Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 340 - Here comes Qiao’s family

Chapter 340: Here comes Qiao’s family

It had been an hour and a half since Qiao’s pain interval was shortened, but the midwife said it was not yet time to see if it could come out at night.

Ye Jiayao inquired about Qiao’s state. The midwife said she was ok and very cooperative. Did whatever she said.

After a while, chunfeng returned, and Ye Jiayao thought she would not give brith until the evening and then went to the palace first.

After a round of howling at Yonghe Palace, she went to the kitchen to make dinner and hurried home at night.

It was said that misfortune never rains but pours, and the ancients never deceives me. This winter was the busiest in her two lives.

Ye Jiayao sat in a carriage and closed her eyes to rest as soon as possible, but many things seemed to move in her head like a lantern, causing her headaches.

Qiao Xi sat quietly and looked at the exhausted second lady.

Everyone else thought that marrying into the marquis house, wearing gold and silver, enjoying a lot of hot food and spicy food, and enjoying endless splendor, but the second lady had not lived a few days of ease, she was busy with this and that, now, the burden of the family fell on the second lady, and many things had to be done, many things could not be ignored, neither could they be avoided, nor could they be thrown away....

She only hated herself for being too humble and couldn’t help much.

Ye Jiayao suddenly opened her eyes and seemed to think of something.

“Qiao Xi, I’m afraid I’ll forget a few things, so remenber for me first.”

Qiao Xi nodded quickly: “you say.”

“After going back to the office, ask Zhao steward to call Deng Haichuan back from King Yu’s mansion.”

“The first lady invited only one nurse, which is not enough. Ask Lin Kun’s family to invite another two nurses. They should be handsome in appearance, innocent in life, healthy in health and careful in heart.”

“To learn more, who is the best pediatrician in Jinling City? Please invite him home. Let him decide the diagnosis fee, but ask him to stay in marquis house for three months.”

If the child can survive for three months, there should be no problem.

Ye Jiayao closed her eyes again.

Qiao Xi only felt that her nose was sour and her eyes were dry. Couldn’t she put these things away and have a good rest?

Back at mansion, steward Zhong and Zhao ran back and forth in advance.

Zhao steward said that the accounts had been worked out and asked the second lady to have a look.

Ye Jiayao took over the account and said, “You know what’s going on at home, and I don’t have time to look at it tonight, please wait patiently for a day or two.”

Zhao Steward said in a busy way: “Second lady, it’s not urgent. It’s not the end of the year. Usually it’s small year’s eve’s business.”

Ye Jiayao nodded and asked Zhong steward, “Does first lady gave the birth?”

Zhong steward shook his head and trembles.

“Just say it. I have to know all the good things and bad things.” Ye Jiayao was really afraid that he would say something bad and could not help but listen.

“The first master secretly ran to see Cuiyan. We stopped him from entering. Later, the third master came to drag him away.”

Ye Jiayao felt a little blocked up, endured it, calmed down her mood and asked, “Is that all?”

If this was the case, Zhong steward didn’t have to tell her and won’t look dignified.

Zhong steward could not bear to say because second lady was already busy enough and said, “Just when the first master of Qiao’s family came to Jinling to pay a bill at the end of the year, he came to see the first lady and saw everything, he was so angry that pressing the first master on the ground and beat him cruelly. Several people couldn’t pull him down, and first master suffered a lot ...”

“He deserved it.” Ye Jiayao hated gnashing her teeth.

“The third master said a lot of good things, but it was not easy to calm down the anger of the master Qiao. Who knows, when Auntie Wei knew that the first master was beaten, she rushed out to fight with him. This was even worse. His face was scratched by Auntie Wei.”

Ye Jiayao really wanted to pass out and forgot it. One wave was not flat and the other was rising again. She got angry with just listening.

“Now where is master Qiao?”

“The third master accompanied him in the front courtyard and said a lot of good things, but he took charge of justice and waited for you to make a statement.”

Ye Jiayao hesitated for a moment and said, “Zhong steward, tell me what I said and let Auntie Wei stay away for a month. Without my permission, she is not allowed to go out of the West Small Cross Court. No one in the house can tell her what is going on in the house and who is talkative about who is to blame.”

“Zhao Steward, you should find a place to send Cuiyan over. Be careful on the road and don’t let anyone see it. Watch her for me. Don’t be polite to her. Don’t let her run away and die.”

The two men took their orders, and Ye Jiayao went straight to the compound looking like ice.

Qiao Xi quickly told stewards Zhong and Zhao about the account given by second lady and told them to do it quickly.

Then she trotted to chase the second lady.

Ye Jiayao arrived at the compound, not in a hurry to see the master Qiao, but first went to the delivery room and asked the imperial doctor and the midwife, heard it was not time for birth then she went to the slant hall.

Ye Jiayao entered the room and saw a handsome man sitting there sullenly, with three eye-catching blood marks on his white face.

Chunfeng was waiting for Ye Jiayao so badly. These two hours had really not been easy.

One didn’t care to let the eldest brother run to find Cuiyan, and the other didn’t care to let the master Qiao be scratched by auntie Wei, but it didn’t work to say a lot of good words.

