A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 47: At That Time, the Magic Division (1)

Chapter 47: At That Time, the Magic Division (1)

At that time, Barei, one of only three dukedom princes in the empire...

"Shit. I'm done!"

I was shaking.

Although it was unintentional, it was a magic tool that was used in front of the emperor of the empire. Baray still couldn't figure out what it was.

"I'm going to die. I'm going to die. After losing the right to succession and being kicked out of the family, he would be beheaded by an assassin sent by the empire... "

Baray, who had a thorough personality, seemed to be going crazy over that fact.

Since there was no problem until today, a considerable amount of time had passed, I think it was not a very special magic, but if so, I had to find evidence that it was definitely not a dangerous magic.

Baray had that kind of personality.

'Now that you think about it, His Majesty recently suddenly ordered the number of night guards to be reduced from two to one. Could it be that it is a magical effect? So for what? No, that can't be possible. That can't be possible. No, that might be true... '

In fact, there were some parts of Baray's thoughts that were correct, but he didn't have a chance to know that.

Because of this, Baray became more devastated day by day. And finally.

"So you ended up coming to me?"

"Okay. "Don't you know something?"

The beauty with twin tails standing alone with Barei with a sullen expression is Luca.

She is the princess of the Marti family, which is in charge of magic among the three ducal families, and she is also the commander of the imperial magic division.

Personally, Barei was a bit reluctant to meet Luca. There were several reasons, but one of them was the wizard's unique, eccentric personality.

And another one.

"If something like this had happened, you should have come to me right away. "No matter how hard you look, you won't be able to see it once."

"No, you're probably busy too, and I'm sorry... "

"What is there to be sorry about? You are welcome anytime. "What do you want me to do?"

Luke leans into her body and pushes her breasts, which have grown beautifully unlike when she was young.

Despite being at the center of power, the three ducal families are friendly to each other, and the three heirs are of similar age, so they grew up as childhood friends.

Now that Baray has another lover, his relationship with Luca has become a bit estranged.

As you can see, the reason was because Luca liked Barei.

He was not unaware of her outspoken appeal, and it was natural for him to feel burdened by Luca, who made a fuss even though she had a lover.

Again, Barei grabbed her Luke'a by the shoulder and pushed her away.

Luke is obediently pushed away even though she has a dissatisfied expression on her face. In her eyes, I could see the determination that she had not given up yet.

"So, do you think you understand?"

"Joy. Okay... Let's see. "Wait a moment."

Luca gathered a few tools and began examining the beads that Barei had brought, which appeared to be nothing more than transparent beads.

After muttering a spell that Barei couldn't understand, looking at it with something like a magnifying glass, or tapping it.

"Ah, this is that too."

"How is it. "Do you think you know anything?"

Baray is pleased with the response that he seems to know something.

"Recently, difficult-to-recognize magic tools are being discovered like this. Some are disposable, and some are semi-permanent if you just inject magical power into them. However, there is something in common... "

"What is it?"

When Luca paused after saying only that, Barei urged him on.

"They are all just dirty things. Things like being able to listen to everything the user says, being able to touch the body from a distance, being committed openly and not even noticing the person being violated, being a weak drug that leaves no traces and is not even noticeable... "

"... "

Baray was speechless for a moment at the explicit words coming out of the beautiful woman's mouth.

How did she accept that silence?

"I have a few samples posted as well? How is it. Are you interested? Baray, you could take a few of them out."

"W-what are you talking about! "I'm not interested in that!"

"Okay? I also used a few as an experiment, and they are amazing! There are also glasses that can see through any clothing and see the naked body. "You usually wear glasses at work, so no one will notice, right?"

Barei heard those words and inadvertently let his imagination run wild.

For example, Luca in front of me.

Even though Luca is completely covering her body with an experimental robe, we know that she has a feminine body underneath the robe because she looks so appealing.

The skin that is always covered will be pure white, and the curves that have been thoroughly managed as a craftsman will be beautiful.

When I was very young. If you weren't curious about what the body you once bathed with before secondary sexual characteristics would look like now, you weren't a man.

