Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 391 - Truth Years Ago

Chapter 391: Truth Years Ago

Xia Chunyu could not bear to say the following words when he saw Ye Jiayao’s happy appearance.

Although the emperor asked Helian Xuan to come back, the emperor’s wariness about him did not disappear. He asked Helian Xuan to bring only his guards back to Jinling, while the rest of his men stayed in the northeast and were taken over by others. The people who took over were the emperor’s own cronies.

This aimed to reduce the military power of Helian Xuan.

The reason was that King Yu had said something. If he hadn’t suggested to the emperor that Master Crown Prince’s death guard was formed with the help of Helian Xuan, the emperor wouldn’t have been so uneasy about Helian Xuan. Although he didn’t catch evidence in the end, the emperor’s suspicion would not have been so easy to eliminate.

At present, the situation could only be calculated step by step. It was not good to be always stay in northeast China. Now some people were eyeing up the northwest camp, and it was better for Helian Xuan to come back to preside over the overall situation.

In addition to these concerns, Xia Chunyu glanced at the booklet on the table, which was full of recipes.

” What cuisines are being sorted out now?” Xia Chunyu asked.

Ye Jiayao said with a headache, ” Hunan cuisine, this is my worst cuisine. I have to consult the chef who makes Hunan cuisine, but there are very few people in Jinling.”

” Then can’t sort out the cuisines you are familiar with first? As for Hunan cuisine, and when we go to the south and make a detour around Xiangxi, then you can make a field trip and visit the local chefs?” Xia Chunyu laughed.

Ye Jiayao’s eyes brightened and soon faded. Going to the south wasn’t an immediate matter. At least she wouldn’t go for nearly two years. She still thought this food treasure book would come out early.

Xia Chunyu read her mind and said slightly, ” People have to write a historical record all their lives. A pharmacopoeia will take decades to walk through mountains and rivers and taste hundreds of herbs. What you have done is no less impressive and difficult than theirs. Take your time. You can do this very well.”

Ye Jiayao heard his words, suddenly had a feeling of being suddenly enlightened. Yes, what she wrote now was only based on the knowledge accumulated in past lives. In this life, she had only traveled from Shandong to Jinling, and this time was not the history she was familiar with. Perhaps, there were many delicacies she had never seen. It was humiliating to be a frog in the bottom of a well, and then she would be laughed at by others. Still, in this life, as long as she could finish this thing, she would not waste her life.

” Chunyu, thank you.” After Ye Jiayao figured it out, she was totally relaxed, put her arms around Chunyu’s neck and gave him a swish in the face.

Xia Chunyu touched her face and said with a bad smile, ” Well, I have a full face of saliva when I kiss you, and I will not molest you when I come.”

Ye Jiayao laughed angrily: ” I’m not Bao. Bao only plays with saliva!”

” You are the same.” Xia Chunyu pressed her back and kissed her hard on her eyes and nose.

” Ah, are you Big Black?” Ye Jiayao tried very hard to hide.

” What? Big Black incredibly dare lick you, this dead dog, bravery son fat! I’m going to knock it on the stew to drink ... ”

” Big Black, it’s close at hand ...”

” Well, you dare get at me and see how I treat you ...”

” Help, dare not ...”

Outside the house, Qiao Xi and Xiangtao chuckled and chuckled. Heir-son Lord and the second lady really loved each other.

The two persona frolicked for a while. If it were not because that Ye Jiayao’s face was rosy and her breath was slight, she could not escape easily. She complained, “Look at you, you’ve messed up my hair.”

She went to the front of the diamond mirror to tidy up her appearance. She would go to the main courtyard later.

Xia Chunyu picked up the already cold tea and drank half a cup of it, lowering the fire.

Every time he teased her, he couldn’t restrain himself. Strange to say, the time of marriage was not too short. How could he react as soon as he touched her, and his self-control ability was too poor?

Song Qi took a letter outside and went into the courtyard. He saw Qiao Xi and Xiangtao standing in the porch whispering and laughing, and asked, ” Where is Heir-son Lord?”

” In it!” Xiangtao pointed to the inside and looked ambiguous.

Song Qi was a fine person and immediately understood that it must be full of entertainment and should not be disturbed at this time, but Heir-son Lord commanded that the letter from Yangzhou must be told to him in the first place.

” But this ...”

Qiao Xi asked, ” does it matter?”

Song Qi nodded, it was an urgent matter!

Qiao Xi thought for a moment and went to the court: “Heir-son Lord, Song Qi asks to see you.”

Xia Chunyu lifted the curtain and came out. Song Qi was busy presenting the letter.

Xia Chunyu took a look at it, gave Song Qi a hand and turned into the house.

” Song Qi is looking for you? What can I do for you?” Ye Jiayao had arranged her hair and asked with concern when she saw Xia Chunyu’s face was not quite right and his face was cold.

Xia Chunyu handed the letter to her: ” Look.”

Ye Jiayao’s face changed as she opened it doubtfully.