Seeing Ye Jiayao finally arrived, he got up with surprise: “Sister-in-law.”

Ye Jiayao nodded.

Chunfeng said, “This is the eldest brother of the eldest sister – in – law, Qiao Mingdong.”

Ye Jiayao gave a gift: “Ye Jinxuan met Master Qiao.”

Qiao Mingdong gave a perfunctory fist and looked cold.

Ye Jiayao understood Qiao Mingdong’s mood and would not care about it. She asked Chunfeng, “Have you had dinner?”

Chunfeng said: “I have eaten.”

Turned aside the upper position and asked Ye Jiayao to sit down.

Ye Jiayao sat down and paused for a moment, said, “When this happened, we had no light on the face of the marquise house. The duke and his wife had always been strict in running the house, and the house did everything from top to bottom and behaved properly. Madam trusted me and gave me the house to take care of. I also thought I could take care of it ...”

Ye Jiayao gave a wry smile: “I’m still too young and too junior, so that some people have a restless mind. There is no need to talk about right and wrong, Chunli is wrong, and I am wrong too. I failed to find it in time and nip it in the bud.”

Chunfeng looked at Ye Jiayao surprisingly. Why did she take the responsibility? She had done very well. It was all the eldest brother’s own responsibility. What did it have to do with her?

Ye Jiayao had her own painstaking efforts. Did’t you want Qiao’s family to settle accounts with the duke or You? Blame their failure in raising kids? She took over the responsibility, and let Qiao’s family blame her. She was a junior, and even if the other party said something unpleasant, she could bear it.

“What’s the use of saying these now? Since you are a family leader, how do you solve this problem?” Qiao Mingdong said in a cold way.

Ye Jiayao said solemnly, “This is to let you know our attitude of Jing ‘an marquis house, and we will not protect our own member. I told my sister-in-law earlier that we should leave everything alone and give birth to the child, then vent our anger with anger and vent our hatred. She will do whatever she wants, and I will bear all the consequences.”

Qiao Mingdong’s eyes had changed slightly, and Ye Jiayao’s eyes were no longer so angry.

He had to say that these words were very powerful, but his sister’s temper was clear, her heart was soft, she had no backbone, and she was even more ruthless. At that time, would somebody else persuade her toendure this tone?

“If Mingxiu wants to knock out the child in that bitch’s belly, can you do it?”

Ye Jiayao’s eyes were firm: “That boy, we won’t admit it in Jing ‘an marquis house.”

“If Chunli must accept that bitch as a concubine ...”

“Yes,” said Ye Jiayao.

Qiao Mingdong’s anger, which had just fallen down, came up again, only to hear Ye Jiayao say, “If he must take Cuiyan as his concubine, then he went out of the house, removed his clan name, Jing ‘an marquis house won’t accept him.”

Uh .....

Qiao Mingdong gasped for air, and the removal of clan name was the most serious punishment. It was tantamount to the death penalty for Chunli. A person who was removed from clan name would be looked down upon all his life. The second lady really had such a big right?

“Your attitude can represent the attitude of the duke and his wife?”

“You can rest assured that I can make the dicision since I dared to say this.”

If Ye Jiayao didn’t have a bit of self – confidence, she couldn’t point this head and open this mouth. It was not about whether she had such a big right, but about the reputation and even future fate of Jing ‘an marquis house. If Chunli insisted on going his own way and annoyed Qiao family to make trouble, they will be used by people with ulterior motives to promote it, marquis house would be in danger. In front of the overall situation, Chunli was a fart.

Besides, she was absolutely sure that Chunli would not hesitate to choose the former between fame wealth and Cuiyan.

Chunfeng also understood the temper of the eldest brother. The eldest brother was not saying that he valued fame and wealth, but coveted comfort and enjoyment, leaving him with nothing, which made him feel worse than killing him. He knew that Ye Jiayao’s saying so was just to ease Qiao Mingdong, and concubinage would never happen, involving national mourning. Who dared to mention such a thing?

So chunfeng also said, “Master, rest assured that what my sister-in-law said represents our house’s attitude.”

Qiao Mingdong swept away his previous gloomy mood and seriously said, “I’m relieved that second lady of the family is showing this attitude, and everything will wait until Mingxiu gives birth to a child.”

Ye Jiayao breathed a sigh of relief silently. Fortunately Qiao Mingdong was not the kind of importune person. As long as he showed sincerity, the other party would not be embarrassed.

“Auntie Wei is an illiterate woman, not to mention she knew any etiquette, but she was carried into a concubine’s room because she has served the duke for many years and saved up a little hard work. Please don’t care about her. Now I’ve ordered her to stop and she won’t want to come out to say anything later,” Ye Jiayao said.

Qiao Mingdong felt the scar on his face and was satisfied with Ye Jiayao’s handling.

“The master’s face injury still needs to be dealt with, so as not to leave scars, that would be a sin. Chunfeng, you are here with the master. I’ll call the doctor. As for the delivery room, I am still worry. I have to see.” Ye Jiayao got up to leave.

Qiao Mingdong also got up to send her, and admired this young family leader. She acted decisively and clearly, with a strong momentum of female heroes.

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