Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 285 - Knocking off

Chapter 285: Knocking off

Coloured glaze was in the side palace hall. Two maids were holding medicated wine rub her knees. A large area of blue and purple on her delicate and white skin which was shocking.

Her mood was complicated, angry and uneasy.

Annoying, I didn’t know who said so much gossip, told the queen mother that the queen mother carried her back to the palace and left Chunfeng alone.

Worryingly, now the queen mother was still looking for trouble in Jing’an marquis house. She can’t hide the things she wanted to hide. Before, everything happened to her, the queen mother always took care of her,but this time, she was afraid it won’t be so easy.

Little Ya came in in a flurry.

Coloured glaze told her to go to the front hall to find out the news.Looking at her in horror,her heart also quivered with fear.

Let the left and right to retire , Coloured glazed asked nervously, ” How is it going?”

Little Ya said: ” At the beginning the queen mother is very mighty , and she argues for the princess and have to deal with the second lady. Who knows, Heir-son Lord, Prince Jing, and princess royal, the old gentleman all came. The old gentleman is so awesome. A few words put the queen mother at a disadvantage. Even the emperor was alarmed at the moment. The old gentleman wanted to ask the emperor for statements.”

Coloured glaze bemoaned, covering her face with both hands and hitting her knees with her head, fretting: What should I do?What should I do?This was a great loss of face.

Little Ya sympathized but was helpless and said, ” Princess, I’m afraid you have to come forward.”

Coloured glaze disappointed: ” I come forward, I come forward useful?”

Little Ya said, ” For the present, only the princess should apologize for the mistake. Otherwise, the more the matter is investigated, the more troublesome it will be. They will all go to the government office and ask the government office to decide.”

Coloured glaze frightened: ” What?Let the government official to break?”

Little Ya nodded: ” Yes, the queen mother won’t tolerate anything. The prince and the old lady said, Let the government official do it. Princess, if this goes to the government official, it will be really troublesome.”

Coloured glaze was in chaos: ” No, it is impossible. The emperor will never promise.”

” If the emperor does not promise, in order to quell the anger of the old gentleman, I’m afraid he will punish the princess. The princess will plead guilty at this time and the old gentleman will calm down. Maybe it will be all right. Anyway, all the people present today are not outsiders. It’s better than being preached out. You will be wronged.” Little Ya earnestly advised.

Little Ya knew that the princess was concerned about face-saving, and the last apology made her depressed to death. Let her apologized again, but also in front of the queen mother, the emperor and the old lady. It was really too difficult for the princess. But if you don’t do this, you won’t be able to pass this test.

Coloured glaze itched to hit the wall, the queen mother, the queen mother, you had done me a disservice...

In the Hall of Ning He, the emperor was in a dilemma. Jing’an marquis house and Helian Mansion were the mainstay of the imperial court. He can’t ignore the faces of the two families. Moreover, in fact, the reason lied on their side. The queen mother insisted on reversing black and white and maintaining Coloured glaze, which only hurt everyone’s feelings. After considering for a moment, she said: ” There is no need to check this matter. I believe it is true and the Jing’an marquis house’s handling is fair.”

Then he said to the queen mother, ” queen mother, if Coloured glaze does something wrong, it should be borne by her. Fortunately, no more harm has been done. I believe Coloured glaze will serve as a warning and won’t do it again.”

The queen mother calm face didn’t talk.

The emperor named Ye Jiayao again: ” Jinxuan, you have been wronged by this incident. I will remember for you what will happen in the future. Just come to me and I will decide for you.”

Ye Jiayao understood that the emperor was just a polite remark, which means that the matter is not to be investigated any more. The parties did not pursue,?others have what to say?

The emperor had erected a ladder. How can she not know what’s going on?Forget it, sold the emperor a face.

Ye Jiayao smiled and said generously: ” Back to the emperor, I didn’t want to pursue any more. Always thinking about some unpleasant things would make me feel bad. This is hard to live with myself.”

The old ancestress glanced at the queen mother and said gently, ” There is still something reasonable at last, or else I will?have to fight this old bones for justice.”

The queen mother looked very unnatural. Today she wanted to make justice to the Coloured glaze and finally became beaten by herself. She was scolded by Ye Jinxuan, a bitch. How could she swallow this tone?

” This matter can be dismissed, but the previous Ye Jinxuan say such offensive words, and disobedience ,what punishment should she accept?” The queen mother imperially said. Didn’t deal with Ye Jinxuan,where was her majesty?

The old ancestress smiled, ” The emperor still listen the ministers’ exposing accusations and impeachment in the previous dynasty. The ancients says that using bronze as a mirror can straighten clothes, and using people as a mirror can reveal gains and losses. Jinxuan’s words are not pleasant but sincere, so the queen mother will not dispute with a younger generation.”

When the emperor heard this, he looked at?Ye Jinxuan with a hint of surprise in his eyes. Ye Jinxuan dared to fight with me and even with the queen mother.

” Empress Dowager, Jinxuan is such a temper and outspoken. I have been scolded by her. Forget it, we do not care about a younger generation.” The emperor joked. Very not easy to calm down,if make trouble again, he can’t stand it.

Yide finally breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, ” Empress Dowager, A prime minister’s heart is big enough to sail a boat in. Don’t dispute about it with the children.”

