After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 205:

Chapter 205:

Chapter 205

The occasional melodious chirping of birds could be heard inside the Imperial Palace, within the Hall of Martial Arts. Li Er stood beside a birdcage, amusing a goldfinch nestled within.

“Your Majesty, Duke of Zhang seeks an audience,” a eunuch announced upon entering.

Li Er couldn't help but furrow his brow. Why would this unpretentious individual suddenly visit the palace? He hesitated briefly, glancing at the bird in the cage. Li Er found Wei Zhang somewhat vexing. Known for his outspokenness, Wei Zhang made Li Er somewhat apprehensive. In the past, Li Er had even parted with his beloved bird, fearing that Wei Zhang might disapprove of him spending his time as an emperor on such trivial matters.

After contemplating, Li Er chose to leave the goldfinch undisturbed. Given the current peace and prosperity in the Great Tang, indulging in a personal hobby wasn't a significant fault for an emperor. Surely, Wei Zhang wouldn't make much of it.

Before long, Wei Zhang, dressed in purple robes, entered the grand hall with a commanding presence. While labeling Wei Zhang as a rustic fellow might sound somewhat derogatory, it wasn't entirely inaccurate. Wei Zhang had indeed come from humble beginnings. His father, Wei Chengqian, held an official position during the Sui Dynasty but passed away when Wei Zhang was still a child. Shortly after, Wei Zhang's mother passed away, leaving him no one to rely on. At one point, he worked as a Taoist to make a living.

Despite his modest beginnings, Wei Zhang displayed remarkable talent, serving six different lords and earning praise from each. His position as an old retainer of Li Jiancheng had earned him the fourth position in the Imperial Smoke Pavilion of the Imperial Academy.

Upon entering the hall and hearing the bird’s chirping, Wei Zhang instinctively furrowed his brow. However, his resentful expression softened somewhat as he met Li Er’s intent gaze. He refrained from saying anything, realizing that with the flourishing state of the Great Tang, it wasn’t worth provoking Li Er over such a minor issue.

“Why has the Duke of Zhang come to the palace this time?” Li Er inquired in a casual tone.

Wei Zhang respectfully bowed to Li Er before responding, “Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites has received a report from Guazhou stating that a Persian diplomatic mission has entered the borders.”

Li Er nodded in acknowledgment. He was familiar with the name Persia. Just this year, Persian merchants had presented him with several Persian cats, each with varying eye colors. These cats quickly became favored pets among the concubines in the palace, and Persian carpets were highly admired in Changan’s East Market. However, Li Er’s knowledge of Persia was limited, and the news of their diplomatic mission didn’t pique his interest.

As the Khan who received envoys from countless nations, Li Er had grown accustomed to hosting emissaries from various vassal states. With his expanding responsibilities, such matters failed to excite him.

“It’s merely an envoy from a distant land. We’ll handle them according to customary procedures once they arrive in Changan. These minor matters don’t necessitate your involvement,” Li Er remarked with a smile.

However, Wei Zhang’s brow furrowed as he continued, “Your Majesty, indeed, the diplomatic mission itself may be trivial, but I’ve noticed some concerning signs in a letter from an official at the Honglu Temple.”

Li Er sighed inwardly, sensing that today might not proceed as smoothly as he had hoped. Wei Zhang had a penchant for using any situation as an opportunity to offer advice to the emperor. From the emperor’s actions and expressions to the slightest movement within Changan City, Wei Zhang could find a pretext to expound on the duties of an emperor. Sometimes, Li Er wished he could tell him, “Dear advisor, can you please not connect so many dots?”

Of course, such grievances could never be voiced. Li Er took a seat and gestured for Wei Zhang to sit across from him, adopting an appearance of attentiveness.

As the emperor and his advisor faced each other, Wei Zhang furrowed his brow and began to speak deliberately. “Your Majesty, the members of the Persian diplomatic mission were greatly impressed by their journey to the East. According to one of them, the name they heard most frequently along the way was Prince Yongle, Su Li. Therefore, the Persian envoys openly stated that Prince Yongle’s prestige and glory surpass yours.”

Li Er raised an eyebrow. Had this statement come from anyone else, he might have suspected ulterior motives. However, coming from Wei Zhang, it was intriguing.

Despite frequently causing discomfort to Li Er, Wei Zhang was undeniably one of the staunchest supporters of imperial authority in the Tang court. Anything that challenged imperial authority was a serious offense in his eyes.

At this moment, Li Er felt a mix of amusement and exasperation. He hadn’t expected Wei Zhang to raise a matter that seemingly aligned with his own interests.

Observing Li Er’s indifference, Wei Zhang grew somewhat anxious. “Your Majesty, I highly commend Prince Yongle’s significant contributions to the nation. However, it’s crucial to maintain an order of precedence between the upper and lower ranks in governing a country. While Prince Yongle might not have sought excessive fame and prestige, others might not have understood these principles as deeply as he did. If individuals with ulterior motives exploit this situation, it could lead to significant problems for the nation in the long run.”

Li Er was puzzled by this line of reasoning. Su Li’s reputation threatened the Tang Dynasty. What kind of logic was this?

After contemplating, Li Er said, “Minister Wei, if I recall correctly, you once said that one’s honor and disgrace lie within oneself and not with others… Let me ask you, has Su Li actively pursued fame?”

“Prince Yongle has a modest temperament and does not seek fame actively,” Wei Zhang replied reflexively.

“Then let me ask you why the common people hold Su Li in such high regard?” Li Er pressed.

“The actions of Prince Yongle have greatly benefited the people. It’s natural for the simple and sincere populace to express gratitude for his benevolence,” Wei Zhang explained.

Li Er smiled and regarded Wei Zhang with a meaningful gaze. “You see, Su Li has accomplished so much for the benefit of the nation and the people, never sought personal gain or fame, and yet he has received spontaneous praise from the people… Wei Qing, you are well-versed in history. Have you ever encountered a minister like Su Li in historical records?”

Wei Zhang shook his head, his expression complex.

“And that’s why, just because of an unintended comment from envoys of a foreign nation, should we feel apprehensive about Su Li? Throughout our land’s history, spanning thousands of years, no minister like Su Li has emerged.”

“He has achieved great merits for the country and has always shown respect for me. I am honored to have such a minister in the Tang Dynasty.”

Wei Zhang sat there, mouth agape, staring at Li Er in astonishment. Li Er continued resolutely, “The issue you raised does hold merit, and it’s something that should be addressed.”

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