Afterlife Department

Chapter 334 - Haunted

Chapter 334 - Haunted

Normal World.

"Yi Bing! You're just in time! Dinner is now ready!" Huo Ling said and smiled brightly when he saw Yi Bing descending the stairs.

Yi Bing has already taken off his suit jacket and removed his necktie that has the same color with his ice-blue eyes. He's only wearing his white, long-sleeved shirt.

All the frost in Yi Bing's face from talking to Shen Sheng has melted after hearing Huo Ling's bright voice. Seeing Huo Ling's smile, Yi Bing's lips curled up. "En. Thank you." He said, even though he doesn't need to eat food.

"Come sit." Huo Ling said and motioned the chair on the left by raising his chin to its direction..

Yi Bing nodded and sat. There are only two chairs, and he deliberately did that. After all, the one he likes is only Huo Ling. He won't ever like another person – or soul, or whatever being, aside from Huo Ling. So, why waste for two more seats?

Huo Ling saw Yi Bing obediently sitting and he became happier. He excitedly lifted the pot and placed it on the center of the table.

"Shall I help you?" Yi Bing asked when he saw the heavy-looking pot, then Huo Ling's fair and thin arms.

"No. I can do it myself. Just sit there and wait." Huo Ling said before he went back to the kitchen and picked up the utensils, then returned. "Let's eat!" he said after he placed the plates, bowls, spoons and forks on the table.

"Thank you." Yi Bing spoke and held the serving spoon, then filled up Huo Ling's bowl with the soup before he filled up his bowl.

"… thanks." Huo Ling said, a smile on his lips. He felt that his smile won't ever disappear on his face tonight. He was plagued by problems the last few days, until this afternoon. Is tonight the reward for those hardships he has been through? If so, then he felt very happy and content with this reward.

"Mn." Yi Bing nodded before he tasted the dish. His eyes widened and he raised his head to look at Huo Ling.

Huo Ling's hand holding his spoon froze when he saw Yi Bing staring at him. "… does it taste bad?" he asked and bit his lip, feeling guilty.

"No. In fact, it is very delicious." Yi Bing honestly answered.

Hearing his compliment, Huo Ling sighed in relief. "Thanks." He told him. In fact, he has studied culinary before. He could've become a chef, and a three-star chef at that. But, he chose to teach children. He felt grateful he studied culinary, or else, he would've lost his face in front of Yi Bing.

Yi Bing nodded. He then resumed eating. Huo Ling saw that Yi Bing didn't place his spoon down, eating non-stop, and his mood became brighter. He then started to eat his own food. The two of them ate their dinner with a harmonious atmosphere.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Yi Bing asked and wiped his lips after they ate their dinner. "I'll wash the plates." He said.

Huo Ling was about to refuse, saying he will wash the plates himself but Yi Bing already rose from his seat and picked up their plates. Then, with a straight face, Yi Bing went to the kitchen. The dirty plates looked disharmonious with his white shirt that the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

If this was the first time Huo Ling met Yi Bing, he would've thought that Yi Bing was mad. But, this isn't the first day they are meeting each other, and he knows that Yi Bing isn't mad. That's just Yi Bing's usual expression – cold. And so, he obediently followed Yi Bing's words. He went to the living room and turned on the TV. There, a movie is about to start.

"That's the actor living in the subdivision, the one who was chased by his stalker three days ago." Yi Bing spoke from the kitchen. The sound of the running water and the plates clattering can be heard.

"Oh. He's so unfortunate." Huo Ling said and looked at the familiar actor in the TV screen. Isn't this Lei Shan, the world-renowned Chinese actor? He thought. He remembered that Lei Shan was once invited by his father during his birthday banquet in their home country.

Yi Bing hummed a response. Lei Shan is also in this world. And since Lei Shan is here, then that person – no, grim reaper, must also be here.

Sure enough, they head the doorbell ringing. Huo Ling stiffened on his seat. "Is that…?" he asked and slowly turned to Yi Bing.

"My guest." Yi Bing answered as he wiped his hands on the towel. An uninvited guest. He added in his mind. Only grim reapers can find this place, so it could only be that grim reaper.

Yi Bing walked towards the door and opened it. Sure enough, that grim reaper, that he has been thinking just a few moments ago after the movie played in the TV screen, appeared on his doorstep.

"0001." Qi Shan spoke. Yes, Qi Shan – Lei Shan's grim reaper.

Oh no. He should rephrase it. Qi Shan – the grim reaper tasked to manage the soul Lei Shan. "Qi Shan." He said. "Come in." he moved aside to let Qi Shan in.

"You seem to be expecting me." Qi Shan said as he removed his scarf. He was about to take off his shoes when he heard the voice coming from the TV screen. "… f*ck." He cursed, but resumed taking off his shoes.

Yi Bing chuckled. The door closed on its own after he walked inside. "That actor is here, so you should also be here." He said as he passed by Qi Shan.

Qi Shan's face darkened. "I can't escape his shadow!" he said and frowned as he followed Yi Bing inside. Then, his feet paused when he saw Huo Ling sitting on the sofa. "Huo Ling." He spoke.

Huo Ling's eyes widened and his eyes immediately became alert. "Y-you know me?" he asked. Then, he glanced at Yi Bing.

Yi Bing didn't speak and just looked at Qi Shan.

Qi Shan realized his slip of the tongue. "Yi Bing once told me about you." He explained as he sat on the other side of the sofa.

The vigilance in Huo Ling's eyes immediately disappeared. "Oh. He must be talking about how he saved me?" he said and smiled.

"Yes. That's it." Qi Shan said, although he doesn't know a thing about it.

Yi Bing secretly rolled his eyes at Qi Shan before he went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Meanwhile, Qi Shan who saw Lei Shan's face in the TV screen frowned.

Huo Ling noticed this. "Uhm… do you want to watch another movie instead?" he asked.

"Yes." Qi Shan honestly answered.

Huo Ling smiled for Qi Shan's bluntness. He is a prince, and many people wanted to curry favor to him, so they ingratiate themselves to him. So, Qi Shan's frankness made him feel refreshed. "Here." He said and handed the remote control to Qi Shan.

Qi Shan uttered a 'thanks' before he pressed a button. But, the next channel also shows an interview of Lei Shan. Qi Shan's face immediately darkened and he pressed another button. This time, it is a variety show, but Lei Shan is one of the guests. Qi Shan's face is as dark as the bottom of the pot now and he pressed another button, unwilling to give up! The button almost sank because of his grip.

"… f*ck." Qi Shan cursed when he saw an MV is being played. But, it was Lei Shan's MV! And Lei Shan's voice echoed in the walls of Yi Bing's house as he sang while holding his guitar!

Lei Shan is singing a love song and, usually, there is a girl in the music video. But, this time, it was Lei Shan alone that can be seen. And the MV shows different places, as if from his memories.

"… I'm being haunted!" Qi Shan said and the remote control on his hand almost broke.

"Ironic for you to say that, with our occupation." Yi Bing said as he walked towards them. He has just finished washing the plates.

Qi Shan's face can't almost be seen with how dark it is. A storm is brewing on his face! "I should stay away from multimedia." He said as he rose from his seat. This morning, he opened a social media platform that has his account and the first thing he saw is Lei Shan's face!

Lei Shan, Lei Shan, Lei Shan! Why is it always Lei Shan?! That guy is evil! He hasn't let him escape from him since their second world together! It is driving him crazy!

Yi Bing nodded and patted Qi Shan's shoulder to comfort him. "It's best to carry a jammer with you, so you won't hear his voice even on the radio." He suggested.

Qi Shan froze and felt his soul is leaving his body. He will definitely do that!

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