Or the Emperor, whom I always see on business.

People used to say that she did not look like a woman because she was the culprit of working overtime, but when viewed objectively, the emperor was clearly a woman full of charm.

A voluptuous breast full of motherhood, and a dress that exposes half of the upper part of the breast. When reporting, it was not uncommon for my gaze to inadvertently fall between those breasts. Perhaps she is familiar with the emperor as well, although she mostly pretends not to know and passes by.

Plus the charisma she possesses as the ruler of an empire. The emperor herself also possesses fighting power, so if he lets his mind go, he suddenly finds himself overwhelmed. Even though she has that kind of charisma, if you were to strip her and make it clear that she was just a female, she wouldn't be that conquered.

Or the first princess with pure charm.

Although she was educated and raised as a member of the royal family, the 1st princess grew up with an innocent side and even these days, she sometimes plays pranks on Barei. Although she was very busy, it was also a time when she could enjoy it like a child.

Although she was a pure first princess, the genes she inherited from the emperor were still intact, and she boasted of her beautiful appearance and excellent body with voluptuous breasts. She always kept it secret, though.

I want to be the first to leave a mark on that pure appearance. Anyone could have such a desire, and Baray was no exception.

Also, for example...

Barei, who had numerous delusions in a short moment, suddenly came to her senses when he realized that Luca was looking at her with a smirk.

"So Bareido was also a man? "You thought I wasn't interested in women again."

"Oh, no. You really don't need it? "Don't say anything weird."



Honestly, I was interested. There were a lot. However, everyone is bound to show off in front of their childhood friends. Baray maintained the attitude of not being interested at all.

The successors of two of the three ducal families that control the empire gathered together, but what happened was an ordinary battle of pride.

"I don't think so~ Well, I'll put it that way."

"It's not real... "

"Okay, okay. That being said, there is actually one more thing these magic tools have in common. "It's not something the magic tools themselves have in common."

When Luca finally changed the topic, Barei quickly jumped on the bandwagon, thinking he was alive.

"What is it?"

"They all say they got it from a suspicious person. Some people bought it, some just got it, and some said they picked it up after it was spilled, but they all got it from the same person."

"... "Are you saying that person is spreading it intentionally?"

"It would be correct to look at it that way. I don't know why you do that... "

"Can you tell me what to wear? Whatever the purpose, I need to hear it first."

"Okay. To be honest, it's hard to see because everything is covered, but I made a montage, so I'll give it to you when I go. By the way, will you be okay?"

"Huh? "What?"

"This is it. "I heard you wrote it in front of His Majesty the Emperor?"

Luca lifted the transparent bead.

"... Ah."

"Your Majesty is a rather beautiful person. Still. Do you want to do something dirty while writing about this?"

"Oh, no... Under. What should I do? "Isn't this really going to kill me?"

She laughed as she saw Barei's fidgeting, which was something Luke didn't usually see.

"You don't have to worry so much. After what I found out, the magic contained in this bead was nothing special. It just adds a little more persuasiveness to the words. If she were an ordinary woman, she wouldn't know what kind of fraud she would get into, but she's the emperor, right? At most, it would only have had the effect of making you wonder, 'Is that so?'"

Hearing that story, something came to mind for Baray. That day, she strangely seemed interested in her words to rest.

"Phew... So was that effective? Thank god... "I won't die."

"I guess you can guess something? I'm glad it wasn't a big deal."

"Okay. Thanks to this, she took a breather. Thank you."

Baray said his thanks and was about to leave. Because she still had to deal with the work that was piling up.

"What. Are you just going to go?"

"Uh. Why?"

"Because I helped. "You have to help me with my research too, right?"

Upon hearing her words, Barei reacted as if he remembered something she had forgotten.

"Ah... Right. It did. Why did I forget? It'll be over soon, right? "I'm busy."

"Okay. "I need to prepare a bit, so go into the inner room and wait a moment."

As Baray entered the inner room where no one could see, Luca revealed a dark corner to her cheerful atmosphere.

"You may not need it... Because I need something like this."

And after carefully locking the door so as not to be disturbed, she followed Baray into the room.

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