Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 258 Mad.

Shi Lang came back to the command bridge dressed in his uniform. The young man was dashing and full of energy, but what shocked others was his crimson eyes. This pair of eyes radiated a charm that almost made them bow before Shi Lang.

Amelia was somewhat immune but a few moments ago, the wild make-out session in Shi Lang’s room defied her resistance. Shi Lang asked, “Hawk, what is the situation?”

Hawk stepped forward, saluted, and said, “Boss, the area is swarmed with enemy scouts. They are trying to find us.”

Shi Lang nodded and asked, “Mark the locations of our next targets, and highlight the path taken by the enemy scout vessels.”

Hawk nodded and began to operate the holographic map in front of the control panel. The people were all wondering what Shi Lang wanted to do. The map was highlighted and Shi Lang was gazing at the points with great concentration. The tension in the air was almost materializing, when suddenly, Shi Lang said, “The patterns may be overlapping but they still have a window to sneak through.”

Everyone took a deep breath in, it was not like they had not seen this window, but it was really not enough time for them to get through and the risk was huge. Only a few minutes and they would have to escape the detection of not one but multiple scouts, the next thing was to get away from the detection of the defense systems on the planet.

Shi Lang could read their minds and said, “You do not have to think so much. What I said was not meant for the whole team, but for a single person. That single person will be me.”.

Amelia looked at him and asked, “Go into the detail of the plan.”

Shi Lang knew it was not going to be easy to convince these people but still he described the details to them as carefully as he could. The team listened very carefully and suddenly, Milo asked, “Boss, how do you plan to make the incursion?”

Shi Lang could feel an intense glare on his back and bit the bullet. He said, “Load me in a torpedo shell and fire me through the space.”

Others had yet to react and the back of his head was smacked, and Amelia said, “Are you not getting too bold? Torpedo shell, do you know that thing can explode from minor friction? You plan to leave me a widow, right? Fine, go ahead and die.”

That said, she turned her face around and stopped talking. Shi Lang supported his forehead with his palm, he really was cursing him for agreeing with her transfer to him. He sighed and said, “Who else should I send for this task? Given the strength levels, which one of them can survive? Or shall I be selfish, in order to get the mission done, I shall send them to their deaths?”

The people heard his words and were shocked. They finally realized the burden on Shi Lang’s shoulders. Amelia sighed and said, “When did you learn to use the emotional card?”

Shi Lang had a sly smile on his face, it was not like he could not play with words, but he just did not want to, however, just now his words were not only emotional but also the bitter truth of the situation. He said, “We cannot go out of this tunnel until the search is transferred to another zone. Are we turtles, hidden in the shell?”

The team nodded slowly, Amelia interjected, “Fine, you win. Your speech is not your forte, action is.”

Shi Lang put his arm around her shoulder and then the team began to prepare, the young general went to the craft room on the ship. He was going to make himself a sword, this weapon was something that he decided to make according to his memory—the sword of Shura. The length of this sword was six feet, and the width of the blade was one foot. The curve at the end looked very dreadful, however, the primary killing weapon was the core of this sword, Shi Lang had assimilated his spirit sword as the core of the weapon.

He was doing this based on his instincts, while crafting the weapon, Shi Lang realized that he could see much deeper details than he could before, the ripple on the metal surface, and the refined impurities being shed away were visible. He was almost shocked but regained his composure very soon.

After twenty-four hours of careful calculation, it was decided that the battleship will take off from the meteor in stealth mode, travel to the edge of the affected region, and fire off the torpedo shell. Amelia had technical knowledge and she watched Milo modify the torpedo completely to be a confined spacecraft.

He made sure that the vessel did not explode. Sonic has smuggled the blueprints of Komodian vessels that Shi Lang will have to hijack to get off the planet. The escape was much more dangerous than the incursion. Shi Lang did not tell them about the escape and said, the rest of it will be decided based on the situation at that time.

The team was cooperating completely with this guy, after all, he was putting his life on the line to save them from the risk of going to meet death.

After a total of forty-eight hours, Shi Lang wore his suit, with his sword held in front of him, as he lay inside the torpedo, looking at Amelia through his visor, he said, “Be back soon.”

Amelia replied, “Better be.”

The torpedo was then loaded inside the turret manually by Hawk and Sonic. The torpedo was an oversized phaser-nade. It could directly level seven miles of constructed landmass into nothing. Nothing means, evaporating. Imagine a torpedo exploding and the next thing you know is a hole in the ground that is seven miles deep and of similar width.

Shi Lang was riding this nade as a taxi, now you understand why the team was worried about him. They all will not be able to even return home if something happened to them. The warship was already at the edge of the scouting region and Amelia said, “Package loaded.”

Sparrow was sitting in front of the firing station and said, “Firing turret in three, two, one.”

She punched the fire button with her jaws clenched, and the torpedo was sent away. The next thing was to monitor every detail of the process, Shi Lang entered the range and then escaped the scouts. They were not at ease, because this was only the first phase of the incursion. Shi Lang had to get out of the torpedo shell and enter free fall at the edge of the atmosphere to deceit the planetary defense. Or he will be fried.

Inside the torpedo shell, Shi Lang was not actually anxious, he was able to sense the surroundings, and even ‘look’ outside the taxi. His communication with the team was also green, but they were maintaining silence to prevent detection. Shi Lang was moving through the space at a speed ten times that of sound.

Soon he sensed the taxi slowdown and pressed the button Milo had designed, and the click made the torpedo shell open and allowed him to get out. He looked at the planet below him but time was too short for him to admire the view, and he jumped off the vessel. The speed of his descent was fast, and the friction was beginning to heat up his suit.

This data was being delivered to the people in the warship and Shi Lang said, “Time for you to shine.”

The sword in his hand was stretched out, and the air was being torn apart from the tip of the sword. Shi Lang was descending at breakneck speed and when he was just a few hundred meters away from the ground, the front thrusters fired up to break his fall. Shi Lang had landed in a completely barren land.

He was simply distressed about it, but he could only sigh about it. He said, “I can also lure them over to me.”

With that thought, he placed his sword over his shoulder and then walked in the direction of the target. His speed was not slow, and the aura radiated from his body was anything but calm, all the beasts in his path had already rushed away. They were scared of him.

Shi Lang traversed for ten hours before he spotted a city. He smiled and said, “Time to go mad.”

Someone saw him and the guard let out a roar, what followed was a small group of komodians rushing at him. The lizardmen all let out roars and drew their weapons, but Shi Lang simply shook his long blade, and their heads rolled. The lizardmen were simply shocked, but Shi Lang did not give them much time to regain their rage.

If others were to watch him at this moment, they would have tagged him with only one name, MAD.

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