Absolute Regression

Chapter 53

The 53rd variable is an envoy.


Seo Dae-ryong’s heavy breathing spread out toward the night sky as he lay on the ground.

The moon, which was floating in the sky, could not be seen where it was hiding. It was a practice that started before dinner after work, but now it was well past midnight.

‘I finally did it!’

I swung again a thousand times when I thought I wouldn’t be able to swing even once. I can’t believe I swung this heavy sword two thousand times a day.

Seo Dae-ryong couldn’t believe what he had accomplished. Of course, my posture would have collapsed later, but I gritted my teeth and swung.

I had to get up and go home now, but Seo Dae-ryong couldn’t move. I fell asleep.

Seo Dae-ryong had a dream.

Geommugeuk was in crisis, surrounded by enemies. That was when the enemies rushed towards the injured man.

The sword stretched out like a thunderbolt and swept away the enemies. Enemies caught in the pottery turned into blood clots and disappeared.

Soon, like a plum blossom falling down, he came down between the enemies and the sword dance. Now that he had become the greatest master of the Taoist Way, he was holding a large sword like a Blood Heavenly Sword.

He looked back at the sword dance and asked with a faint smile.

“Are you okay? Footnote!”

A satisfied smile appeared on the lips of Seo Dae-ryong, who was sleeping.

“Right arm! “You came!”

Seo Dae-ryong turned to his enemies and spoke coolly at the words of the sword dance filled with emotional emotion.

“I am here, so rest! “Take a good night’s sleep!”

At that time, a familiar voice was heard from somewhere.

“Can you stop getting up now?”

Seo Dae-ryong instinctively listened to those words and turned over. I didn’t want to wake up from such a pleasant dream. The dream of becoming a master and traveling around the world was also his real dream.

Seo Dae-ryong continued to sleep.

After rescuing the beauties in danger in the dream, they took off on a boat together. I woke up with a happy smile on my face as I watched the women fighting to get their love. Among them was Jo Hyang, a junior.

It was the first time in my life that I woke up smiling like this.

It felt so good. So much so that I don’t want to get up… But where am I?

An unfamiliar ceiling.

No, it wasn’t completely unfamiliar.

‘no way?’

Seo Dae-ryong jumped up and screamed.


Despite the good dream, my whole body felt like it was going to break apart. It felt like someone had beaten my whole body with a club all night long.

Seo Dae-ryong looked around.


It was the very sleeping quarters of Hyeolcheondoma where he drank and slept.

‘oh my god! ‘Why am I sleeping here?’

I even remember lying down on the floor after swinging the second thousand times.

Fortunately, the blood chopping block was not in the room.

He got up with a grunt and walked carefully.

When Seo Dae-ryong walked to the window, he was startled.

Hyeolcheon Doma was swinging the sword in the same yard where he had swung the sword yesterday. Seo Dae-ryong, who was about to rush out and say hello, stopped.

The sight of him wielding a sword caught his attention.

Hyeolcheon Doma swung the sword in the same posture he had taught himself yesterday. The way to hold the sword was the same and the way to wield it was also the same.

At that moment, Seo Dae-ryong knew. The training that he taught himself was the training that Hyeolcheondoma did when he first learned martial arts.

‘I didn’t just order it to make me suffer.’

At that time, Hyeolcheon Doma, who was wielding a sword as if he had eyes on his back, suddenly spoke.

“Is it okay to joke that there are no footnotes?”

“Huh! Come to think of it?”

The sun was high in the sky.

“Ahh! “I’m late.”

Seo Dae-ryong quickly got dressed and came out.

“I’m going.”

Seo Dae-ryong bowed and was about to turn away, but then turned back again.

“Thank you so much for letting me sleep again.”

Even if Hyeolcheondoma had given me money or reports, I wouldn’t have been so moved. Oh, of course I would be happy, but my personality was different from my current feelings.

Wouldn’t it be more difficult for Hyeolcheon Doma to let someone sleep in his own bed than to give him money? This feeling of being valued was incomparable to anything else.

“Next time something similar happens, just throw it in a random room. Kill it but drink it. “Then I’ll see you later this afternoon.”

