood in that place and waited for the unknown person to come out of his hiding.

As expected, when the hiding person didn't hear him running anymore, he came out. "Hello, milady. Good evening." A tall masked man greeted and made a bow before him. Then, he stood upright and smiled.

Huo Ling didn't respond and just remained his stance.

The other person didn't seem to mind his attitude either as he continued speaking. "Milady, are you unfortunately mute?" he politely asked. When he didn't hear him answer, his eyes were filled with pity. "It's no matter. I know how to communicate with people like you." He said.

Huo Ling can't hold it back anymore. Fortunately, he has taught a mute child before and he learned sign language. "Who are you?" he asked as he made gestures. "Why are you here?" he added.

The man smiled. "Please pardon me for forgetting my manners." He spoke. "I am Baron Wallace's third son, Fredrich." He introduced himself as he placed his right hand on his left chest and bowed. "May I ask what milady's name is?" he asked as he stood upright and looked at him.

Huo Ling didn't answer.

The smile on Fredrich's face slowly disappeared. "I apologize, milady, for being rude." He spoke. "I was just mesmerized by your beauty earlier when you appeared with His Highness the First-Born Prince. But, he didn't introduce you, nor told us your name, so I have no choice but to follow you here and ask you your name." he explained and lowered his head in self-reproach.

Huo Ling, unexpectedly, sneered. Does he think he is a three years old? Not only his words are filled with loopholes, but his actions, too! Anyone who has reached this part of the palace is not an ordinary person! Also – his eyes narrowed as he looked at Fredrich whose head is still lowered. He said he followed him, and he really is following him.

But! He must have seen him and Yi Bing were attacked earlier by the assassins, and – the corners of Huo Ling's lips were pulled down as he watched Fredrich raised his head – with a smile on his face. – he is playing with him earlier, wanting to drive him insane in fright as he scared him with his footsteps.

"Who are you?" he asked again using a sign language.

Fredrich kept the smile on his face. "I didn't expect for His Highness the First-Born Prince to have a non-combatant female companion tonight." He said. The tone of his voice is no longer polite after he dropped all his pretenses. "Not only is he a non-combatant himself, but he also chose someone who can't protect him, and instead he should protect." He laughed.

Huo Ling frowned and glared at him.

Fredrich laughed seeing his reaction. "Don't be mad, milady." He spoke. "Why don't you be with me, instead?" he asked.

Huo Ling's brow raised and he just stared at him. His eyes are filled with disdain.

"Oh? I thought you are a timid woman." Fredrich smiled and his eyes shone with interest as he looked at Huo Ling up and down. "But, now I see you, you actually are a proud one, aren't you?" he grinned.

Huo Ling, as usual, didn't respond. From this exchange of words… ah, no. It's only Fredrich speaking by himself here. He remembers now. Baron Wallace's three sons are unusual. By 'unusual', he meant that each of them has a striking difference from the other.

Baron Wallace's eldest son, Fredweise, is a genius. The second son, Frednorm, is mediocre. Meanwhile, Fredrich, this third son, is a wastrel. It is from good, normal, to bad. Baron Wallace is talking with Huo Ling's father, the king, and his uncle – Jason's father, about his sons. It is fine if they are all mediocre. But, his third son has to be the worst of them three! But, he can't do anything about Fredrich, since, Fredrich is not only his son, but his wife also doted on him the most.

And one of Fredrich's hobby is chasing after skirts, like what he is doing now.

"How did you reach here?" Huo Ling asked through sign language.

Fredrich, disappointingly, didn't answer his question. Instead, he asked him a question. "Which house are you from?" he said. "I don't know any young lady from any house that is a mute." He muttered as he stared at Huo Ling's face. "Or, are you a commoner? The prince's working colleague?" he crossed his arms on his chest. "I don't touch a commoner woman… but, since you're beautiful, I'll do this once." He grinned.

Before Huo Ling could react, he saw Fredrich raised his hand. He subconsciously took a step back. But, since he didn't raise his skirt, he tripped. And fell on his back. But, it was because of his fall that his life was saved.

Huo Ling raised his head, just in time to hear something brush past his head, and hear Fredrich stopped his movements. He was about to open his mouth to speak, only to feel the air whipped past him, followed by a loud thud.

"Huh?" he muttered absent-mindedly. What happened? He thought. Since he felt uncomfortable with his posture, he raised his hand, wanted to place it on the ground to anchor his body as he sits. But, instead of the cold and rough ground, he felt he touched something warm and smooth instead.

He immediately froze, like what the other person is now. Fredrich's warm body is gradually losing its warmth and becoming cold, and stiff. He's dead.

Huo Ling sucked in a sharp breath and stiffly turned his head, but he can only see the dim surroundings. If not for the light coming from the comet illuminating the surroundings, Huo Ling wouldn't see the shocked expression on Fredrich's face. His eyes wide in disbelief because he was shot, and is dead.

Huo Ling's whole body trembled. Not just from the cold, but also from fear. That sound of footsteps can be heard again. He thought it was Fredrich after the man came out. How wrong he is. It's actually not Fredrich! But, if it wasn't Fredrich, then who?! Who is this person that is playing with his mind?! If he just has a weak mental fortitude, he would've long been driven to insanity!

"Ugh." He grunted as he held his head with his other hand. His hand that touched Fredrich's hand withdrew and anchored his body to the ground. Who is this person? He thought. An assassin? If he is, then why is he not killing me? Not yet? He closed his eyes tight. And where is Yi Bing? Is he safe? Was he injured? Or was he captured?

Huo Ling shivered when he felt a chill in his heart just by the thought. "Y…" Yi Bing…

"I wouldn't think of anything, or anyone, if I were you." Someone spoke.

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