Absolute Regression

Chapter 112

Episode 112: Can you swim?

Bisain was furious.

I could see where the anger came from.

It may be because of what Yukrang said earlier.

A life of rushing around to protect one grand duke.

Of course, you would have felt bad and even felt ignored.

If it was just Yuk-rang’s problem, we could just kill him and forget about it.

But the problem was this. The suspicion that other members of the Apostles might feel the same way would haunt him for a very long time.

Of course, I had no intention of comforting him. Basically, he was my enemy and he also planned to take advantage of their division and the confused mind of Bisain.

At that time, Ilang came forward.

“Shouldn’t you have kept Yukrang alive and used him as a witness?”

His voice was slightly flushed. He, too, was helplessly embarrassed and excited by the betrayal and death of his colleague.

Bisain made no reply. I could guess. Ilang’s words must have sounded like this to him now.

―He was like a brother to me, so what if you killed him like that?

Bisain’s gaze turned to the remaining Apostle Thirteen Lang standing behind Ilang. They were standing with their usual expressions.

But Bisain will feel unfamiliar to them at this moment.

Then I came forward.

“Aren’t you witnesses? Even excluding the secret party involved, aren’t there six witnesses who saw Yurang’s betrayal?”

This was what Ylang was worried about.

“If they gang up on us all, they might not trust us.”

“Are you saying that the testimony of the Thirteen and Six Apostles representing the Apostolic Alliance does not work? If that is the case, is there any point in you living as apostolic warriors?”

The rest of the Apostles, including Ilang, said nothing. If you think about it, you must feel truly miserable.

Then Bisain, who had been listening quietly, shouted.

“Stop talking nonsense!”

It was natural for him to react nervously.

“Who is behind it?”

“I can’t tell you right here.”

I poured fuel on the burning fire.

“Is there really just one traitor?”

The Thirteen Apostles all gave me cold looks.

This reaction was, in fact, the reaction that Bisain should have shown first. But Bisain was the slowest to react. He too has the same suspicion.

“Wouldn’t it be better to be cautious until we know for sure? “Let’s talk about it alone.”

I was pushing him by dividing the Bisain and the Apostles. This is something I have to drag Bisain by the collar. We plan not to lose sight of the players until the moment they are counted.

Before I sat down alone with Bisain, I had a brief chat with Geukaksoma.

―I plan to separate Bisain from the Apostles for the time being.

-You must be thinking about something.

―I need some time alone to make Bisign work the way I want.

In fact, there was another reason, but it was a reason that could not be told to Extreme Soma.

The quick-witted Extreme Evil Soma suddenly asked.

―Is that really the only reason?


When I answered honestly, Extreme Soma actually smiled with his eyes.

―As expected, Gongja Lee was wearing the same mask as me.

-you’re right. Even though I said I wasn’t such a good person, no one believed me, but Soma still knows. Then, I will meet you later at the safe house near the headquarters of the Apostolic Association.

As the matter was serious, Extreme Soma accepted my request. At least when it came to public affairs, he handled things more neatly than anyone else.

* * *

I stood side by side with Bisain on the hill to the east of Baekyagok.

“Who is behind it?”

“What will you do for me if I tell you? “You certainly didn’t intend to receive this important information for free, did you?”

Bisain’s expression hardened slightly.

“shit! Why is it so difficult to hear a single word of that name? “Speak like a man!”

“That’s not manly, it’s a fool who takes a loss for a moment of pride. I am a person who believes that transactions must involve giving and receiving reasonable value. Problems arise in transactions whenever one party is dissatisfied. “Let’s try to balance the scales well.”

“What do you want?”

I had something I wanted from him. After returning, there were opportunities that I decided to reap when I had the chance. What I am talking about with him now was one of them.

“Please let me into Mansa-dong.”

Mansa-dong (萬邪洞).

It was the sacred place of the Apostle Alliance, a place where only the Apostle Lord and his successors could enter.

300 years ago, the absolute leader of the Apostolic Alliance, the Lord of Mansa, healed his injuries after a fierce battle with the Heavenly Demon, and the Apostolic Alliance made it a sacred place.

Bisain was surprised.

“Why do you want to go in there?”

“I’ve wanted to go there for a long time.”