Then, Hyeolcheondoma asked with an expression of surprise.


“You should come.”

“They don’t admit that it hurts. “It’s the two thousandth time today.”

When I heard the words 2,000 times, my whole body was disgusted and I was screaming no, but my mouth said yes! He said. Because it’s not hard to wear anyway.

After answering vigorously, Seo Dae-ryong ran away.

“You’re late! tardy!”

I was so tired that I felt like I was going to die. I didn’t even want to think about practicing again today, but it felt strangely good.

I wanted to continue learning from Hyeolcheon Doma. Honestly, I wanted to impress him.

* * *

The decoction was completed over several days.

I put the prepared medicine into a palm-sized vial. There are still five days left until the Blood God Festival.

Now that the medicine has been created, I plan to go scouting to the throne of the Wind God Cult leader today to see if the secret passage is working well.

After descending the mountain, the place I arrived was a wasteland located not far from Pungcheongyo Bridge.

It was a place with several withered trees and rocks, poisonous insects and poisonous snakes buzzing around, and trash blown by the wind rolling around. A place where no one comes even though you stay there all day long.

There was a large rock there, and I operated a series of hidden devices underneath both sides of the rock.


Then the rock opened and a passage appeared. I was impressed at the time, but looking at it now, it was a really well-made institution. How can an unmarked passage like this be created?

As we entered the rock, the door automatically closed.

When the hidden device was operated again from inside, the door opened from the floor.

I took out the night wine and went down to the underground passage. The aisle was wide. It seemed like a passageway built to transport sound bells in case of emergency. Thanks to this, I was able to steal the sound bell through this place.

I took out the medicine bottle and applied the medicine to my face and hands.

When I apply this medicine, even an expert with an excellent sense of smell will not be able to smell me.

I walked down the aisle slowly.

It stopped a long way away from the secret passageway of the room where the seat of power was located. I used to get closer and look, but there was no need to do that anymore. Because there is now a safe way to look at it.

I closed my eyes and released my energy. A ray of energy moved along the passage. After going around the corner for a while, I reached a secret passage.

I didn’t know until I first learned this secret from my father that I could emit such thin and long energy and use it for exploration in actual combat.

Energy escaped through the small gap in the passage.

The moment my energy entered a new space.

A tremendous presence was felt from one side.

‘It’s the Pungcheon religious leader!’

Indeed, the spirit that felt like that of a religious leader was unusual. I quickly moved my energy in the opposite direction.

What I found again was coriander, which is sensitive to smell.

As expected, he was near the sound bell.

When I checked on both of them, my energy disappeared. Since it happened once anyway, there was no need to risk being discovered.

After safely completing the reconnaissance, I returned to the mountain.

After finishing my meal of beef jerky, I sat cross-legged and practiced the Heavenly Demon Defense technique.

I will spend the remaining five days alone in the mountains without moving. If you wander around for no reason and get pushed by fate and get involved in some strange incident, you could run into trouble.

Not creating variables is the minimum courtesy to my past efforts.

* * *

The day of the Blood God Festival dawned.

Before leaving, I looked up at the sky and hoped that today would be successful.

When my father told me about the two ways to stop the sorcery, I thought to myself that there was a way that was a hundred times easier.

I went down the mountain, hoping that my thoughts would be correct and I would be able to finish this job safely.

The road to Pungcheongyo Bridge was crowded with people wanting to participate in the ceremony.

They were of various types. From the head of the Daemun faction who has exchanges with Pungcheongyo to the merchants who try to sell goods to the unmanned attendees of the small faction who just want to make a mark.

On the day when the blood god festival is held, everyone, regardless of status, must walk to Pungcheongyo Bridge like this. This was the authority of the blood god.

I watched them walk from afar and headed towards the wasteland where there was a secret passage.

As I went there, many thoughts came to mind.

What if the door suddenly won’t open? What if the event is suddenly canceled? What if the Pungcheon religious leader changes to ringing the bell himself? What if I was wrong about how to get it?

In this way, anxiety threatens to eat away at our soul.

