Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 375 - Have news

Chapter 375: Have news


After discussion, Xia Chunyu started to take actions and went out with Housekeeper Zhao. Ye Jiayao also wrote a letter for Song Qi to send to Helian Mansion.

Having completed these tasks, Chunfeng returned with Little Ya.

Little Ya’s face was pale, and a pair of willow bent eyebrows were tightly puckering. It was a painful look, but she did not cry and her eyes were calm. When she returned to the princess, she hadn’t expected to leave her alive.

She served the princess at an early age and saw countless maids being disposed of by the princess, killed in a rod, hanged in a hanging rod, or tortured in various ways. She stabbed these people with thin needles, filled them with boiling water, or ordered them to eat a whole basin of red pepper, and died of vomiting blood....

All these were just such a miserable fate because they made a small mistake, not to mention betrayal. The princess gave her dumb medicine to save her life, but only to show it to the third master, to him feel guilty and painful.

Just ... she didn’t exoect that the third master rushed in, kicked away several old women who pressed her and brought her out.

This was tantamount to a complete break with the princess.

Along the way, the third master held her so tightly and comforted her all the time: ” Don’t be afraid, I won’t let you die ...”

His voice was shaking.

She shrank into his arms, greedily feeling his body temperature and breathing his breath. Although her throat was sore like boiling water as if there were thousands of steel needles sticking, she didn’t care at all. Even if she died at this moment, she was satisfied.

Up to now, she still felt that she was dreaming and that scene was her illusion.

Chunfeng solemnly said, “Second sister-in-law, Little Ya is trusted to you please.”

Ye Jiayao also solemnly said, ” She is with me. You can be assured.”

Even if there were not for Chunfeng, in view that Little Ya was willing to disclose information to her on that day, and she would not sit idly by.

Chunfeng looked at Little Ya with concern. His eyes were thick with concern: ” You can get assured that you are here to recuperate. The doctor has said it’s still hopeful.”

Little Ya struggled to squeeze out a smile and nodded.

She didn’t worry at all. Even if she was dumb, it didn’t matter. Third master was so concerned about her, and she was very satisfied even to die now.

She had self – knowledge, she couldn’t imagine anything, really, that was enough.

Ye Jiayao said, ” What are you going to do? Do you want to go back?”

” I have to go back. I can always look at her in the house, and she can’t be reckless.”

” That’s good, but you still need to be calm, and if you can’t bear, you’ll ruin great plans,” Ye Jiayao warned.

No matter how much he hated Liuli now, he couldn’t make a move until he found Cuiyan, otherwise the hidden dangers hadn’t been eliminated.

Liuli had a special identity. Even if she was to be disposed of, only the royal family had the right.

Chunfeng’s lips pressed tightly and silently nodded: ” I will.”

After sending off Chunfeng, Ye Jiayao herself took Little Ya to the side court to rest and let Yexue to take good care of her.

Little Ya wanted to say something gratefully, but she couldn’t open her mouth. At the beginning, she helped the princess deal with the second lady, and she had come up with many bad ideas. Now, the second lady not only let bygones be bygones, but also took the initiative to take her in. Her heart was very ashamed.

Ye Jiayao understood the meaning in her eyes and smiled and said, ” Let the past pass and you will stay with me in peace.”

She wouldn’t say much until Chunfeng would say something himself, she would just take care of her.

Song Qi returned soon, saying that Royal Princess Yide would enter the palace early tomorrow morning.

Chunyu didn’t come back until more than an hour later, and Ninth Lord readily responded and immediately ordered his men to inquire about it. The fiefs also found a relationship and would inquire about it as soon as possible.

Both of them were a little tired, and they rested after washing.

Xia Chunyu held Ye Jiayao and touched her hair, sighing: ” I have said I’ll accompany you in the south at this time and play all the way. As a result, we don’t go anywhere. We don’t even go to Zhenjiang, and I still have to deal with so many serious problems and pains.”

Ye Jiayao, resting in his arms, said in a faint voice, ” It can’t be blamed on you. The plan can’t keep up with the change. No one has expected the queen mother to die suddenly.”

Xia Chunyu gave a wry smile: ” I think I have done something wrong. If I can dispel the idea of marriage from the emperor on my own, perhaps Liuli will not hate you.”

” Pull down, as long as you propose to divorce, no matter who you marry in the future, Liuli will hate that person. She is so proud and can not suffer any injustice, and vengeful will be reported. What’s more, I have provoked her before.”

What Ye Jiayao said was true. no matter Chunyu was with her or not, Liuli would hate her. She and Liuli were destined to be enemies, and it was irreconcilable and unable to resolve, only one side would fall completely.

Xia Chunyu was speechless and couldn’t think of anything. How could there be such a paranoid person in this world, paranoid about hatred. The fire of hatred hurt both herself and others.

” Sleep, don’t think much, maybe there will be good news tomorrow.” Ye Jiayao felt his mood was low and comforted.

The next day, there was news from Yide.