“Then I understand. “Outsiders should never be allowed into Mansa-dong.”

“So you’re not asking for it now? “With your life as collateral.”

“Don’t exaggerate. Even if I didn’t know who was behind it, I was still alive. So don’t act like you have something great.”

“It was alive, but it was really dangerous. You even have a traitor behind your back. “If he hadn’t met me, that traitor would still be eating and sleeping with his wife.”

Bisain, who was silent for a moment as if he couldn’t refute that statement, asked me.

“Do you know what kind of place Mansa-dong is?”

The reason he asked this was because there was nothing special there.

In fact, it was no different from building a pavilion in a scenic spot to commemorate the place where the head of Mansa was treated for his injuries.

“I heard that three hundred years ago, Cheonma and Mansajongju fought and the incident was recorded in detail in Mansa-dong. As someone who will become the next Heavenly Demon, I want to read that fight in detail. Unfortunately, there are no records left at our school.”

This was Bisain’s concern.

“It’s not a big deal to have you there. However, if this fact is revealed, it could become a big problem.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Because I will never reveal that I entered Mansa-dong. And even if I do reveal it, let’s say I do. Then why not just grab it? “Who will believe me when I say you don’t?”

He will eventually accept. Because Mansa-dong was nothing compared to what he would gain. Although it was designated as a sacred place, it was only a kind of memorial hall.

It was ten years later that the secret of Mansa-dong was revealed. This non-sign in front of me was already dead.

“If you don’t like it, don’t drink it. I don’t really want to go in and ask for something like this. “Let’s pretend it never happened.”

“Sir, don’t be rude.”

“A non-commissioned person should not be rude with his own life.”

“What do you mean?”

“Others may not know, but I am saying that non-officials should not hesitate. There is nothing in this world more important than life. This is especially true if your life is precious and you will be promoted to the position of Lord of the Apostles if you just overcome this hurdle. “Forget everything and just think about one thing: your life!”

In the end, Bisain took a deep breath and accepted the offer.

“Okay. “I will let you enter Mansa-dong.”

He was in a situation where he had to pay any price to find out who was behind it.

“Instead, there are two conditions.”

“Please speak.”

“First, we must reveal the background.”

I expected him to make this request.

“I’ll tell you at the entrance to Mansa-dong.”


First, they readily accepted each other’s requests.

“The second one is just one visit.”

“It’s too short. “Please give me three examinations.”

“Two o’clock. “No more.”


Bisain drew his sword. I also pulled out my black magic sword and clashed the swords together. visor! The clear sound rang out as a sign of promise.

“Is Mansa-dong on the way back to the headquarters of the Apostolic Alliance from here?”


“Let’s leave right now, the two of us.”

Bisain was surprised by the unexpected proposal.

“Then are you saying we should leave the Thirteen Apostles behind?”

“exactly. “Let’s leave the 13 Apostles and the extremely evil Soma.”

Bisain was about to say something but stopped. I couldn’t bring myself to say that it wouldn’t be dangerous.

His pride was hurt when he saw me moving around on my own. But I can’t say that it would be dangerous like a coward.

“It would be safest for the two of us to go now.”

“Why is that?”

“It is not easy to place surveillance around you because your martial arts skills of the Four Apostles are so strong. That is probably why Yukrang was included.”

Bisain nodded and agreed to what he said.

“Now that Yukrang is dead, there is a gap in their surveillance. But soon they will notice Yukrang’s death and send a new master as a watchman. If you have to leave, it’s now. Let’s leave for Mansa-dong with me now. Let’s leave the extremely evil Soma and the Thirteen Apostles behind, and let’s go together. “The way to defeat your opponent is to not move as he or she expects.”

Nevertheless, Bisain did not make the decision easily. In the end, he revealed his honest feelings.

“And if you die, it’s all for naught?”

The conflicted face looks even more distorted. A face that does not convey its emotions correctly. Perhaps compassion for him may be one of the reasons why I want to save him.

“I don’t know whether the probability of survival or death will increase because of the presence of the Apostles. As I said before, can you conclude that there are no other three works among the remaining 13 Apostles?”

Bisain could not answer confidently. Because there was no guarantee that they wouldn’t have planted three crops twice. Only Ilang Baekcheolgi could be trusted with certainty.