In times like this, you have no choice but to believe in yourself. The belief that such misfortune will not come to us, and the belief that even if it does come, we will overcome it well. The best weapon against anxiety is belief in yourself.

I arrived near the room where the Pungcheon cult leader’s throne was located through a secret passage, and waited there for the right time to come. Of course, I had applied a drug that prevents me from smelling all over my face, hands, and body.

It was decided when to move. When I start ringing the sound bell and hit it 36 times, it is time for me to start the operation.

How long did we wait in the dark like that?

A bell began to sound faintly. I counted the sounds and waited.

After ringing the bell thirty-three times, we moved slowly and went down the secret passage.

When the bell rang for the thirty-fifth time, I quietly opened the secret passage in the floor next to the throne and went out.

The shackled master was about to ring the final bell. The leader of Pungcheon Church did not allow any other people into this place where the sacred objects were, so there was only a man wearing shackles.

The moment he rang the thirty-sixth and final bell.

I unleashed the Wind God Sabot. I used my secret intelligence to approach the shackled warrior. I approached him silently like a ghost and took pictures of his demonic blood and blood transfusion at the same time. He fell asleep standing up without even realizing what had happened to him.

Although it happened in an instant, it was a technique where the best skills were displayed one after another.

After subduing him, I went to the Hyeol-Bul (血佛) temple built behind the Yin Lai Bell.

The time given to me now is the time it takes for the Pungcheon religious leader to return here.

When I pressed Hyeolbul’s closed eyes, he opened them.

When I opened my eyes, I was scared.

When I pressed it again, the pupils popped forward.

There was about a third of a white liquid inside the protruding pupil.

This is why I have come a long way.

The root of the Seobhonjutsu learned by the Seobhonmazon was the demonic art of the Blood Religion.

The successor to that blood religion is Pungcheongyo.

My father already knew this, but there was one thing he didn’t know.

Blood stabilizing water.

It was a holy water passed down secretly only to the leaders of Pungcheon Church.

If you put this blood stabilizing water into your eyes, you will see the destruction method of the blood religion’s magic. The essence of witchcraft can be grasped with the eyes.

I heard that it was created and passed down from ancient times to prevent rebellion within the school, but the manufacturing method and management method were passed down only to the religious leader and his successors, so outsiders never knew about its existence. The person who told me that fact was Neungbaekgun, the son of the Pungcheon religious leader.

When I came last time, I didn’t have time to put this in because I was running away with the sound bell.

Now was the moment to finally obtain blood stability water.

I took out my blood-filled eyes. There was a small hole above the pupil.


The blood stabilizing water contained in the right pupil is one drop in the right eye.


The blood stabilizing water contained in the left pupil is one drop in the left eye.

When the blood stabilizing essence entered my eyes, my eyes felt hot and burning, as if they were on fire. There was pain, but fortunately I didn’t lose sight or anything.

When the pupils were returned to their original positions, they went inward and the blood bulb closed their eyes again.

Since there was enough essence left in the eye, it could be given to the next successor without any problem, and they would not even know that these two drops of blood stabilizing water were gone.

I entered the underground passage and blew out two gusts of wind before completely closing the door.


The Shackle Master woke up.

He was confused for a moment, but soon made sure that nothing was going on around him and started doing his job. It was a move I would never have been able to pull off if I wasn’t an expert like me.

I wondered what story that man had for being tied up like that, but it wasn’t a situation where I could save him without even knowing who he was. He was not one of those destined to change with my return.

I quietly left the secret passage.

When the time came, I was planning to collect the gifts related to Dafa materials one by one, but thanks to the Subsoul Mazon, I obtained the Blood Stabilization Essence sooner than expected.

Whatever the reason, there is joy when you accomplish something big. It was difficult to express the joy in words, especially as I gained abilities I never had before.

It wasn’t just because I was able to kill the Soul Mazon. It was because I believed that this new power would help me in some way on my journey toward the fire weapon.

After leaving the secret passage, I could have relaxed as a winner and enjoyed the Blood God Festival, but I ran toward the main school without even looking back.

Until the end, the variable was the envoy.

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