Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 283 - Black and white upside down

Chapter 283: Black and white upside down

This morning, Xia Chunyu was not idle either. First he inquired about the departure time of the shopkeeper Deng and second mother Li and hurried to the dock to see them off, then he went to Jingzhao Mansion. Unexpectedly, little Jing did said something about this case, suggesting that the Heir-son Lord attached great importance to this case. Now the court was vigorously cleaning up the official discipline. If we can find out a few corrupt officials along the way, it would be a credit, so Jingzhao Mansion’s chief did not refuse.

However, Xia Chunyu was well versed in officialdom fighting, and he did not want to drag Wei magistrate into the water. It was afraid that the household department would be shaken. Most of the people in the household department were supporters of King Yu, especially the ministers of the household department, who still have a little relationship with concubine Shu’s family.

Xia Chunyu had a headache. Emotionally, he was in favor of the Heir-son Lord. After all, the Heir-son Lord was the eldest son of the emperor. Although he can’t make a decision like King Yu, he won the battle of winning office by virtue of benevolence, kindness and filial piety, and the relationship between Helian Xuan.

But the emperor’s mind was hard to ponder. As far as he knew, the emperor summoned ministers of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs many times during the trial of Assistant Minister Mu. Then, Assistant Minister Mu did not confess his companions, and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs also chose a sentence not light but not heavy, exiled Mobei, left Assistant Minister Mu with a life. Was this directed by the emperor? It was hard to say.

If the household department was badly hit and it was worsen by Litter Jing, it was hard to guarantee that King Yu would not jump back violently, which would certainly break the relatively peaceful situation at present.

If this move can completely defeat King Yu, it would still be cost – effective, but the problem was not, once King Yu turned back, and the Heir-son Lord’s greatest aid, Helian Xuan, had yet to come back, it would not be known who would die.

Xia Chunyu felt it necessary to talk to little Jing.

Thanks to Xia Chunyu’s quick action, he found little Jing before Mu Qinchu filed a lawsuit.

At that time, little Jing had just met Ye Jiayao.

After listening to Xia Chunyu’s analysis, Jing was sobering. He thought things too simple.

According to Xia Chunyu’s meaning, a compromise was made to allow Assistant Minister Mu to offer some unimportant figures, which can not only alleviate his crimes but also not touched the core power of King Yu. This degree can not only make King Yu beaten, but also prevented him from fighting back. Moreover, King Yu was not easy to open his mouth to arrange his own people to go in, so the Heir-son Lord can take advantage of this opportunity to put his own people in the household department and slowly eat away the fat of the household department.

He often said that Xia Chun was an old fox and now he knew it was true.

Xia Chunyu counted the time of Ye Jiayao’s class, had to go back to continue pretending to be ill, and hurried away.

However, as soon as he got back to the government, he didn’t know what had happened.

Somehow, the queen mother was furious when she heard about the punishment of the Coloured glaze. She had already called his father and mother to the palace to ask for sin. At the same time, he and Yaoyao were also called. The servant had already gone to the training class to find Yaoyao, and it was estimated that Yaoyao would also enter the palace at the moment.

Xia Chunyu untied the reins of Big Black and told Song Qi to go to Helian Mansion to tell him that the old woman who always protects her children was sometimes unreasonable. This time, it would have to bother Princess Yide.

In the Ninghe Palace, the queen mother was so angry that she shivered all over, and a pair of cloudy old eyes glared at Jing’ an marquis and his wife as well as Ye Jiayao, almost bursting out with fire.

When she heard the news, she still didn’t believe it. How could Jing’ an marquis house have so much courage to let her go to the ancestral temple and kneel down? But seeing Coloured glaze with pale face and blue knees, it was like dug her lungs and heart, she asked Coloured glaze but she wouldn’t say in tears, asking her not to pursue it. How could she not pursue it? Asking little Ya, little Ya also prevaricated, saying that she had had a bit of a bad time with her second lady. She had been kneeling for two days off and on, she suddenly became furious.

She treated her like a baby, not to mention kneeling down, she even hardly talk to her loudly. She handed the pearl to Jing’ an marquis house, but she was treated so harshly, queen mother was so angry. She was almost vomiting blood with anger.

Even if Coloured glaze made a big mistake, it would not be punished so severely, it was not murder and arson.

The queen mother’s sharp eyes swept back and forth on the three men liked ice skates. She threatened with a cold voice: “Coloured glaze is the most precious granddaughter of mine. You are expected to treat her well, but you abused her. Today, you must give an explanation to me.”

The queen mother became angry and shouted You’s heart pounding, but the duke and Jinxuan were calm, so she settled down again. What was to be afraid of? This time, the royal power was monstrous and they couldn’t be unreasonable.

After a pause, Madam You said, “Report to the Queen Mother, it is more appropriate for the Queen Mother to ask Coloured glaze about this.”

Such an answer made the queen mother even more angry: “Coloured glaze has been oppressed by you like an animal, how could she still dares to say? You, You, you are indeed a good means. ”

Ye Jiayao sneered at the bottom of her heart, Coloured glaze was afraid to say, indefensible! She`s afraid of her scandal being publicized, this confused old woman still finding truth here.

