Above Your Head

Chapter 83: A Bouquet of Roses (2)

Chapter 83: A Bouquet of Roses (2)

I grabbed Celestia and got out from the restaurant.


I took big strides, leaving the restaurant's automatic door behind. With my hand holding hers, Celestia was being dragged along. Of course, from the perspective of a decent Ability user, using the words "dragged along" would be a little ambiguous.

Celestia was a beauty with a slender body, but at the same time, she was also an Ability user with powers that outclassed mine by dozens of times. If she had the intention to resist, it would be difficult to make her take a single step even if I threw my whole body and hung on to her. Hence, it would be more appropriate to describe it as her following me rather than being dragged along.

'Why on Earth…'

Knowing that, I dragged her and clenched my teeth. I didn't know what to do in this situation. I was completely off guard like a boxer who took a direct punch to the chin.

I was dazed by Celestia's different from usual countenance and couldn't get away in time. Celestia didn't come running, and I had the ability to see the titles. Even if I was nervous, it would have been possible for me to figure out her objective, but I lost my mind, and landed myself in this situation.


Finally, we reached the ruins and there wasn't a single soul around. It was one of the places that was destroyed in the great battle of Seppard. It had not been restored yet as it was pushed back by other priorities.

"Oh my, what are you trying to do by dragging me to such a remote place?"

"What am I trying to do? Hey, you, what kind of…"

"What kind of nonsense am I spouting?"


I froze at the sight of Celestia muttering with a wide smile. Her smile was gorgeous. It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that it was dazzling, and it could entice anyone who was looking at it.

However, I asked, "Why are you angry?"

"What? No, of course not. Hmm. I'm a little upset, but that's not important right now."

I frowned at the sight of her smiling cheerfully, "I don't think so. You seem really mad though."

"I said I'm not mad, alright?"

"You're angry, aren't you?"

"…No. I'm not, but that aside!" Celestia changed the subject with a sudden scream, "Is that all you have to say right now? When I went to find you with a bouquet of flowers in hand?"

"Ahh, right! Now that you mention it..."

Celestia laughed as she clapped her hands, "That's right. Now that I mention it?"

"Now that you mention it… What nonsense is that?"


Celestia's fists were shaking. She clenched her teeth and held it in, but she wasn't able to maintain her facial expressions.

'She's finally acting like a human.'

As funny as it may seem, I was more comfortable with the current Celestia as compared to the pure and dreamlike image earlier. She already gave off a special aura, so it would feel unrealistic if she dressed up and set the mood. However, I couldn't just overlook the current situation apart from that.

"What are you going to do now? Why did you spout such nonsense in front of so many people? Are you allowed to do this despite being an Imperial Princess?"

"Hmph. I want to do it though? Who dares to stop me? Father told me to take care of my own marriage anyways."

I frowned at her domineering attitude, "Your own position aside, you have to think about mine too. I can't believe you're doing this without my prior consent. I'll tell you in advance, I don't like things like this. To be honest, I hate it."

Without first confirming each other's feelings, such an open confession was basically tantamount to violence. Wasn't it a tactic to prevent me from turning her down with the public opinion supporting her?

Nonetheless, Celestia smiled. Her eyes curved into a crescent moon if she wasn't fazed by my harsh reaction.

"That aside, you're not angry, right?"

"No. I'm actually really mad though?"

"I don't think so though?"

"I said I'm pissed at you!" I frowned because it felt as if we were strangely repeating the conversation we had just slightly earlier. Then, Celestia light waved her hand. Subsequently, an image of my face appeared in the air and reflected my face like a mirror.

"Look carefully. Do you think this is an angry face?"


I couldn't answer. It was just as she said. There wasn't a hint of irritation or anger in the video that displayed my face like a mirror. However, if I had to specifically point out the minor changes in my emotion, it would be that I was slightly embarrassed.

Celestia explained, "You're not angry. You're just a little surprised."

It would be a delightful matter if my loved one confessed in front of so many people. I might even be moved to tears since she mustered up courage for me. On the other hand, it would be repulsive if someone I disliked confessed to me in front of so many people. I despised people who made me feel uncomfortable and drove me to a corner. However, I didn't belong to either situation.

"Of course, I know you don't have any feelings of love for me… However, you didn't hate it, right? But then again, that's a given. If a beautiful woman like me gave someone a bouquet of flowers, and that person really hated it, that'd be even weirder."

"…What exactly is the source of your boundless confidence?"

"Exceptional beauty and a liberal personality. As well as exorbitant wealth and universal fame."

"Ah, there's also the power as a member of the Imperial family," Celestia added on.

I scoffed. I wanted to deny it, but I was annoyed because it was all true.

"Spiteful bitch."

"People who are jealous of me say that too at times, though not many."

Celestia yanked at my arm and dragged me along. As expected, there was an overwhelming difference in our strength. When I came to my senses, I was right before her nose.

