Adopted Soldier

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Inside a mansion in the center of the Capital of Berdonia, Regon . There was a cute little girl with long black hair, and heterochromatic eyes, one of her eyes shined blue while the other was gold . Her overall look made her seem inhuman, it was like she was a walking talking doll . This girl was Lilitth Samarita, and she was currently looking at the cribs of her two siblings . Yuuki was the boy on the left, while Mirai was the girl on the right, these two babies were twins .

Lilitth was watching the two cute little babies with an attentive gaze . She found the sleeping face of the two to be so cute, that she wanted to pinch their cheeks . Michel looked at her children with a smile on her face as she felt truly happy . She then noticed that it was time for training .

Michel called for one of the maids to look after her twins, and then she told Lilitth that it was time for training . Ever since Carlo left, Michel has been training Lilitth in combat . At first she didn’t want to teach her cute little daughter something so dangerous, but when Lilitth argued that she was doing this so that she could protect herself and her siblings, Michel had no choice but to agree . Not only because her request was reasonable, but also because of that determined looked Lilitth showed Michel at the time .

. . .

While the mother and daughter were walking towards the training area, Michel was thinking deeply about something . A few days ago she was watching the final fight of Lyner against Rika . When Michel saw that fight she finally understood why the SS ranks were likened to nuclear arms . With that kind of strength that could mow down everything and anything with speed and efficiency . It was true that the SS ranks were somehow better than nukes in some aspects . At least if you use the SS ranks they may have a similar effect like that of a nuclear weapon, and without the drawbacks that come from a nuclear strike . It was like they were eco friendly nukes .

Yet that wasn’t what interested Michel greatly, since even before watching that video she already understood that those that go beyond the S rank were monsters . No, the thing that truly interested her was how Rika Saunter fought . Rika’s abilities were similar to Michel’s very own daughter Lilitth .

Actually in terms of physical abilities, Rika’s strength was greater than Lilitth’s but Lilitth’s regenerative abilities were much greater than Rika’s . Unlike Rika who needed a few days to heal those kinds of wounds, Lilitth could heal most wounds almost instantly . This made Michel think that it was possible that the best way for Lilitth to improve was to copy Rika’s style of fighting .

As she continued to contemplate on the subject, Michel felt someone tugging on her sleeves .

"Kaa-chan we’re already here . " Hearing Lilitth’s voice woke Michel up from her thoughts .

. . .

The mother and daughter finally reached the training grounds, which was basically a large field, outside of the mansion . On one side of the field was a weapon rack . Michel then took two simple quarterstaves and handed one to Lilitth .

"Come on then Lilitth, show me how much you improved . " When she heard her mother telling her to go, Lilitth didn’t hesitate and moved to attack . Her movements were now much more refined than the time she faced off against Alex .

Yet even though her speed was great and her movements a bit better, she was still easy to read . Even though Michel couldn’t match Lilitth’s speed she knew where she would be coming from, it was a telegraphic attack that was easily countered .

Michel placed her quarterstaff in the position she guessed Lilitth would take . She did this to disrupt Lilitth’s movement, which was easily achieved . Once her flow got disrupted Lilitth was unable to recover quickly enough before her mother’s quarterstaff was near her face .

Lilitth had no time to avoid the incoming attack and was ready to receive a heavy hit, but no matter how long she waited the attack never came . It would seem that her mother stopped before hitting her . This made Lilitth pout, which looked extremely adorable . If Carlo were here he would’ve fainted already and lost .

"Why did you stop again kaa-chan?! I told you to take this seriously!"

Hearing what Lilitth said coupled with that adorable pouting face, Michel couldn’t help it anymore and hugged her cute little daughter . She knew that Lilitth was angry, but her cuteness was too much for Michel .

"But, but, hurting my little Lilitth isn’t something I can do! I can’t, I just can’t! How can a mother hit her own child! If I ever do that I think I’ll puke blood . No! If I ever hit Lilitth I would cut off my arms instead!" Michel started to panic as she hugged Lilitth a bit tighter . She was even close to crying .

Hearing what her mother said made Lilitth sigh . She knew that no matter what happens, Michel would never harm her . It would seem that the idea alone was able make her mother Michel who was usually so strong, turn pale in fright . Lilitth really loved her mother, and couldn’t fault her for this, but even so how will she learn what needed to be learned if Michel was to baby her like this .

It’s not like those attack will have any lasting damage on Lilitth, seeing as most every kind of damage is easily healed . Lilitth already explained that to Michel once, but she just wouldn’t allow it . Michel didn’t even want Lilitth to think about taking a hit no matter how great her regenerative abilities were .

"I guess, that’s fine . . . Let’s continued then Kaa-chan . " After their little hug the mother and daughter pair continued their training .

. . .

After two hours of continued attacks, not once was Lilitth able to hit Michel . All her moves were easily countered, but instead of reprimanding her Michel kept on praising Lilitth’s improvement . This only made Lilitth sigh some more .

. . .

Now that training was over, Michel needed to head back to the twins . Lilitth on the other hand stayed in the training grounds to continue practicing . Michel looked at her daughter, who was cutely swinging around the quarterstaff which made her smile before leaving .

. . .

Lilitth was a bit frustrated since she thought that she had improved enough that she would at least be able to get a single hit in . Yet the result of the spar was, she was unable to hit her mother even once, and to make matters worse Michel didn’t even move from her spot .

Though Lilittth thought she wasn’t improving, the truth of that matter was she was improving in an incredible rate . If it was a normal B or A rank merc that fought Lilitth they wouldn’t be able to do anything but die . Still that was because of Lilitth’s outrageous physical abilities, but still the techniques she was taught made her a threat even to some S rank mercs .

The only reason why Michel was able to easily beat Lilitth was because she knew Lilitth well enough that she could pretty much guess most of what the little girl would do . Not only that during their practice sessions it wasn’t only Lilitth that was improving even Michel herself was improving .

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