You’s face changed: “I am scared. I asked myself whether I have always been tolerant with Coloured glaze and how much times I have maintained in the dark. Therefore, I have not let their daughter-in-law and?second daughter-in-law be wronged less. If the queen mother do not believe, you can ask anyone in marquis house and ask Coloured glaze herself.”

“The Queen Mother know Coloured glaze’s temper better than me. If she is right, she won`t have been wronged, let alone punished. She will have sued the Queen Mother.” The duke was not salty but not pale.

Ye Jiayao’s heart said: The duke’s reply was good.

The queen mother was speechless. The duke was right. Coloured glaze was capricious and strong. She was the clearest. If colored glaze was wronged, she would be told. But the question was, can Colored glaze be compared with the average person? Even if there was a mistake, can’t Jing’ an marquis house excuse her?

“That’s why I asked you. I want to see if your disposal is fair. Is it all the fault of Coloured glaze?Ye Jinxuan made no mistake?” The queen mother’s eyes shot at Ye Jiayao coldly.

After all, it was all because of this Ye, Coloured glaze and she were sworn enemies.

Ye Jiayao openly met the queen mother’s eyes. The queen mother wanted to take her as a target. No matter who is right or who is wrong, the queen mother would find a way to make her take responsibility, so as to vent her anger on Coloured glaze.

You said, “This time, I promise Coloured glaze not to mention, but the queen mother must investigate, so I have to tell the truth.”

“it is nothing more than some old grudges. These grudges are also clear to the queen mother. Jinxuan has been patient, but Coloured glaze just won`t let go, she colluded with Jinxuan’s sister, imitated other people’s handwriting, and drugged Jinxuan to destroy her innocence ...”

You said, looking even more dignified: “The queen mother, a woman is most concerned about the honor of innocence. Coloured glaze forced Jinxuan to die and place marquis house’s face where?”

The queen mother was surprised, Coloured glaze’s hatred of Ye Jinxuan had reached the point to blood?

“Evidence?” the queen mother asked haughtily that she would not believe it without proof.

“Witness and witness are here, do the queen mother want to call the witness and see the evidence?”You asked.

The queen mother surprised again. It was no wonder that the family always looked calm. It turned out that there was no fear, Coloured glaze, you are too useless. Since you wanted to do it, you must be flat and agile without any future trouble.

The queen mother cold hum: “Witness? Physical evidence? Who knows if someone has bought off others, forged evidence, fabricated facts and bitten back?”

Ye Jiayao almost spit out one mouthful blood. The unreasonable nature of Coloured glaze was inherited from the old woman.

These words infuriated the duke: “Report to the queen mother, I ask myself whether I am too old to distinguish right from wrong, and can not tell the truth.”

The queen mother looked fiercely and said with dignity, “Is the duke accusing me of being old and unconscious?”

The duke said that he was quite stuffy, but he did not dare to contradict him. He said, “I dare not.”

The Queen Mother intimidated Jing ‘an marquis, looked at Ye Jiayao and laughed coldly: “Coloured glaze colludes with your sister. That’s your sister. Can she collude with colored glaze? Who believed it? If you want me to send your sisters to confront you, can you ask the truth? It was useless to frighten Coloured glaze by saying nice witness and evidence. You are still a little tender to try to hoodwink me.”

Ye Jiayao completely speechless, dead old woman, black can be said to be white, how can this be argued?

“The queen mother, on her own merits, is fair and at ease with the hearts of the people.”Ye Jiayao said.

The queen mother was also a sneer: “This is a good-sounding statement, seemingly justified, but it is the most useless one. I only look at the facts.”

“So the queen mother thought the truth is what?”Ye Jiayao asked.

The queen mother’s eyes were sharp and sank a track: “The fact is that you don’t want the Coloured glaze to press you everywhere. You want to remove her and then quickly and deliberately design and frame the Coloured glaze so that she can’t say how bitter it is. Ye Jinxuan, your ingenuity is appreciated even by the emperor, but it’s useless in the right direction.”

Ye Jiayao smiled angrily and never saw anything so eloquent as to reverse black and white.

“The queen mother is really wise. You didn’t call witnesses and didn’t see the evidence. Only in a few words can you be clear at a glance. I admire you and those people from Jingzhao Mansion, Dali Temple and the punishments department want to hang themselves in shame when they heard what you said. ”

It was funny enough.

The queen mother’s face sank and she angrily said, “How dare you say that to me?”

When the duke saw that the situation was not good, he quickly took the conversation over: “I implored the queen mother to observe, Jinxuan is tolerant and self-disciplined and never provokes Coloured glaze, but responds to her.”

You also said, “If the queen mother says so, we Jing’an marquis house can`t afford the crime. Coloured glaze has admitted her mistake in front of the family, and Jinxuan has already been wronged enough.”

The queen mother angrily said: “She is wronged? Does she lose her virginity? Does she lose a piece of meat on her body? Is she stands here and still dare to speak out disrespect to me? This is called injustice. Coloured glaze is the one who suffered injustice, who had never suffered a bit from childhood, but had been rectified like this.”

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