Abyss Domination

Chapter 155 - Telepathy?

Chapter 155: Telepathy?

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

He really got a blessed ability.

Soran looked at the crowd but could not see the figure of the woman anymore.

“Who was she?”

Blessing ceremonies shouldn’t be this easy right?

Just a kiss on my forehead, a kiss on the side of my face, and a few words?

Soran remembered that he had been previously blessed by the Queen of Spiders and the Goddess of Riches, neither of the rituals seemed so simple. The Queen of Spider’s blessing ceremony was completed by the Priests of Lolth. The ceremony included some evil taboo rituals to please the Queen of Spiders. After completing this relatively degenerate ceremony, the Queen of Spiders would bless the target. (The Queen of Spiders must be delighted in order for the ceremony to work.)

The ceremony for the Goddess of Riches was relatively simple; either you made an equivalent contribution, or gave a large amount of money.

God’s blessings were not as powerful as imagined, but they were not weak either. The most basic buff was to give immunity bonuses; Most gods could grant an additional 1 bonus buff in tests. Then, according to the different portfolios of the gods and so on, there would be other bonuses; Soran, for example, would be immune to misfortune. The Goddess of Riches gave trade bonuses and some Priests gave trade preferences.

There were very few blessings that were very powerful. There were only some which could add additional attribute points.

Soran’s most notable memory was the blessing of the Queen of Succubi, which could increase the attributes by an additional 2-4 points and get an additional 4 points in any test, including attack, hit, evasion and fortitude. This special blessing seemed to be called the “Queen’s Kiss”. However, it was also a very costly blessing. After all, it was much more difficult to please the Queen of Succubus than the Queen of Spiders. Both the Queen of Succubi and the Queen of Spiders also had blessings that give Blephamous buffs. [Divine Blessings, Blasphemous Rituals]

For some unknown reason, most blessings by evil gods were better than good gods. But this didn’t apply to the Chosens and the Favoured Souls.

Soran started to ponder if he had encountered the incarnate of the deity.

If deities give up fighting against the energy storms and gave up their titles, then they could fall into the world ahead of time. Normally, no gods would do this as they were aware of the dangers of coming to the Material Plane. But if it were the Maid of Misfortune, there would not be such a worry. Few legendary professions could kill her; It was also more difficult for non-deities to deal with her than with powerful deities because a group of enemies could be destroyed by some misfortune.

An enemy would come to find you, encountering a monster, or accidentally pissing off a legendary...

The thought of it already made some people feel weird.

Misfortune was something too supernatural so not a lot of people tried their luck.

But if Soran encountered her incarnate, the blessings given should be more than that. Usually, if a god gave a personal blessing, they were equal to the treatment of the god’s Favoured Souls, giving them an additional attribute. That woman may be one of the Favoured Souls or a Chosen of Lady Doom. But Soran just couldn’t figure out why she would bless him, especially at this time in the Frost Kingdom.

Deities of the Chaotic Alignment were troublesome.

Deities in the Lawful Alignment still had some predictability. However, the Chaotic Alignment was completely random. The more Chaotic they were, the harder it was to use common sense to measure their behavior. The woman may even destroy a town directly because of a whim. That was why Lady Doom was feared by so many.

Soran didn’t think about it too long.

Meeting legends, Chosen, Favoured Souls, Sons of Deity, even Spiritual Incarnations, Saints, would gradually become very common. Every deity had its own Chosen and Favoured Souls. Furthermore, there were more or less two or three legendary professions in any clergy. The special situation in the Time of Troubles would force all these people to come out and fight. In normal circumstances, they would not fight against each other. Liches, for example, could spend hundreds of years quietly studying if no one disturbed them.

If not for some special reason or the lack of material, they wouldn’t go out!

Speaking of Liches, Soran remembered a Lich would probably come out soon. He was a very powerful Shadow Lich who killed the Chosen of the current Rogue deity and fought with the deity. However, no one died. In Soran’s memory, the deity of the Rogues did not die in the hands of the Shadow Lich. After the appearance of the Lich, the Queen of Spiders soon appeared; The insidious and powerful Queen of Spiders perceived that this was an important opportunity.