She almost forgot about it, but Chunyu had been pursuing it.

” It’s Ning,” Ye Jiayao said angrily.

A letter, in fact, was a confession made by Doctor Gu, a doctor who treated Ye Jiayao before, who confessed to the fact that he has poisoned in Ye Jiayao’s medicine at the instigation of Ning.

“This doctor Gu has left Yangzhou after he hurt you. He has been practicing medicine in other places all these years, and it’s not easy to find him. At first he has denied it, and we have used some means to let him confess truthfully.” .

” What do you want to do?” Xia Chunyu asked.

What should she do? Ning was already dead. Even if she hated her, she couldn’t dig out her flogging corpse from the grave! It was a pity that it was too late to know. As for the doctor, the doctor should save the life and help the wounded, but he poisoned the patient for a few dollars. The doctor had no medical ethics and was not worthy of being a doctor at all. He could harm her for money. Who could guarantee that he would not harm others for money? How many people had been hurt by him over the years?

Ye Jiayao gnashed her teeth and said, ” I’ll leave him to the government for investigation. As a healer, I can’t forgive him for hurting people with all my skill.”

Fuck, if she hadn’t met Doctor Jiang, she would have died in her life.

Xia Chunyu nodded approvingly, which he also meant.

” This letter, this confession, will also be given to your father to have a good look.”

Taking a good look at these words, Xia Chunyu was very angry. Although it was Ning who had done it, as the head of the family and father, he was so indifferent to his daughter that Ning’s audacity and his connivance could not be separated from causing this result, and it was also unforgivable.

Could he forgive him for almost hurting his childlessness?

He recalled when he was in Black Wind Ridge, Yaoyao spoke of her poor life, and he still doubted whether it was fully true. If Ye Binghuai stood in front of him now, he would definitely give Ye Binghuai a good lesson.

” I won’t go back in May,” Ye Jiayao said sullenly.

On the eighth day of May, it was Ye Binghuai’s second wedding. He was an old man and became a bridegroom again. Originally, she wanted to go. She had to go for Zhongyuan. But now she didn’t want to go. She really didn’t want to see Ye Binghuai’s face.

” You don’t have to go, I do.” Xia Chunyu said.

” On this trip, Zhongyuan will be brought back to imperial academy after a year of filial piety. Later, Zhongyuan will stay in Jinling so as not to learn from your father.”

Shit a father, Ye Binghuai was not her father. Her father was the most kind and reasonable father.

Ye Jiayao lamented in her heart, but could not speak out.

Xia Chunyu immediately wrote a letter and packed it into an envelope with the confession, ordering people to send it to Yangzhou.

During dinner, You noticed that Ye Jiayao was worried and had no appetite and said, ” Today’s food is not to your taste?”

” No, no, very good!” Ye Jiayao came back to her senses and said.

You smiled: ” You look so thin, you should eat more. Qiao Xi, put a bowl of black chicken soup for the second lady. This black chicken soup is the most effective supplement for your body, especially for women.”

Now that everything had settled down, You was most concerned about Chunyu’s children. Jinxuan’s body had been cleared of poison. She had repeatedly asked Doctor Jiang, who said no problem. She was not pregnant because of the national funeral. Now, the queen mother had been buried for nearly three months. It was time for good news. Could it be that Jinxuan was too thin? Well, she must eat more and put on more weight before she could conceive easily.

” I’ll come.” Xia Chunyu personally served Ye Jiayao chicken soup.

” Second brother is really considerate,” Qiao envied, but her eyes were fixed on Chunli.

Chunli only did not see her. Such a thing could be done when two people were present, but now a large family was present. He was embarrassed.

Qiao saw that he was unmoved and lost her eyes in dismay.

You looked in the eye and thought that she had married the marquis for so many years, but the marquis had not served her a dish, and she sighed sourly: ” Alas, the old is not as good as the young.”

The marquis was worrying about dealing with a piece of Dongpo meat. he paused when he heard this, and soon felt sorry. He smiled and said: “Chunfeng, get your mother a fish belly.”

Chunfeng immediately complied and smiled. ” Mother, father knows you like this best.”

You glanced and complained to the marquis: “Do you have no hands? Do you want to use your son?”

The marquis said, “Isn’t the fish over there close to Chunfeng? It’s convenient for him.”

Ye Jiayao was in distress situation. Chunyu’s move caused the envy of her sister-in-law and her mother-in-law and upset her jealousy ... Ah, women hearts were the same. No matter how old or young they were, they all hoped that the people they loved could take care of themselves with consideration, even for once.

However, in this era when men were superior to women, it was really not easy for men to serve women. Such a good man as Chunyu was rare.

Well, then she would help her sister-in-law and her mother-in-law fulfill their wishes today.

” Mother Sun, you can change the vinegar fish from the West Lake so that the marquis can clip it,” Ye Jiayao said with a slight smile.

Mother Sun gave a hint and changed the vinegar fish with a smile.

You was leering at the marquis to see what reason he had now.

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