Adopted Soldier

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

Alex and his group were steadily heading to the safe rooms when he heard Number two’s voice in the earpiece .

"Commander, number seven is dead . " Even though he was trained to always sound indifferent, number two still couldn’t help but choke a little . This person was a comrade he was with ever since he worked for the Harimas . Even Alex had a moment of silence before he answered .

"I see . . . Number two and three head to point C-" Before Alex could finish what he was saying, he heard the sounds of numerous explosions happening . This was from the fight between Specter and Joseph .

"Emily report, what’s happening!" Alex shouted at his earpiece .

"I don’t know the cameras in the area where the explosions are happening have been destroyed . All I know is the explosions are happening near the area of the safe rooms . Tsk, it doesn’t seem like you can head to the safe rooms anymore . Alex how about you bring them to the tunnel you made, the one you made just in case you needed to escape . " Emily who was doing multiple task, gave her suggestion to Alex .

Alex was surprised to hear what Emily said . Even his dad wasn’t aware of the tunnels he had made just in case he needed to retreat from school . Still, he didn’t really want to bring the civilians to the tunnel, since once they got outside then what . Also the tunnels were unstable, since just made it haphazardly . He never imagined that this kind of attack could happen in this city . It was an oversight on his part . In the end it was much safer in the safe rooms, but it does seem it won’t be possible to head there now .

"Fine, we will move to the tunnels instead, guide us Emily . "

"Roger that . "

"Also number two and three, head to point D-3 . "

. . .

The group slowly moved inside the school building, and every time Emily warned them of an approaching enemy force, the group would quickly subdue them . The school wasn’t that big, but it still took them quite some time to reach their destination . On the way, the group met number two and number three .

They now stood in front of the storage room . The teachers and students present were confused, as to what they were doing here . Could it be that Alex thinks of hiding in the storage room? Without saying anything else, Alex headed in the storage room, he then tapped on the wall of the storage room and it opened .

The wall had a hidden staircase leading down to the secret escape route Alex secretly made .

"Instructor Dan please take point . Kumiko, Joseph, Roland, and Gabby please follow after him . " Hearing Alex actually giving him something close to a command, made Dan frown, but he knew the situation was dire even for him . So with a dissatisfied expression, Dan headed down first followed by his family .

"Okay then, next are all the civilians, followed by Niel, then me then my dad, while my subordinates will take the rear . " Hearing what Alex said, the civilians headed downstairs, while Alex and the others guarded the door of the storage room .

. . .

"Alex, what do you think is happening?" While they were waiting, Niel who was silent for some time finally spoke .

"I’m not sure as well, but the uniform these people are wearing come from the old uniform of the Empire, back when it was at its peak of power . So I’m assuming these people are from the Granado Empire . "

Niel was shocked to hear Alex’s assumption . He already knew that Berdonia and the Granado Empire, didn’t really have friendly relations, and were in fact enemies, but he could never imagine that they would initiate this kind of attack . Not only that, this attack of the Empire was going against the international law of war .

Niel was about to say something but was interrupted by Emily suddenly shouting in their earpieces .

"Alex! Big trouble coming your way!"

"What is it?" Alex calmly responded at the screaming Emily .

"My brother has no more bullets left, we can’t defend from this position anymore . The enemy forces are coming in! It’s a wave of soldiers!"

Niel hearing what Emily said, actually felt nervous for a moment . Alex, on the other hand, remained ever calm and sighed .

"Emily, you and Instructor Kyle, should retreat from your position . Are you able to do that?"

"Who do you think you’re talking to Alex . Like you I made an escape route just in case . We’ll be meeting you outside . "

"Fine, once you see a chance head to safe house 11 . I’m sure you know where that is . "

"Roger that . . . I’m going on radio silence . . . Good luck Alex, Niel, may we meet again . " Emily’s tone sounded serious on that last line, which surprised Alex and Niel .

"You too, Emily . " Alex answered with a solemn voice .

"All of us will meet again, I know we will . " Niel answered with a smile on his face . Even without seeing their faces, Emily could guess what kind of expression the two had .

"See you guys, Emily out!"

. . .

After talking to Emily, Alex forced the civilians to move faster . Hearing the urgency in his voice, the people knew that something must have happened . Once everyone was in, Alex and the others followed from behind .

"Instructor Dan is everything clear on the front?" Alex contacted Dan, who responded still a bit irritated that Alex was the one giving orders not Carlo .

"Yeah, everything’s fine here . "

"Copy that . "

. . .

The group continued walking in a rather fast pace, but then a huge explosion was heard above ground . The ground started shaking, and some of the people started to panic . Alex who built this tunnel didn’t really build it to handle this excessive shaking like an earthquake . He made it in a hurry, so it wasn’t actually stable to say the least .

He was hoping that everything would be alright, but unfortunately, things never seem to go right when you need them to . The rear which was closer to the unknown explosion made the tunnel very unstable . Seeing the roof above him was going to fall, Alex evaded by running forward .