She even abandoned her title and came to the Material Plane. Then, with the Drows in the Underdark as her base, she began to plan ahead to deal with the Time of Troubles!

She was a smart deity.

If there were any deity that made Soran afraid, it would be the Queen of Spiders!

She even left a clone in the Abyss, so that other gods would think that she was still fighting against the energy storm to ensure that she would not fall into the Material Plane. But in fact, she had already entered the world secretly and waited until half the Time of Troubles had passed. Only then did the other gods find that she had already woven a huge spider web in the world!

By then, the Queen of Spiders had become a hunter, and the other deities were her pray.

The glamorous black widow was a special sign representing the incarnation of Queen of Spiders. Only the most devout fanatics knew about the descent of their Queen.

Good thing we didn’t encounter the Queen of Spiders.

Soran and Princess Anna quickly left the town. As they got closer and closer to Arendelle, they could feel the slight sea breeze and smell the faint taste of the sea in the air. Arendelle was a large city built on the seashore, and it was also the most prosperous city in the Frost Kingdom. Soran also saw other crosses, as well as a distant fleet. Businessmen rarely traveled by land to the Frost Kingdom; they usually traveled by sea and would often sacrifice to the sea goddesses, or the storm lords.

Divine sacrifices were very serious matters.

Large-scale sacrifices could even attract the attention of the gods, who would then cast their attention to them and bless them.

Blessings meant that the fleet would not encounter any sea creatures and have smooth sailing.

As long as there were not too unlucky to encounter a sea monster, their journeys were basically smooth; even if they encountered a storm, they would survive the storm if they had done their sacrifices to the storm lords.

Proper sacrifices cost at least thousands of Gold Derahls every year.

Princess Anna had an excited expression which was probably due to the fact that she could go back home after such a long time.

Soran, however, became more and more serious and cautious. He observed as he stopped in the distance and said, “If I were the Chosen of the Maiden of Pain, I would set up ambushes near Arendelle and watch where you might appear. After all, you still had to find a way to come back. In other words, the safest place would probably also be the most dangerous place.”

This made Princess Anna feel scared and murmured, “What do we do?”

Soran took her to the side of the road and murmured, “Is there any way you can get in touch with your sister? With her wisdom, she will surely notice this too. I am worried if we encounter the Chosen, we would have no chance to escape at all. We will be caught by them before your sister can come. To be honest, in the face of legendary enemies, I have almost no chance to make a move!”

Soran really had no chance against a legendary profession.

An Instant-Cast Finger of Death, Hold, or even Charm, may make Soran instantly powerless.

Legends were just too powerful!

Princess Anna was obviously aware of this, and her face became a little worried. Realistically speaking, even if they met the person who came for them, if the elder Princess or other legendary professions were not present, the enemies would be able to kill the two in a flash; even just grab her and go through a portal.

By then who could stop the Chosen?

Soran was a very cautious person, he liked to think of the worst situations.

Preparation, in this case, was key.

Mindless actions would only lead to their death.

Suddenly, Princess Anna seemed to have remembered something. Her eyes lit up and said, “Yes! When I was a child, if I was in a bad mood, or felt uncomfortable, as long as I thought about my sister in my heart and she was not too far away from me, she would feel it. Maybe this would enable my sister to find us in advance, as long as she knew where we were, she would definitely come to pick me up! ”


There’s a limit to the range right?

It’s true that there may be telepathy between sisters, but does that mean that the blurred feeling would accurately locate them? But since the elder Princess was a legendary Fatespinner, maybe she would have a way to locate them? Worse comes to the worse she could just use Divination. As long as there was a vague direction, she should be able to easily find the two.

Princess Anna immediately did what she said. She swiftly kneeled on the ground and mumbled earnestly, “Sister! Hurry up and save me!... Sister! Hurry up and pick me up! Sister!... Anna really misses you!...”

A beautiful yet laughable scene.

Soran felt it was a little funny at first, but gradually his expression became serious because Princess Anna looked more and more solemn and even a little pious.

How is this telepathy, this is technically praying!

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