Adopted Soldier

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

After talking for a bit more, the group decided to simply act in a wait and see manner . The classes went on, as usual, nothing out of the ordinary happened . The whole day panned out the same as every other day, the only difference was that the Mercenary club members didn’t gather in the clubroom for lunch . Each one of them had something else they had to do .

Alex double checked the position of his subordinates, making sure that they were in the most optimal positions in case of emergencies .

Oliver on the other hand was talking on the phone with Specter a . k . a Raphael . He was making sure if he was really coming to the play this afternoon . Once he was done confirming that, he also called his master which he reminded about the play this afternoon . Oliver was trying his very best to bring in some reinforcements no matter how small . He even included that person who was a little bit irritating to him .

. . .

In the back of the school, Rachel was on the phone talking to her irritating father .

"Is everything alright?! Did those sh*tty assassins come again? I actually beat the sh*t out of six last night and two this morning . So did they come bothering you again?" Dan’s explosive voice bursted out of Rachel’s phone .

"Can you stop shouting all the time? No one showed up here, and even if they do Alex would’ve handled them . " Rachel answered with an irritated voice . Hearing what his daughter said made Dan even angrier .

"What the hell! How can that kid who’s just my disciple, that can’t even use full RELEASE without hurting himself actually be better than me! Open your eyes, that kid is fooling you!" Dan kept on shouting over the phone, which irritated Rachel even more .

"Shut Up! Damn it, stop screaming you sh*tty old man! Look at what you did, my eardrums are ringing . Also, when did I say Alex was better than you? All I said was Alex could handle the situation, if an assassin shows up . "

"Damn it! Open your eyes, my little girl! Your dad can easily wipe out the assassins as long as they show up, can Alex do the same thing?!"

"Oh God! This conversation isn’t going anywhere, I just wanted to ask if you and the others are still coming to the play later," Rachel spoke feeling tired by this conversation . She didn’t really plan on calling her father and called her mother instead, but for some reason, this sh*tty father of hers was the one who answered the call .

"Of course we’re coming, how can’t we go! We need to see-" Once she heard what she wanted to hear, Rachel didn’t continue to listen to Dan’s nonsense and ended the call . Rachel felt tired by that whole ordeal .

. . .

Sayaka was on the rooftop of the new school building at the moment no one was there with her . Well, that’s what other people would see if they looked, yet aside from Sayaka, there was another person present .

"So father what do you think?"

"It’s a bit tricky, to do here in this school . Aside from that, other powerful people will be present later . Which raises the difficulty of fulfilling the task at hand . As the current Shadow of the Mutsu family, I do not wish to undertake a mission such as this . . . Still, it would seem that there is no escaping what’s to come . " A voice coming from all around sounded out . To anyone who was listening in, the voice would sound like it was coming from all directions .

"I see . . . " Sayaka sighed, as she looked at the blue sky . The clouds were gathering rather nicely, it would seem that it would rain later .

"Do not fret my daughter, death comes to all, from the weak to the strong, from the sinner to the innocent, from the poor to the rich . Death comes equally to all . As an assassin, I hope you truly understand that fact . " When he was done saying what was needed Sayaka’s father, the Shadow left the rooftop .

"I already know that . . . Still I-" Sayaka once again sighed, her face showing an unknown expression .

. . . . .

Emily was double checking all the traps, she placed around the school . She even checked all the security cameras Alex so graciously installed all throughout the school . Once she was done doing that Emily contacted her brother .

"Hey Onii-chan, I hope you bring Miss Sarah later to my school play . "

"Of course I’ll do that . No need to tell me twice . "

"Hey Onii-chan, I-"

"Hmm, what is it Emi?"

"It’s nothing . "

"I see, you’re scared . " Hearing what Kyle said, Emily couldn’t help but smile . Of course, this was her beloved onii-chan, the person who knew her the best .

"Hey Emi, have you forgotten what I promised before? Didn’t I promise you that no matter what comes, I promise to shoot down all the fear away . "

"Heh, of course, I remember . . . How could I forget . "

"So don’t worry Emi, as long as your onii-chan is alive no harm will come to you . "

"Sure thing, I believe you onii-chan . " After this, the two siblings kept on talking until Emily felt truly comfortable .

. . .

Niel was holding the key Lyner gave him . This was the key to Lyner’s personal safe room inside the school . Conveniently it was hidden underneath the stage in the auditorium . The problem was the moment, trouble comes, Niel wanted to save his family first, but then how about the others? There is only a bit more space to fit a few more people, and the supplies inside were meant for seven to eight people .

Niel stood in front of the entrance of the safe room, with a single dilemma . Who will he allow inside the safe room aside from his family? It was a fact that whoever gets to stay in this particular safe room, was sure to survive for as long as the supply of food and water holds . Lyner even assured him that no matter what happens no one without the key could enter the safe room, even if they use extreme force .

’Why aren’t you returning Sir Lyner . . . If only you were here, I wouldn’t have this problem . Heh, actually if you were here, I’m sure none of us would have felt this scared and insecure . . . Or is this another test that you set up for me? If it is, it’s a very cr*ppy test . ’

Even though Niel was saying bad things about this being a test of Lyner’s, but in truth, he would gladly welcome this being some sort of test, since that would mean Lyner was around watching if he would pass or not .

. . .

Kei who didn’t fully comprehend the extent of the upcoming crisis felt even more pressure than the others . He knew that something was coming, but unlike the others, he figured this out not by the feeling, but by the facts he has gathered . Still, none of these supposed facts could give him a clear answer .

He even contemplated calling the police and reporting all the information he gathered about the sudden influx of people in the city . Still, after thinking for a while, he came to the conclusion that he didn’t need to do that . Kei had information that Alex’s family was close to the commissioner, and since Alex knew that something was happening, it was likely that he already informed the police beforehand .

So instead of doing that, Kei decided to try and gain even more information regarding the people who suddenly came to the city . The more information he had the better .

. . .

While every member of the Mercenary Club was preparing for what’s to come, Evangeline Kain did so as well . She was aware that she wasn’t as good as Rachel in combat, she wasn’t as good as Kei in gathering information, nor was she as good as Alex in training subordinates . She knew that she wasn’t anywhere near the extremity of skill that the members of the Mercenary Club had, but still, she wanted to help . No, she knew she needed to help .

Using every channel available to the Kain family, Evangeline requested for as much reinforcement she and her family could muster for what’s to come . Even though somewhere in her mind, her logic was telling her that the problem coming couldn’t be all that big, if the government didn’t even notice it . But since Alex and the rest said otherwise, Evangeline chose to believe in that instead .

. . .

Almost all the players were now heading towards Cromer high . The fires of battle were nearing as the friends of the Mercenary Club prepare for the worst .

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