Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 254 First phase.

Shi Lang handed over the operations to Amelia, she had the rank of lieutenant colonel. Her other qualifications were also higher than the rest of the team members, most importantly, this girl was the fiance of their leader, so as long as her commands did not pose any harm, they did not mind following her arrangements.

Shi Lang had allowed his team to provide their input for anything they might think could improve the strategy he had come up with. Going by this, the people located a wandering meteorite and anchored the battleship to it. Amelia said, “This meteorite can be used as our false base temporarily. The constant motion makes it difficult to be tracked, and none of the patrols will actually care about it. If we use the computer and check the projected trajectory to see if this thing will be passing by any barren planet. Then we can use it as a safe taxi.”

The people nodded in understanding because if they were to look for a barren planet on their own, they would have to deal with the patrols more often than not. Taxing reduced the chances of that. Shi Lang watched the whole operation with a smile on his face when the command deck door was opened and a bot walked inside.

“Sire, the food is ready.”, said the bot.

Shi Lang smiled and said, “Go ahead, we will be back there in a few minutes.”

The bot nodded and walked back. Amelia was surprised at this and asked, “Why does it seem like the voice from this bot was not mechanical but had a trace of emotion to it?”

Shi Lang smiled and said, “Remember the jade slip I recovered from the Frontier Ruins?”

Amelia nodded and asked, “You mean to say, that jade slip is the core of this bot?”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Sort of, yes.”.

The two continued to chat and the team found a barren planet on the trajectory, Amelia said, “The team could take off for the various targets.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “The plan is good, we did plan to take out five targets. Sonic, you will stay behind at the ship with Amelia to monitor the changes and guard the ship.”

That said, Shi Lang and the team divided into five teams of two and took five scouting vessels to commute. The scouting vessels of the Ace Division were all equipped with the most advanced stealth system. The people moved quickly and quietly.

Sonic monitored the status of the scouting ships and asked, “Lady Boss, did you wish the boss good luck.”

Amelia smiled and shook her head as she said, “He does not need it.”

Sonic was confused and Amelia said, “Shi Lang never jumps into something that he cannot deal with. You must have heard about his spoils from the past wars he participated in. At that time, he was not as strong as he is now. So, he does not need luck, but only calm to deal with any and every problem he faces at the front.”

Sonic nodded and said, “Seems like my understanding of the boss is still shallow.”

Amelia chuckled lightly and said, “I can relate to you because I cannot understand what is going through his mind most of the time too. However, when he saved my life at the cost of almost losing himself, I place my complete trust in him.”

Shi Lang was teamed with Sparrow and he was looking at the starry sea with a calm face. Sparrow did not feel anything different from him, but she could tell that he was not in the correct state of mind. So, after hesitating for a good bit of time, she asked, “Boss, what’s on your mind?”

He cast her a gaze and said, “Do you know who is the target of our team?”

Sparrow shook her head and Shi Lang said, “The right-hand man of the Zerg Rebellion leader, Zana.”

Sparrow was shocked as she did not understand why Shi Lang would select such a hard target for their first mission. Zana was an extremely cautious person and he had tonnes of security around him, it was said that even his women were expert guards trained to be loyal to him and him only.

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Do you remember the Solaris bombings?”

Sparrow nodded and suddenly it clicked to her, “Boss, do you mean to say that it was because of this guy?”

Shi Lang nodded and Sparrow clenched her jaws. After calming down she said, “The source?”

She was asking about where this news came from. It was an obvious question. Shi Lang replied, “Kun.”

The lizardman they captured had named the important people and their deeds in the zerg rebellion forces. That was the reason Shi Lang planned this mission and had determined which person to kill from this list.

Sparrow asked as she caressed the faint scar on the side of her face and said, “Boss,how do you wish to handle it?”

Shi Lang gazed at the approaching planet and said, “Kill them all, be silent at first, but leave them with a loud parting gift.”

Sparrow nodded in silence, she was already in her battle mode, her aura was restrained because of Shi Lang beside her. He said, “Hold it in till they are dead and then let it go.”

Sparrow nodded and the scout ship came closer to the atmosphere of the planet. Shi Lang said, “Commence free fall.”

Sparrow nodded and then after clicking on the control panel, the system of the ship announced, “Hover mode initiated.”

The two people stood up from their seats and came to the hatch door. Shi Lang opened the bulk door and said in the communicator, “This is Alpha, commencing operation.”

Sparrow patted on his shoulder, and the two people jumped off from the edge of the atmosphere. They did this to avoid the surveillance stations set in the atmosphere. Shi Lang and Sparrow lost altitude quickly.

They used the surface thrusters to balance themselves and break the fall. They landed on the ground a bit heavily and both of them started the stealth formation on the suit.

Sparrow said, “Boss, plan of action?”

“Get past the security without raising alarms. Kill inside out.”, said Shi Lang.

Sparrow confirmed and then they charged ahead. They both ran fast avoiding each and every probe on the road. The place was crawling with security. Shi Lang and Sparrow did not talk to each other at all. They might be strong but they did not underestimate the enemy at all.

Soon they were standing in front of a huge manor. Shi Lang scanned the place with his spirit sense and communicated with Sparrow, “There are twenty elite guards, we cannot go in undetected.”

Sparrow nodded and said, “Boss, we need a diversion.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Just because we need it, does not mean we can get it.”

Sparrow understood what he meant, if they tried to create a distraction, then they will not be able to even get away before they were surrounded.

Shi Lang sent a telepathic message to Sparrow, “Just because we cannot go above the ground, does not mean we do not have any other way to go.”

Sparrow was surprised when lines appeared on her visor. These lines led to the core of the manor. She understood that as cautious as Zana was, these lines were escape tunnels. She rejoiced, this operation was nothing less then a revenge trip for her.

When they were cleaning up the above mentioned bombing scene, she got hurt when rescuing a child. The scar on her face was the mark of shame. She pledged to not get rid of it till she kill those responsible for the deaths of many.

Shi Lang led her to a corner that seemed to be a hotspot for guards. They counted twenty such guards armed with weapons they have never seen. Sparrow took out her spirit dagger. However, Shi Lang waved his hand to her.

Sparrow saw Shi Lang taking out a small bead. This bead was made up with some material that was very sensitive for the Lizardman, and not in a good way.

Shi Lang tossed the bead near the most guarded place and then they waited. The uniqueness of this method was that the Lizardman could not clean it up. They needed to wait for a bot to show up and do that.

Suddenly, the lizardmen started to raise a ruckus. They had no idea where the smell was coming from, and they rushed away. The effect of this small ball was so strong that the people even forgot to raise the alarm.

This was all the moment these two needed to sneak in. On the floor, there was trap door. Kun was a nice guy, he did not hide any secrets. Shi Lang had already used his sources in the alliance to get the master passcodes to get through the trap door. In just a minute, they entered the trap door and the first phase of the attack was successfully completed.

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