There were two people who was said to be the most suspicious, one was mammy Fang, who loved Liuli so much that she broke her ribs with a kick from Chunfeng last time. The queen mother let her leave the palace after she was injured and raised. Her address was still under investigation. She had moved away from her original residence more than a month ago. No one knew where she moved.

Another was mammy Lu, who also loved Liuli very much. It was heard that she came out of the palace three years ago and went back to Suzhou to spend the rest of her life.

Ye Jiayao pondered that Qiao’s release of Cuiyan was during the period when she disappeared, that was, two months ago, when Mammy moved suddenly for more than a month, which was very suspicious. Ye Jiayao was almost sure that Cuiyan was hiding in Mammy Fang’s place.

Then if they found Mammy Fang, they would surely find Cuiyan.

The goal was immediately clear.

Ye Jiayao immediately became confident and wrote back to ask Royal Princess Yide to find out what relatives, or good sisters, Mammy Fang still had. She sent Song Qi to inquire about where Mammy Fang used to live and see if he could find some clues.

Song Qi came back excitedly at noon, saying that a relative of Mammy Fang came to see her two months ago and stayed at Mammy Fang’s house for a while. According to the description of the neighbors, the relative’s appearance was Cuiyan.

Ye Jiayao’s spirit was greatly raised. Yes, she was right. Then she would try her best to find Mammy Fang’s next step.

In the afternoon, Yide received the news that Mammy Fang had a eldest brother, but died a few years ago, leaving a nephew in Yangzhou. Mammy Fang’s eldest brother was Fang Zhiyu, which she had told to her old sister.

In Yangzhou? It was easy to do that and leave it to Ye Binghuai. As a minister in Yangzhou, it was not a piece of cake to find someone. Of course, it didn’t rule out that Mammy Fang was still in Jinling, renting a small house to hide.

Ye Jiayao had made a series of arrangements like this again. When Ninth Lord looked for someone over there, they would look for them according to the characteristics and looks of Mammy Fang. Cuiyan would certainly not show up.

Before dinner, Ye Jiayao went to see You.

You’s face was worse than yesterday’s. Mammy Sun told her quietly that You didn’t sleep last night.

Ye Jiayao was worried. It was bad for her.

Originally, she didn’t want to say in advance about the progress of searching for Cuiyan. She wanted to wait for someone to find it. She liked to say it after the dust settles, so as not to make a mistake and make people think she was boasting. But for the sake of You’s health, Ye Jiayao had to report truthfully.

” Mother, the whereabouts of Cuiyan have been made clear.”

You were surprised: ” Really?”

” Well, I suspect that Liuli has handed over her to Mammy Fang, who moved suddenly more than a month ago, and neighbors say they have seen Cuiyan.”

You’s face brightened and faded slowly, regretting: “How can we find her when she moves ... Jinling city is so big that we can’t inspire people to look for someone openly. If she leaves Jinling, it will be nowhere to be found.”

” Mother, it’s not that difficult to find someone in Jinling City. There are bright ways and dark ways. Even if they leave Jinling, where can Mammy Fang go with a pregnant woman?” She must have gone to her relatives. Now her relatives are also missing. She has no worries about missing people and the length of time.”

When You heard this, she was relieved and sighed, ” Jinxuan, this time it’s thanks to you, or else ...”

” Mother, you’re welcome to say that. Now that you hand over the charge and the family to me, I will certainly do my best, but it’s mother who should keep good health as much as possible. Otherwise, everyone will not be at ease.”

You thought so too. You was now ill and couldn’t do anything. Worry was useless, but it also made children uneasy.

” By the way, I have heard that Chunfeng has placed Little Ya in the house?” You asked.

Ye Jiayao said, ” Well, I let Chunfeng send Little Ya here. Little Ya has suffered some injuries, but it’s no a big deal.”

You looked faint and said, “Little Ya has been transferred anger. This child is formerly a fool, but she is still a sentient and intentional one. Take good care of her.”

“I will.”

At four pm., Chunyu and Chunfeng returned together.

Ye Jiayao told them about the progress again. Both of them were excited, and they didn’t expect to have the answers in a day.

“How about Liuli over there?” Asked Ye Jiayao.

Chunfeng did not want to mention this person, but he could not help it.

“She has had a quarrel with me last night and I ignore her.”

Yes, Liuli was just like a madman last night. if it weren’t for second sister-in-law’s admonition, he would have slapped Liuli on the spot and kept it alive.

” Now I’m sending someone to stare at her. I’ll know immediately when the house is full of wind and grass.

Chunyu nodded, ” I see or let Ninth Lord send a few people to stare at Liuli. I don’t trust the people on your side.”

Chunfeng said darkly, ” Second elder brother, you are too despising me. I have already made arrangements over there in the palace. My eyes and ears are not only Little Ya.”

Ye Jiayao glared at Chunyu. He could do such a thing privately. He didn’t have to say in front of Chunfeng that Chunfeng had suffered setbacks now, but he also hit him.

Chunyu stopped talking but touched his nose.

“Second sister-in-law, how about Little Ya? Her voice is better?” Chunfeng cared about Little Ya again.

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