After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up

Chapter 63.1

It’s Just That… There’s a Little Side Effect (1)

The young man sat in the corner of the cave, clutching his tail.

His eyes were downcast, a hazy mist clouding the depths of his dark eyes, and a faint reddish halo remained in the corners of his eyes, which looked particularly luscious against his fair skin.

Shi An gazed at the potion before him, his voice slightly muffled with a soft, nasal sound.

“So, can this thing temporarily suppress my current condition?”

Black smoke nodded affirmatively. “Yes.”

It thought for a moment and then added, “It’s just that… there’s a little side effect.”

“Side effect?”

“It could only temporarily suppress a dragon’s estrus but couldn’t help you get through it. After the potion’s effects fade away, the estrus period’s symptoms will return stronger. Thus, it’s only used in extreme emergencies. The most basic method is to…”

“What is it?”

“Find a female dragon.”

Demon insect: “…”

Shi An: “…”

As the world’s last dragon, Shi An felt his intelligence had been insulted.

But… at the moment, it seemed that there was no other method than this.

Shi An sighed and looked steadily at the dark green slimy potion in front of him. Then, as if he had made up his mind, he frowned and drank it all in one gulp.

So bitter, so unpleasant to drink…!

lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm fоr thе bеѕt nоvеl rеаdіng ехреrіеnсе

Shi An’s face twisted slightly as if his mouth and throat were on fire. The moment the liquid hit his stomach, a burning sensation spread through his limbs, causing him to subconsciously lean forward and slump to the ground.

It hurt!

The scene before him spun, broken blocks of color piled up, and the sounds in his ears became distant.

Finally, after who knows how long, the pain passed like a tidal wave. The desire and craving that was constantly tormenting Shi An disappeared miraculously, calming his mind and leaving no trace of the agitation that comes with estrus.

Wow, it’s genuinely working!

It seems that they aren’t that unreliable after all.

Shi An opened his eyes happily.


The sky was dark gray in front of him and snowflakes fluttered down from overhead, coloring the area within sight an infinite blanket of white. The dark ridges exposed from beneath the snowy peaks could be vaguely seen in the distance and the icy air wrapped in snowflakes whistled past him, but strangely enough, Shi An didn’t feel much of the cold.


Why does it always feel like something is wrong?

He was just inside a cave, wasn’t he? Why was he outside when he opened his eyes?

And his range of vision seemed to have changed.

He felt like he could see farther than before…

Shi An slowly lowered his head.

He saw his hard, silvery-white scales, sharp, pointed claws that could crush rocks, and… the cave that was destroyed mainly by himself.

Shi An: “…”

Тhе lаtеѕt аnd mоѕt рорulаr nоvеlѕ аt lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm




The ground shook as the cave crumbled and countless pieces of debris fell, dust falling along with the snow, smashing and shattering against the magical shield barely holding it up in front of him.

The demon insect slowly looked up, gazing at the claws of the giant dragon in front of him, and fell into a long silence.


Black Smoke laughed dryly twice and said, “Haha… haha…”

“It seems that there is more than one side effect.”

The demon insect slowly turned its head to look aside at Black Smoke and its expression became grim. “– One of us will be gone today.”

In the distance.

The loud rumbling of snowy mountains collapsing resonated throughout the Aiwen Snowfield.

On the western side of the mountain range, the mercenaries struggled to keep their balance and looked in the direction of the avalanche.

Suddenly, one of them shouted out in alarm.

“T-Team leader, look!”

Only a majestic and massive silhouette could be seen in the distance on the snowy mountain, between the blanket of snow and white mist.

–It was a giant dragon!

The mercenaries gazed in shock and awe at the giant dragon on the snowy mountain.

Тhе lаtеѕt аnd mоѕt рорulаr nоvеlѕ аt lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm

Although they had heard rumors of the dragon’s appearance, it was the first time they had ever witnessed one with their own eyes. For the first time in tens of thousands of years after they disappeared from the continent, the dragon had finally reappeared, a legendary creature almost synonymous with power, beauty, and danger. One could feel the soul-shaking sensation just by seeing it from afar.

A glimpse of awe passed through the eyes of the mercenary leader, followed by an endless desire.

They wanted to slay dragons, not only for the show of power but also for the considerable wealth behind them–especially now, tens of thousands of years after the disappearance of the fantasy species, the economic value of a dragon was almost impossible to measure in figures.

I had thought the blood sacrifice had failed and that there was no way to lure the dragon in again.


This was simply an unexpected pleasant surprise for them.

The mercenary leader made an immediate decision. “Give up searching for Mu Heng and go to the snowy mountain to look for the dragon first!”

The eastern side of the Aiwen Snowfield.

The magic detector in Wen Yao’s palm almost simultaneously began to sound a frantic alarm.

She looked in the direction the sensor was pointing and her breath subconsciously choked slightly.

The giant dragon’s form was hidden halfway up the mountain between the blizzards and even though it could not be seen very well, one could still clearly feel the instinctive sense of shock.

Wen Yao had long been aware of the existence of dragons, but this was the first time she saw this legendary species with her own eyes.

She quickly snapped out of her brief moment of daze.

–No one knew better than Wen Yao how obsessed her chief was with dragons.

Wherever the dragon was, Mu Heng was probably there.

She whipped her head around to look at the other members of the Bureau behind her and ordered, “Go to the snowy mountain!”


lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm fоr thе bеѕt nоvеl rеаdіng ехреrіеnсе

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