After successfully evading the falling roof, the tremor from the explosion stopped . Alex then saw Niel was trying to calm himself down . It was at that moment, Alex noticed that his dad and his subordinates were nowhere to be seen .

He looked back and saw a huge pile of rocks . Alex mind went blank when he saw this, and he started screaming at the earpiece .

"Dad! Are you alright!?"

"I’m alright . " Hearing the voice of his dad, Alex sighed in relief .

"Number one, two, three, four, six, eight, nine, are you still alive?"

"Sir yes, sir!" His subordinates answering in unison, which could be heard from the other side of the wall of rocks .

"Instructor Dan, is everyone alright in your front?"

"No problems here . "

After hearing that everyone was fine, Alex looked at the wall of rocks . It was not possible to forcefully remove them, or destroy them since that might cause a bigger problem, like making the whole tunnel even more unstable .

"Alex continue on without me . " While Alex was thinking of a way on how to move the obstruction he heard his dad in the earpiece . He was about to answer but was interrupted by Dan’s sudden shout .

"What the hell are you saying, Carlo! Are you telling us to leave you here, where enemies are swarming all around?!" Dan sounded extremely angry as he said this .

"Yes Dan, that’s what I’m saying . I leave my son in your care for now . " Carlo answered Dan in the same way he used to answer him, back when he was still the leader of their squad .

"Tsk, sh*t! You know I can’t really say no when you talk to me like that . Fine, Roger that, but you better give me some good wine for babysitting the punk . "

"Sure, thanks, Dan . " Dan didn’t respond anymore, and the line turned silent . After a short while, Alex finally spoke to Carlo

"Dad, I can’t . "

"Hmm?" Carlo waited for his son to say something more than I can’t .

"I can’t just leave you here! I’m breaking down this wall of rocks!" Alex sounded so desperate at this moment . It was so unlike him to act this way . Dan who was listening in was so surprised that Alex could sound like this . Even Niel who was beside him was surprised to the point that he thought he was hallucinating .

"I see . . . So you finally stopped sealing them in . . . Alex . . . You and I know that you can’t do, what you’re planning to do . " Carlo spoke calmly to his panicking son .

"But Dad! There must be another way! There is always a way! Isn’t that what you taught me . " Alex gritted his teeth and spoke in a loud voice . Even he was surprised by how he was acting . He was already aware that releasing his sealed emotions and memories would result in this pain, but he wasn’t expecting to receive it so fast .

This was one of the reasons why he thought emotions only get in the way of becoming stronger . This pain, this distracting thoughts, this emotional struggle, were everything that he once discarded long ago, to become stronger . Yet here he was experiencing the pain, he never wanted to experience . He would rather have a thousand bullets in his body, than receive this kind of pain .

"Alex, let me ask you do you trust me?" Carlo could somehow feel his son’s internal struggle . He never seen Alex like this, but he was aware that at some point this would happen . The emotions he locked away, was always there, and would someday be released .

"Of course I do!" Alex responded without hesitation . Of course he trusted Carlo, if he couldn’t trust Carlo, then who else can he trust?

"Then trust me that I’ll be able to escape this situation . I even have the subordinates you’ve trained . "

"Sir leave your father to us, we will protect him with all our might!" Number one butted into the conversation, and tried his best to ease Alex’s pain .

"You hear that son? Trust in me and the subordinates that you have trained . I wouldn’t be this confident if I was by myself, but with your subordinates, there is a chance . Also have you forgotten to who you’re speaking to? I am Carlo Samarita, the messenger of Death . "

Hearing what Carlo said, Alex couldn’t say anything in response to that . His mind was telling him there was nothing he could do, but his heart, his emotions were telling him otherwise .

’Was unsealing my feelings really the right choice?’ Alex shook his head, as he tried to focus on what was happening now .

"I will trust you, dad . Number one, two, three, four, six, eight, nine, I leave my dad in your care . "

"Sir yes, sir!" His subordinates answered with a louder voice than usual .

"Alex, before I go into radio silence there is something I want to say . " Carlo was now speaking in a more serious tone .

"What is it?"

"Alexander Samarita! This is the final mission I will assign to you . This will be my final order as your commanding officer . "

"Da-" Alex was going to say something since he didn’t like where this conversation was going, but he was stopped by Carlo’s commanding voice .

"ALEXANDER! You’re commanding officer is speaking!" This made Alex unconsciously shut up, as he continued to listen to his dad . Alex wasn’t aware that at this moment he was already crying . Niel who was beside him, never expected to see Alex this weak . He didn’t know what to do, all he could do was witness this moment .

"This is your final mission Alexander Samarita . . . You need to live a fun and happy life . . . Also, this isn’t a command but a request, from a father to his son . Please protect our family, especially the unborn baby in your mother’s womb . "

Alex was about to say something when Carlo went into radio silence .

"DAD! DAD! DAD! DAD! DAD! DAD! DAD! DAD! DAD!" Alex kept on screaming, but no one responded .

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