Adopted Soldier

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

It was Thursday afternoon, Alex and and the group did the final practice for the play tomorrow . Once that was done, Alex stayed behind telling the others he had something to do . The reason he did this was because for some reason, he felt like something was wrong . Alex wanted to double check all the cameras he placed in school, he also wanted to see if the hiding place for his weapons weren’t compromised .

As he was about to check the first place, he felt someone was behind him, even though the whole hallway was suppose to be empty now . Alex without hesitation did a spinning back kick . The person he was going to kick was able to evade by ducking . Alex then took out one of his guns and pointed it at the person who was behind him, the person who evaded by ducking had now pointed his sword at Alex’s neck .

"What are you doing?" Alex seeing the person behind him was none other than his best friend Oliver, surprised him .

"That’s suppose to be my question, why did you suddenly attack me?" Oliver who held his sword upward the tip was near Alex’s neck, felt surprised as well . He was just about to greet Alex by surprising him, that’s why he hid his presence, but he didn’t expect Alex would react so violently .

Alex and Oliver who were still stuck in their positions pointing their weapons at each other heard someone closing in .

"Oh, what do we have here? I understand if you guys want to suddenly fight, but as a teacher I can’t allow students to fight on school premise . " The person who suddenly appeared was Matthew Zephyr . He too was pointing a weapon at the two . Alex and Oliver hearing what Matthew said redrew their weapons, seeing them do this Matthew did the same and redrew his own weapons .

People in the mercenary circle would be ecstatic to see these three together . The three gathered here, are considered to be the strongest of the younger generation . Alex Samarita, the silent flash, Matthew Zephyr the holy son, and Oliver Minx real name James Bourne, the mythical merc . Even though Oliver hasn’t remember that he is truly James Bourne, there is no denying that he was the real deal .

"So what are you two doing? If I remember correctly, you two are suppose to be best friends, so why are you guys fighting?" Matthew asked while looking at the two .

"We weren’t fighting, I was just surprised that someone was behind me, I thought it was someone trying to attack me, so I initiated the attack instead . I’m sorry Oliver . " Alex answered with his usual indifference, making it seem like he wasn’t sincere in his apology, but both Oliver and Matthew already understood that he was sincere .

"It’s a good thing that it was me who you suddenly attacked . If it was someone else they might have had their head flying into the wall, that was a pretty sharp kick . "

"Once again, I’m sorry about that . In the first place what are you doing here Oliver? I thought you already went home with the others . "

"About that, I’m not really sure myself . I just feel like there was something compelling me to go here . Also I felt like something ominous might happen tomorrow . This feeling this tingling sensation, it’s pretty much the same feeling I have when battle is coming . " Oliver answered the first half seriously, but because of the atmosphere the second half of what he said was something that came out from him being a chuuni . Alex and Matthew didn’t understand that Oliver was someone like that, took what he said seriously .

"I see, so you felt it as well . . . How about you Mr . Matthew, I’m pretty sure that you didn’t just come here by coincidence . " Alex looked at Matthew, who was silent the whole conversation .

"Actually my reason is pretty much the same as Oliver over there . For some reason I feel compelled to come here, and who knew the moment I walk in I see the two of you . Oliver Minx who are you really? I already know the truth about Alex, but you, who exactly are you?"

Matthew stared at Oliver as if he was trying to see through him . Alex who already knew the real identity of the two present, decided to simply watch and see what happens . Oliver thought that Matthew was playing some sort of role same as him . Thinking this, Oliver felt like the number of comrades he has had increased .

"No need to stare like that Matthew Zephyr, I’ll answer your question . Oliver Minx is nothing but a fake name I use to blend in . My real name is James Bourne from the shadow mercenaries . "

Matthew who heard what Oliver said was amazed as well as surprised . He was already expecting a lot of different answers, but he wasn’t expecting to hear that kind of answer . He wasn’t expecting that the legendary nearly mythical James Bourne was now right in front of him . That might be the reason he felt like Oliver was dangerous . He looked at Alex who didn’t say anything, this meant that he already knew of Oliver’s identity .

Matthew couldn’t help it and started laughing . It would seem that among the three of them, only he knew the significance of the three of them being here .

"Why are laughing? Do you think that what I said was funny?" Oliver wasn’t used to people laughing at him, since no one who saw him has the guts to laugh at what he says, no matter how ridiculous .

"I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you . I’m just feeling a bit happy . It’s truly a pleasure to meet such a famous merc like you James Bourne . That would mean you already know my real identity, don’t you?"

"You’re real identity?" Oliver asked a bit confused . Was this young teacher, also going to claim a double identity like him .

"Seriously, you don’t know who I am? I’m Matthew Zephyr the holy son, the only apprentice of the strongest saint of the Southern Union . Unlike you and Alex, I’m the only one who is basically known to the public . "

"I’m sorry but I still don’t know you . Well it doesn’t really matter what kind of title you have . Alex is Alex, I’m me and you are you . Who cares about what other people think of us . " Alex was impressed by what Oliver said while in chuuni mode . Matthew on the other hand, felt that what Oliver said was true .

"Okay then now that we are all properly introduced, can I go now?" Alex who was simply listening in, butted into the conversation . He was in a hurry since he needed to double check on his equipment .

"Oh, yeah sure . I actually have something I needed to do as well . Oliver, no James Bourne, I Matthew Zephyr challenge you to a duel . " Matthew said this, while his excitement was rising .

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