"What, what the hell are you doing! Stay away from me!"

Celestia was pouting upon seeing me freak out. She didn't seem to like my reaction.

"Stop overreacting and just take this."

"What is this?"

"What do you mean what is this? It's what I meant the other day. You probably don't know… However, the Golden Rose of Detalt is a treasure that all lovers want to receive. It's the most classy way to propose to a lover."

I forced a laugh at her nonchalant remark.

"So that means you proposed to me in front of all those people? Despite being a Space Idol?"

This was basically the same as Leaf proposing to an ordinary person in front of people back on Earth. What do you think would happen if the top Idol in East Asia with the title of Nation's Little Sister[1] suddenly made a marriage announcement with an ordinary person directly without even making a dating announcement prior? Furthermore, what if it was the Idol who confessed?

'The current situation is much worse than that.'

Celestia was of a totally different league compared to Leaf. Celestia held the title of Space Idol -- a title which transcended the world; a surreal title in more ways than one. If a man received a proposal from Leaf on Earth, her fans would track down your personal information and criticize the man in the comments but that was all there was to it. However, no matter how much I pondered, I couldn't see it ending at just that in the Universe. In all seriousness, I was really expecting an assassin might come for me.

"Uwahhhh. That's a 'I really hate it' expression."

"It's because I really hate it that such an expression is appearing on my face, you idiot. No means no. Why are you being such a nuisance?"

"Hmm… was it a little too much?"

"It's too much."

"I thought you'd like it."

"What kind of crazy guy would like something like this?" I asked back dumbfoundedly

Celestia responded with an expression that looked as if she was saying 'What kind of question is that?'.

"Even if I stabbed someone with a knife instead of a greeting, he would probably like it." Celestia answered.


I was at a loss for words. Of course, I knew she was joking, but at this point it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call her the King of Self Love. She was extremely beautiful, and she knew perfectly well how beautiful she was. Even though she possessed a lot of power and fame, it was fortunate that she at least didn't have the habit of using the people around her for her own benefits. There wasn't any need for her to do that, so she just ended up objectifying(...) herself.

"Anyways, look at this! I dressed up quite a lot today. Did your heart flutter a bit? I've even put on the skirt that the Queen's Knight Order was imploring me to try on."

I let out a deep sigh as I looked at Celestia fluttering around like she was dancing. I knew she didn't mean any harm, but I was still tired of it.

This girl, even though she had gone through many life experiences and seemed immaculate, she often showed this stupid side of hers. It was probably because she was always treated well due to her beauty and status.

"Anyhow, what reason do you have for doing this? Don't tell me you fell in love with me, I don't want to hear such bullshits."

Of course, the relationship between us wasn't bad.

We met for the first time on the street by chance, and we were strangers then. However, our relationship had progressed after we were kidnapped to the demi-humans battleship, Great Sky. Moreover, it even felt like we became much closer after escaping from it. As we fought against the enemy and sought ways to escape together, a camaraderie was formed between us as we saved each other. We even had faith in each other. In actual fact, after going through thick and thin together, it wouldn't be weird even if we became lovers.

'But we're not that kind of people.'

If I looked at it that way, we were pretty similar. We weren't the type to be swayed by our own emotions. Just because we went through a crisis together like the main characters of a Hollywood movie, a stereotypical plot like falling for each other and ending with a kiss scene wouldn't happen. We just got a little closer than before. That was all. However, despite that, she proposed to me.

"Hmm. To put it simply… I need a husband."


"To be precise, I have my own reasons for wanting to get married."

Upon hearing her words, the first thing that came to mind was the Imperial family. Weren't there always such cliché storylines? If you want to challenge for the crown, you would have to either get married or obtain the special rights that a married royal had.

However, a question struck me soon after, "But why me? Wouldn't it be better to have a marriage union with other royalties or aristocrats if it was related to your duties as a member of the Imperial family?"

It was common for those in power to be in a political marriage. Political marriages didn't just exist in medieval times, there were plenty of political marriages done in the modern era Earth too.

However, Celestia gave an unexpected reply, "I'm going to live alone."


I was dumbfounded for a moment. What was she talking about? She asked for my hand in marriage, but she was going to live alone?

Celestia explained further upon seeing me taken aback, "I apologize if it's cumbersome. But due to some circumstances, I have to get married… So I needed a man who had the qualifications to marry me, but could also leave without complaining."

After saying so, Celestia took something out of her pocket and handed it to me. It was a metal rod that was the size of a pinky finger. The moment I grabbed it, a hologram appeared out of thin air like an unfolded scroll.

I read the letters that appeared.

"Consensual Divorce Agreement?" I asked.

"Yes, please do me a favour." Celestia bowed her head and elaborated, "Marry me for just three months."

1. This is a thing in South Korea's entertainment industry. It refers to a young female celebrity in her late teens to early twenties who is cute, bright, and innocent. IU is one of those with the title of Nation's Little Sister.

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