“Besides, if you want to put me in Mansa-dong, wouldn’t the two of us have to move? Do you mind if they know? That you put me in Mansa-dong? “You get to know not only them, but also the evil Somas?”

Those words were decisive.

“Okay, let’s go together.”

“Good idea.”

Bisain’s face was filled with determination.

Normally, a decision should not have been made like this. You shouldn’t easily follow the other person’s intentions like this. If the other person is a villain, you are already doomed.

But Visana did well this time.

I don’t know how your fate will unfold, but joining hands with me will be the only way to turn the wheel of your tragic fate. Pull the reins harder to change direction.

“I will help you become the Apostle Lord.”

“The world will laugh at me. “I will become the Apostle Lord with your help.”

“The world will never know that fact. “Someday, when I become the Heavenly Demon and you become the Lord of the Apostles, when we meet, let’s shake hands and reminisce about that time.”

Bisain stared at me as if I were staring. How can I know people’s hearts? Will you hate this moment so much that you will try to kill me, or will you truly be grateful for this day and hold my hand?

“let’s go.”

I started running first and he ran after me.

We left the White Night Valley in an instant.

* * *

After about ten days, we ran along a deserted road and eventually arrived at the top of a cliff. Since I knew that there would be no surveillance or follow-up on my way here, Bisain acknowledged that my judgment was right.

Shoot aaaaaaaaaah.

Bisain asked, looking down at the pouring waterfall.

“Would you like to swim?”

“You can eat while fighting the Long River water ghosts in the water.”

“Then follow me.”

Bisain jumped down the waterfall first, and I followed him.

The entrance to Mansa-dong was in a place that could never be found unless you knew the location. I swam through the narrow entrance below the waterfall.

It was hard to see at first because it was in a place with strong currents, and it was a narrow hole where it felt like you would get stuck and never get out.

I passed through the entrance and swam through the narrow passage. We were only able to get out of the water after we went deep enough that we were overcome with fear that we would drown if we went any further.

The waterway was connected to a pond, and it was inside a cave.

“It is said that the Lord of All Things, who was injured in a battle with the Heavenly Demon, came here.”

“Heaven saved him because that narrow passage leads to this place.”

“So we made this place a sacred place.”

We stood side by side in front of the cave. Originally, it was a cave that continued all the way inside, but the entrance was blocked and a door was created.

“It is a door that can only be opened by injecting inner energy in a certain way. If you try to force it open, it will collapse. Now tell me. “Who is behind it?”

I immediately told him the story behind it.

“The sarcophagus of the great apostle.”

Bisain was surprised. It would be a truly unexpected name.

“That can’t be possible. Elder Seok retired a long time ago and joined the Senate. “Do you have any proof that it is him?”

“Heuksalju confessed.”

“Where is he now?”

“He’s dead.”

Bisain’s expression hardened.

“Are you saying that Elder Seok is the mastermind without any evidence?”

“Why is there no evidence? “I, the second son of the Heavenly Demon, am speaking as a witness.”


“If you don’t trust me, you shouldn’t be standing here in the first place. “What on earth are you doing?”

In response to my reprimand, Bisain let out a deep sigh and said,

“no. I trust you. I came because I believed in it. “It’s because I can’t believe it’s Elder Seok.”

To that extent, Seok Gwan-chu was a person who was highly respected by the Sado League warriors.

“Elder Seok is trying to make his grandson his successor.”

Only then did Bisain understand the situation.

“ah! So that was it. Elder Seok was very proud of his grandson. You have boasted about your grandson in front of me many times. “At the time… I thought my affection for my grandson was excessive, but now that I think about it, I guess that wasn’t all there was to it.”

A cold, murderous look flashed through Bisain’s eyes. As for the sarcophagus and his grandson, many words and events that he had ignored until now will have taken on new meaning, freezing his heart.

“Now it’s your turn to keep your promise.”

Bisain kept his promise like a man. He placed his palm on the wall and injected energy into it, and the door opened.

“What came here will be a secret until death. And it’s just two o’clock. If you don’t come out by then, I’ll come in.”

Leaving him behind, I slowly walked into Mansa-dong.

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