You put in energy to give Ye Jiayao a wink, but Ye Jiayao was very reluctant today she had already brought trouble to so many people that she can’t argue and had to plead guilty against her will: ” Just now I was in such a hurry that outspoken. Please ask the queen mother for pardon.”

You compensated with a smile:” Empress Dowager, Jinxuan has already knew she was wrong and will not dare to do it again next time. ”

The queen mother was very stifling and she was about to suppress internal injuries, but everyone wanted to block her mouth. She wanted to be serious again, as if she was really stingy and had no tolerance.

Unwilling to say, ” If there is another time, there will be no forgiveness.”

Yide said with a smile, ” All right, all right. It’s fine after the rain. All of them are family members. When the teeth and tongue bites, it’s good to make things clear.”

” Hum, I don’t think so. Coloured glaze is a one-track mind and incompetent person. Jinxuan is so powerful. Coloured glaze is no match. No, they’d better be separated.” The queen mother won back a little bit anyway.

Chunyu was unconvinced: ” From the beginning to the end, Jinxuan doesn’t take Coloured glaze as his opponent, but Coloured glaze always takes Jinxuan as her enemy.”

The queen mother sneered, ” Your family all back her up. She naturally does not put others in her eyes.”

Little Jing got angry and said, ” The queen mother doesn’t know Jinxuan very well. Only Coloured glaze regard her as an enemy,?everyone else regards her as a good owner, a good friend, a good daughter – in – law, and a good daughter. It’s not clear at a glance where the problem lies.”

The queen mother glared at the Little Jing. They were all things to eat inside and pick outside. Coloured glaze was your first cousin. What was that Ye Jinxuan?

The old ancestress said slowly: ” The queen mother says very well that she is afraid that Jinxuan would be calculated again. She and Coloured glaze are better separated. Since Coloured glaze will go to the fief sooner or later, it is better to go earlier or inherit the mantle of the Seven Princes.”

The queen mother was dumbfounded. She said to separate, not to leaf with Coloured glaze.

” The old sister says light, Coloured glaze is still a child, so early to let her go to fief, she can take up this important task?”

” Isn’t there Chunfeng? I look at Chunfeng as a nice girl.”

Coloured glaze summoned up the courage to admit it, but did not think of it but heard it, and did not dare to come out from behind the screen.

” This is absolutely not possible,” said the queen mother. ” Let Jinxuan and Chunyu move out.”

You were in a hurry. How can you let the future heir to the title move out? Was it not Chunyu’s fault?

” The queen mother undeterred, after this matter, I am also afraid, or separate, however, move out, where do I live?Can’t go to the inn!People outside thought anythings wrong happened !I can’t explain to anyone. Besides, I have no money and can’t afford a house. I still owe Yongning Marquis Heir-son Lord a debt.As the queen mother reward I a house!It’s not too grand. It’s enough to have a five-in-one with two partial courtyards. It’s not too flourishing for lots. Of course, it’s not too remote. If the emperor calls, I won’t be able to reach him and delay the job ordered by the emperor, it’s a sin. As for gardens and things, it’s best to have a small garden. I can also have it ... ” Xia Chunyu said naturally.

Ye Jiayao almost laughed. Chunyu was going to take advantage of the queen mother’s being in a weak position to overcharge him!

The emperor twitched at the corner of his eye, said it as if it were a good discussion, but he kept his mouth shut and said it was ” five in and two out of court” with a fair location and a small garden. Such a request was simple?Not a few hundred thousand silver won’t come down at all. It was really greedy.

The old duke was happy too, the son was good, if the queen mother was willing to give up her money,?then they move out for a few days.

The queen mother’s face was black like the bottom of a pot. Chunyu can really climb along the pole and knock on her bamboo poles.

But the request was made by herself, and she couldn’t say that she couldn’t afford the house, or she wouldn’t move out.

” The emperor, you will give a mansion to Jingan Marquis Heir-son Lord.” The queen mother threw this hot potato to the emperor.

The emperor frowned. ” Oh, this is not a very easy thing to do. There are two vacant mansions at present, but one owner has committed a major crime, and one has been left vacant for many years and is in a state of decline. I don’t mean to reward a minister for his residence a while ago and let Chunyu live in such a house ...”

Xia Chunyu seriously said, ” I dare not ask for the house where the traitors and villains lived. It’s too bad luck. It will cost me a lot of money to repair the deserted house, and I can’t afford to repair it.”

It meant new and better, or you can’t send him away.

The old ancestor said leisurely, ” Isn’t the old mansion of the seventh prince still idle?” since the queen mother wanted someone to move out for the reason of?Coloured glaze, it would be better to give Chunyu the residence of the seventh prince, but I thought it would be more appropriate to live in the residence of the seventh prince with Coloured glaze .”

The queen mother couldn’t wait to blow the old sister out. She almost vomited blood when she was choked by the old sister several times today. Let the Coloured glaze live in the residence of the seventh prince. How dare the old sister say so? Coloured glaze was fine but she was going to open live in another place. Others must thought that Coloured glaze had done something bad, and mansion can’t hold her any longer.

You busily said: ” The queen mother, I have just entrusted Jinxuan with the task of hosting the center feed. Can she leave mansion?”

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