After Genderswap Reincarnation, I Raised the Strongest Player

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Xia Xinyan1 didn't know how many times she began to wonder if this thing is broken.

But rants are rants, she didn't stop her work.

"So the task assignee is still Ling Mo?2"



After cutting the meat and wiping the blood on the knife, Xia Xinyan raised her head to look at Ling Mo who was walking with a pile of dry wood in the distance and whispered.

"One last question, do you have a name?"

Calling up the menu in the game is the same as calling the system in her mind. If there is no distinction, the system and the game system are easily confused. If the system has no name then she will just choose one for it.

But unexpectedly, the system gave the answer

The code name of this system is "Tin j3", and the host can call this system's code name.


Correction: Tin j.

"Okay Frog."

It is recommended that the host repeat elementary school Chinese.

Xia Xinyan ignored it, because Ling Mo was approaching.

"Ah... so much? You really didn't need that much for the meat."

Xia Xinyan hurriedly got up and went up to help him share the burden, looking like a little daughter-in-law who went out to greet her husband when she saw him come back.

Immediately, Ling Mo felt that this trip was worth it.

"It's all right, the leftover firewood can be used to make a fire at night..."

Laughing stupidly.

Xia Xinyan squeezed his shoulders, then pulled him to the entrance of the cave and sat him down.

"Okay, let's take a break, and the meat will be handed over to me."

"It's all right, I'm not tired, let's do it together."

Ling Mo got up and tried to help, then Xia Xinyan forcibly pressed him back.

"You can just sit down, I'll give you a taste of my cooking skills I've roasted meat before."

She is worried that this guy will burn the meat.

In the absence of any seasoning, it is a challenge to swallow the taste of the meat alone. In this case, the quality and temperature of the meat are very particular.

Once it is overcooked... it is really difficult to swallow.

Although it is not completely inedible, but who doesn't want to eat something better.

However, in Ling Mo's eyes, this behavior is an act of virtuousness, and he couldn't help but make his smile brighter a few more levels.

"Okay, okay, then I will wait."

The young lady personally cooked meat for him...

It's just like a dream...

At this time, the sky was almost dark, and in the dark forest the fire outside the cave became more conspicuous. If someone passed by they would be able to notice it.

And this time the two of them were not so lucky.

"Don't move! Hands up!"

A voice suddenly came from the bushes, and it could be heard that the person did not have good intentions.

Turning their heads to look, two figures appeared in their field of vision.

With the light of the fire Xia Xinyan also saw the appearance of those two people clearly.

It's two players, she remembers their faces.

At this moment both of them have a pistol in their hands, and one of them is carrying a large backpack in which seems to have a lot of supplies.

"Hey hey hey, looks like you two are having a good time."

The man who yelled not to move looked around, and then his eyes fell on Xia Xinyan's grilled meat.

"There's food? Then we're welcome if you don't want to die, get out, this is our territory now."

Before Xia Xinyan could react, Ling Mo immediately stood in front of her and said in a deep voice.

"We're all players, there's no need to do this, right?"

"Why not? This isn't a co-op game bro."

The man smiled mockingly.

"We are all hungry now, unless you can feed us, then we might think about it"

As soon as the words fell, the other man also spotted the pistol pinned to Ling Mo's waist.

"You also have guns? That's even better, leave the guns, and go away."

As they said that, the two men aimed their pistols at Ling Mo, showing they didn't intend to cooperate.

Ling Mo couldn't help raising his hands and took two steps back, feeling a little helpless.

"No... brother, there's no need for this, really don't you know that players can't hurt each other in this game? There are punishments."

The man immediately wanted to refute.

"Listen here5"

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots suddenly sounded in the forest, and the two men knelt down and wailed in response, with the unfinished words becoming broken curses.

Ling Mo was stunned.

Then, before he could react, the two players suddenly turned into light and disappeared, leaving the guns and supplies they carried on the floor.

Ling Mo turned around subconsciously and found that Xia Xinyan was lying behind the fire still maintaining a shooting position, and the large-caliber revolver in her hand was still smoking.

"Your courage is commendable."

Seeing that the two had disappeared, Xia Xinyan put away her gun, got up patting her body and said with a smile.

"I now believe that you will protect me. Good job, hero."

Although the way to deal with it was stupid... but it attracted some attention, otherwise she really couldn't guarantee that she could counterattack that fast.

Of course, it is not hard for her to deal with those two guys, but she wouldn't refuse a easier solution.

Ling Mo was a little dazed.

"Ah... you... didn't you say that you would be punished for hurting players?"

"That's right."

Xia Xinyan nodded, and continued to take care of the meat.

"But the punishment depends on the situation, and these are explained in the game rules it seems that not many players read the rules completely."

In fact, she used to be one of those players.

Its still a habit formed by playing games in the past, no matter what the game is, you play it first and learn the rules while playing. After playing a few rounds, you will basically understand the gameplay.

But this game is different.

The various game rules in it are very complicated, and there are no restrictions where there should be6. It takes a lot of effort to fully understand. But if it is understood clearly, there are many rules of this game that players can take advantage of.

For example, the determination of injuries can be divided into many situations. First, according to subjective consciousness, it can be divided into two categories: active injury and passive defense. The former is easier to understand, that is, the system will deduct the dungeon income of the attacking player based on the damage caused7. If the player is directly killed, there will be a red name mechanism.

Killing a player will give you a red name. The red-named player is not protected by the rules and other players can attack him. If you kill him, you can also get game points. Red-named players can defend according to the scope of passive defense, but if they continue to kill players, the red-named punishment will be superimposed, and doing so three dungeons straight the income will also be reduced to zero.8

As for passive defense, it needs to be further subdivided. Generally speaking, when a player suffers substantial infringement from other players, such as robbery, threats, active damage, etc., or under certain circumstances when the player thinks that other players pose a threat to him, they can all launch a counterattack to a certain extent, and the scope is also subdivided, but anyway, it is enough not to kill people.

But even if it is a counterattack, the player will also be punished, but it is not that high, and it is within an acceptable range.

There is also a large category of special judgments unintentional harm. It is to hurt someone without taking the initiative to hurt the person, and this will be judged differently according to different situations.

Although the subdivision rules are somewhat complicated, as long as you can understand it, it is easy to use this to put your side in a favorable situation.

For example, right now she shot two people without suffering a penalty.

In fact, what she just aimed at was their legs, the degree of injury is definitely not light, but it wasn't enough to kill that fast, those two people disappeared so quickly because they quit the game on their own initiative.

...that's right, players can quit during the dungeon period. After all, this is still a normal game at this stage, and the experience of being shot in the leg under 70% pain will definitely not be very good, instead of sitting and waiting to die, it is better to quit the game directly.

It's a win-win situation Xia Xinyan and Ling Mo got a express delivery, and those two players can also log off in advance to enjoy the beauty of the real world, which is great.

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